HIT Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Episode 1

Four cars burn in the parking lot of the Anne Frank school. It is the drop that fills the glass. The situation is untenable and Ester, the director, can't take it anymore. If it persists, parents will end up taking their children out of the center, which would mean the closure of the school or, in other words, the end of Esther's mother's legacy.


Episode 2 - Episode 2

The first thing Hugo has to do to cure the Anne Frank school is to identify the disease: a group of nine students whom he considers responsible for all the ills of the center. In order to work with them and apply their method, you first need to convince the parents to sign the authorization and agree to subject their children to such exceptional dynamics.


Episode 3 - Episode 3

The first thing to treat a disease is to make a good diagnosis. Therefore, Hugo's first class consists of locking the boys in the gym and that they begin to accept each other, to know each other. To assume that they are people whose actions have consequences. To do this, Hugo makes them confront themselves. It forces them to explore themselves, to find what defines them and to name it.


Episode 4 - La Limpia

Hugo quiere que los chicos aprendan y por eso les lleva de excursión al vertedero. Lugar donde trabaja Nassir, el padre de Nourdin, con quien no acaba de tener una buena relación. Nassir quiere que su hijo trabaje en el vertedero, junto a él, algo que a Nourdin no acaba de gustarle.


Episode 5 - Episode 5

The boys follow his progress: the problem is that the demands are so high that Hugo's fatigue and frustration also grows: day by day he has to deal with the mistrust of some of the teachers, the lukewarm support from Ester and the complaint from some of the parents.


Episode 6 - Episode 6

New problems come to 'HIT'. Hugo has dropped out of school after the incident with the Ministry. Although he believes that he did it motivated by dignity, it is actually his enormous fear of failure that makes him take the easy route and flee. The problem is that this flight has the worst of destinations: alcohol. After 18 months without drinking, Hugo relapses.


Episode 7 - Episode 7

Now is the time to face your fears and frustrations. To do this, Hugo organizes an escape room in one of the two pavilions in the center. He locks the boys inside and forces them to work as a team so they can escape before time runs out. The game will bring up more than one problem between them.


Episode 8 - Episode 8

The boys will have to review their past injuries. The past conditions. It is a backpack that we carry throughout our lives. To the point that if it weighs a lot, it can deform us. Hugo asks the boys to bring an object to class that tells something about his family.


Episode 9 - Episode 9

The focus this week will be on Jaco: he does not know what to do with his life, but he does know that he does not want to study, so he decides not to appear for the exams. Hugo has a conversation with him, where he discovers that what Jaco really wants is to go back to his country. Hugo makes an agreement with the boy to make an effort and take the exams.


Episode 10 - Episode 10

Lena, Andrés, Darío, Erika, Gus, Jaco, Marga, Nourdin and Silvia live an exciting final encounter. It is the last class, the last time they will be with Hugo and the last time the nine do something together. After the show, the boys will receive the notes and with them, the decision of what to do with the rest of their lives.



Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3

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