Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World Season 6 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 6 of Boy Meets World tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 6 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - His Answer

Cory accepts Topanga's proposal and they set off to tie the knot, while Shawn announces he's moving out of the apartment.


Episode 2 - Her Answer

At the chapel, Topanga says I' can't,' but that night she says she will... later.


Episode 3 - Ain't College Great?

It's the first day of college and Cory fears he's not ready for it.


Episode 4 - Friendly Persuasion

Shawn and Angela break up and Mr. Feeny is offered a job as a professor at Pennbrook college.


Episode 5 - Better Than the Average Cory

Cory meets a child prodigy, and regrets being just average.


Episode 6 - Hogs and Kisses

When Shawn has to kiss Topanga for a video, Cory becomes convinced there's more between them than meets the eye.


Episode 7 - Everybody Loves Stuart

After Topanga's professor makes a pass at her, the confrontation between Cory and the teacher gets out of hand. Fred Savage guest stars.


Episode 8 - You're Married, You're Dead

Teased by the guys about Topanga's control over him, Cory sets out to prove them wrong and nearly loses his engagement ring in the process.


Episode 9 - Poetic License: An Ode to Holden Caulfield

A poem written by Shawn stirs up unresolved feelings between him and Angela.


Episode 10 - And In Case I Don't See Ya

While trying to be popular, Eric begins recording his, Rachel's and Jack's lives 24 hours a day, while Cory and Shawn take advantage of their friendship with Mr. Feeny.


Episode 11 - Santa's Little Helpers

Everyone is hit by the holiday spirit; Cory and Topanga can't keep from meddling in Shawn and Angela's relationship.


Episode 12 - Cutting the Cord

Shawn and Angela decide to get on with their lives, while Cory questions Shawn's choice to skip from girl to girl without facing how he really feels.


Episode 13 - We'll Have a Good Time Then...

Jack and Shawn's father, Chet, returns to town and they are forced to re-evaluate their relationship when he has a heart attack.


Episode 14 - Getting Hitched

Cory and Topanga do poorly when they play 'The Engagement Game'; Shawn gets some surprising news.


Episode 15 - Road Trip

Cory and Shawn take a trip to try and clear their heads, and along the way meet four girls who are trying to leave town to follow their dream.


Episode 16 - My Baby Valentine

Cory's special plans for Valentine's Day are in trouble when Topanga decides to throw a baby shower for Amy.


Episode 17 - Resurrection

Cory turns to Topanga for comfort while they wait for word on Amy and Alan's baby, but she feels he should face the harsh reality of the situation.


Episode 18 - Can I Help to Cheer You?

Eric contemplates a major commitment; Cory and Topanga continue to pursue their plans for a wedding.


Episode 19 - Bee True

Eric, Cory and Shawn work together to help Feeny win Dean Bolander's heart.


Episode 20 - The Truth About Honesty

Cory and his friends discover that telling the absolute truth may not always be wise, while Eric learns the perils of not telling the truth.


Episode 21 - The Psychotic Episode

Cory's nightmares reveal his underlying fears about marriage; Eric moves in with a strange and scary character.


Episode 22 - State of the Unions

While Feeny and Dean Bolander make a binding commitment to one another, everyone else's relationships seem to be coming apart.


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