WSFJ Jesus Christ Television

Find out what's on WSFJ Jesus Christ Television tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

TV Show
12:00 am
TV Movie Courageous (2011)
03:00 am
Paid Programming
03:30 am
Paid Programming
04:00 am
Paid Programming
04:30 am
Paid Programming
05:00 am
Paid Programming
05:30 am
Paid Programming
06:00 am
Paid Programming
06:30 am
Paid Programming
07:00 am
Paid Programming
07:30 am
Paid Programming
08:00 am
Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis
08:30 am
Know the Cause
09:00 am
TV Movie Case for Faith (2008)
11:00 am
TV Movie The Perfect Stranger (2005)
1:00 pm
TV Movie Another Perfect Stranger (2007)
3:00 pm
TV Movie God's Compass (2016)
5:30 pm
TV Movie The Song (2014)
8:00 pm
TV Movie Old Fashioned (2015)
10:30 pm
TV Movie Old Fashioned (2015)

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