
Kipper Season 3 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 3 of Kipper tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Lost Mug

Kipper goes with Pig and Arnold to the woods to find Arnold's lost trainer mug. Soon the mug isn't the only thing that's missing - Arnold is too.


Episode 2 - The Rescue

Kipper and his friends are at the beach. Arnold wants to go in a pedal boat but everyone tells him he's too small. In the end Arnold gets his ride - in the most surprising way!


Episode 3 - The Picnic

Kipper and Tiger's picnic is going very well until Pig tramples on their sandwiches, a wasp attacks them and they're invaded by ants.


Episode 4 - Christmas Eve

Kipper's got his tree, everyone's presents are under it and his note to Father Christmas is simple. Only Arnold, it seems, can't wait until Christmas Day


Episode 5 - The Treasure Hunt

Kipper and Tiger search for buried treasure with a metal detector. They find all kinds of things - even some toys Arnold had lost in the sandpit - but no treasure.


Episode 6 - Jake's Bird

Kipper is enjoying feeding cornflakes to Jake's bird. Then Pig lets Fluff escape. Will they ever find him? Of course they will!


Episode 7 - The Dinosaur

Kipper and Tiger are having fun jumping in puddles and making footprints with their muddy boots. Then they find a HUGE footprint but it isn't one of theirs. Who, or what, made it?


Episode 8 - Tiger's Sledge

Tiger is happy when it snows - now they can go down Big Hill on his new sledge. But Pig and Arnold get in the way and Kipper has to think quickly when the sledge gets broken.


Episode 9 - The Swimming Pool

It's a very hot day and Kipper, Tiger, Pig and Arnold go to the pool. Everyone's looking forward to cool water and wave machines - except Tiger.


Episode 10 - The Magic Act

Kipper puts on a magic show for his friends but no one thinks his tricks are very good until he decides to make Arnold disappear and can't get him back.


Episode 11 - Cakes And Tails

Kipper and Tiger arrange to meet Pig in the park but they keep missing each other and then Kipper and Tiger think they hear a lion in the undergrowth...


Episode 12 - Arnold's Balloon Trip

Arnold has floated into the sky, hanging onto a balloon. Before Kipper, Tiger and Pig rescue him, he manages to fit in a visit to a mountain full of ice cream and sweets!


Episode 13 - The Long Walk

Kipper and Tiger decide to be explorers. Tiger wears his special red exploring coat which comes in useful at unexpected times - like when they meet a bull - or a scarecrow.



Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3

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