
Tobot Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Two Boys, Two Bots

Ryan and Kory return home from school in their father's car, when suddenly a black van appears and snatches Franklin. As the twins panic, their father's car transforms and chases the black van. Ryan and Kory learn their car, Tobot X, was made by their father to protect them. Rather than asking the police for help, Ryan and Kory decide to look for him themselves.


Episode 2 - Roadways and Renegades

Dolly now knows the truth behind Ryan and Kory's Tobots. She decides to join their team. In fact, she tries to LEAD them. Remembering Franklin's warnings about the malfunctioning cars, Ryan and Kory decide to investigate thinking it will bring them closer to finding their father. Dolly tries to get help from other classmates but suddenly a malfunctioning school bus puts the kids in trouble.


Episode 3 - Right Lane, Wrong Lane

Behind the villainous Diluk, there's Limo, the CEO of Booroong Motors. Understanding the true identity of the Tobot, Limo orders Diluk to lure Tobot X into chasing the black van. Having lead Tobot X into a deserted area, the black van suddenly transforms into yet another giant robot! Help, Tobot X is in trouble!


Episode 4 - Twists and Turnpikes

Limo realizes that his old friend Franklin was captured by Diluk and goes to his headquarters. Because of all the car malfunctions, people have started to look for trusty Booroong cars. Officer Oh wants to pursue the malfunctioning car mystery but is unable to because her chief wants her to compete in a dance-off. She takes the previously collected SlugBot to search for the kids.


Episode 5 - Twins in Turbo

Franklin returns home with his two sons. Once he returns, he is shocked to see what a mess it is. The family decides to clean it together. Meanwhile, Diluk has returned from Limo's office to find a message from a mysterious woman named Acnee. She offers a large sum for the rights of Tobot Zero's artificial intelligence. She gives him a month's time to prepare and an army of Bikerbots to help.


Episode 6 - Signs and Shortcuts

Acnee's new weapon is called the Acbot. In order to control this robot, Diluk needs to read a thick instruction manual. Dolly pleads with the twins to bring the robots to school, but the boys refuse. The next day, the kids surround and make fun of Dolly for being a liar for saying that she knows where the Tobots live, when Tobot X and Tobot Y appear.


Episode 7 - Clash and Dash

The Acbot requires a lot of energy to charge which causes Diluk to freak out as he's almost bankrupt from paying electric bills. Diluk asks the Bikerbots to find a way to make more money. He also considers working at a chicken store when he bumps into the twins. They are so busy arguing that they don't see the Tobots being towed for a parking violation.


Episode 8 - Machine Mania

Having lost their Tobots, the twins are furious. The two feel useless without them. While the boys work out their differences, Dolly realizes the comments on the fan site were created by Diluk! After more investigating, Dolly finds Diluk's quarters and the twins set off to reclaim their Tobots.


Episode 9 - Taking Rides, Taking Sides

Ryan and Kory see Dylan at a mart as he catches a thief by tripping him. They are amused by this quiet boy. Franklin decides to take Dylan under his wing, and the twins are surprised to see the same boy from the mart inside their home. Meanwhile, as Diluk is being transported to jail, he is able to escape with Acnee's help.


Episode 10 - Power Up, Power Out

Dolly sees Dylan and Diluk together and tells Ryan and Kory who realize that their suspicions were right! Dylan is Diluk's spy. Meanwhile, in order to sway Dylan, Diluk lies that Limo is in jail because Franklin framed him.


Episode 11 - Zoom and Gloom

Because the clouds have fully taken over the sun, the Tobots are unable to complete the charge. Diluk is delighted by these advancements. Without the sun the Tobots are unable to recharge! Diluk plans on exhausting all of the Tobots' energy by releasing the Bikerbots.


Episode 12 - Axels and Allies

After chased by the Bikerbots, Dylan suffers an injury. Officer Oh discovers Dylan and takes him back to Franklin. Ryan and Kory are surprised when they find out that Limo made artificial limbs for Dylan after he suffered an accident. Franklin helps to fix Dylan's limbs, and he leaves for Diluk's quarters to find Z so that he can help X and Y.


Episode 13 - Fueled up Fakers

The Tobots are so popular that they now have their own musical. Ryan and Kory are dying to tell everyone that they are the pilots, but Dylan is not as willing. Timmy's a huge Tobot fan and believes his older brother, Nathan, is also a Tobot pilot.


Episode 14 - Hot Rods and Heroes

Ryan, Kory, and Dylan are upset when they read the article that claims Nathan is the true Tobot pilot and decide to confront him at the junkyard. Nathan and Timmy slip past the crowd of reporters that have appeared at school and return home where they meet the twins and Dylan. Acnee discovers that Nathan is a computer genius and orders Diluk to use the boy to revenge the Tobot pilots.


Episode 15 - Wheels and Deals

Diluk is at the bank with a drilling machine when the Tobots arrive! They start fighting but suddenly the Tobots show strange behavior caused by the virus.


Episode 16 - New Friends, New Features

Nathan shows Timmy clips of the Tobot causing trouble in the city. Nathan is surprised to see his brother is sad. In tears, Timmy explains that he doesn't care if the Tobots are heroes, but he cares because they're his friends! At the police station, Officer Oh persuades Franklin to reveal the truth behind the pilots. Realizing why Nathan had to lie to Timmy about Zaritan, Kory is further humbled.


Episode 17 - Tails and Tailpipes

Since the villains are less active, the kids are feeling restless. Franklin suggests that they begin community service. The Tobots assist the inhabitants in directing traffic among other things. Meanwhile, Professor Noh steals a powerful device he invented called the Corona Lens but it falls into a manhole.


Episode 18 - Race to Rescue

While Professor Noh waits for his Puppybot to return with Franklin, Diluk randomly drops his snack into the very hole that Professor Noh is trapped in! He races to Acnee to tell her of the news, who then releases her Seekerbots.


Episode 19 - Dents and Detours

Professor Noh explains the power of the Corona Lens. Ryan, Kory, and Dylan realize that the Lens could destroy the Tobots, and decide that they need to find it before Acnee does.


Episode 20 - Merging of Minds

Now that the Cyclops has secured the lens it's able to shoot beams. Tritan narrowly dodges the attack and its ear is badly damaged. The kids are afraid and run away. Acnee orders the Cyclops retreat and she sets out to look for Diluk and the Bikerbots.


Episode 21 - Brushes with Bikers

Once again, the city is in an uproar with the arrival of a cat-shaped UFO. Franklin and Professor Noh are proud that Tobot X and Y are ready to take off!


Episode 22 - Diesel and Decoys

It's summer vacation and all the kids want to do is play games. Franklin scolds the boys for wasting their time so the they begin to work on their bean growing kit. Kory and Dylan have been spying on Neon and Dolly tells them that everyone is talking about the Red Rider! The kids are convinced that Neon is the Red Rider, and begin to collect evidence to prove it.


Episode 23 - Red Light Runaway

As Kory stands up against the Rockinbot, Diluk suddenly appears in a self-made hero costume and calls himself the Blue Rider. Diluk mistakenly presses the Turbo-booster button and sends his bike flying into Rockinbot's head, bringing Neon to the ground with it.


Episode 24 - Lost and Losing Ground

Under the guidance of the twins, Neon begins to work on aligning his voice with Tobot X and Y's Smart Keys. Acnee orders Neon to bring her the Tobots but Neon resists, telling her that he cannot betray his friends.


Episode 25 - Gauges and Gross Outs

Diluk breaks into Nathan's junkyard and plans to steal all the car scraps. The Tobots have been placed in the junkyard to lure Diluk and to save Nathan.


Episode 26 - Voter Veer Off

There is a flurry of activity as the Spy Flies try to spy on the kids and their construction of the new Tobot. As Acnee monitors the activity, she suddenly thinks back to the time when she participated in a robot competition.


Episode 27 - W, Diverted

Due to Officer Oh's recent success in fighting the Stinkerbot, she ranks number one on the Tobot W pilot contest. Diluk tries to get his own dose of winning, by attacking the police office using the Stinkerbot attack.


Episode 28 - Raptorbot Rampage

Successful in distracting the Tobots, Acnee heads to the garage that houses their secret. The Tobots initiate the Tritan transformation to fight against the Raptorbot. The Raptorbot has new capabilities that the Tobot team were not ready for, and the fight is a struggle.


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