Find out what's on WUDT DAYSTAR tonight at the American TV Listings Guide
Time |
TV Show |
12:00 am |
Life Today with James Robison and Betty RobisonBe The Light |
12:30 am |
Joni Table TalkThe Love Awakening |
01:00 am |
Ministry Now! |
02:00 am |
Joni Table TalkJoni Music: Believe Part 1 |
02:30 am |
Reflections |
03:00 am |
Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!Issac Pitre |
03:30 am |
Reflections |
04:00 am |
Reflections |
04:30 am |
Reflections |
05:30 am |
Joseph PrinceRest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness |
06:00 am |
Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin |
06:30 am |
Voice of God with Joseph ZSalt and Light in Darkness - Season 1, Episode 10 |
07:00 am |
07:30 am |
The Potter's Touch with Bishop T.D. JakesKeep It Moving: The Fear Factor |
08:00 am |
08:30 am |
Gospel Truth With Andrew Wommack |
09:00 am |
The Jewish JesusTo Know Him by Name Season 3: God's Covenant Name Yahweh |
09:30 am |
Today With Marilyn and Sarah |
10:00 am |
10:30 am |
Creflo Dollar |
11:00 am |
11:30 am |
12:00 pm |
Ministry Now! |
1:00 pm |
Gary Keesee, Fixing the Money Thing |
1:30 pm |
Larry & Tiz Huch |
2:00 pm |
Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!Rebecca Greenwood |
2:30 pm |
Today With Marilyn and Sarah |
3:00 pm |
Joseph PrinceRest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness |
3:30 pm |
Rev it Up with Dr. Sam Kojoglanian |
4:00 pm |
Rick RennerA Fasted Life |
4:30 pm |
Believers' Walk of Faith with Bill Winston |
5:00 pm |
Harvest with Pastor Greg LaurieAntichrist, America and Armageddon - Season 1, Episode 35 |
5:30 pm |
Dr. David Jeremiah |
6:00 pm |
6:30 pm |
The OpenDoor Experience |
7:00 pm |
Talk Truth |
7:30 pm |
Joseph PrinceRest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness |
8:00 pm |
Gospel Truth With Andrew Wommack |
8:30 pm |
Joni Table TalkGoal Getter |
9:00 pm |
Ministry Now! |
10:00 pm |
All !N with Jordan EasleyGod's Mighty Messengers |
10:30 pm |
Real Life With Jack Hibbs |
11:00 pm |
Joel OsteenJust the Opposite |
11:30 pm |
Kenneth CopelandLove God by Keeping His Commandments |