Mr. Osomatsu

Mr. Osomatsu Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Mr. Osomatsu Returns!

Iyami and Chibita go looking for the Matsuno brothers to see if they have changed their ways.


Episode 2 - Congratulations! Employment!; Super-Detergent

The brothers try their hand at internet streaming; a detergent turns the siblings invisible.


Episode 3 - Cavematsu; Choromatsu and Ichimatsu; Totoko's Challenge

Mammoths; Choromatsu and Ichimatsu are awkward; Totoko takes part in an eating contest.


Episode 4 - Cavematsu 2; Matsuzou and Matsuyo

The brothers try to help their father reignite the spark in his relationship with Matsuyo.


Episode 5 - Osomatsu in the Summer

The boys and their friends get caught up in a series of incidents over the summer.


Episode 6 - Iyami Has Arrived; I Want Some Friends

Iyami is down on his luck and asks the boys for help; Hatabou has some trouble finding friends.


Episode 7 - Mr. Three Kingdoms; Osomatsu and Todomatsu

A parody of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; Osomatsu joins Todomatsu at a mixer.


Episode 8 - Synthesis; Jyushimatsu and the Dolphin; Totoko and Nyaa

Dekapan's latest invention; Jyushimatsu wants to be a dolphin; Totoko and Nyaa encounter each other.


Episode 9 - Campaign Starting Now!; Arcade Iyami; Totoko and Nyaa 2

Ichimatsu monitors the brothers' courtesy toward each other; Iyami reveals skills at an arcade.


Episode 10 - Karamatsu and Brothers; New Employee Totoko; Mr. Dubbingmatsu

Karamatsu tries to be reliable; Totoko is hired by Todomatsu; Mr. Osomatsu's recording session.


Episode 11 - Chibita's Revenge

Chibita reaches a breaking point and begins hunting the sextuplets to exact his revenge.


Episode 12 - Totoko and Nyaa 3; The Eitarou Family; Give Them Back; Totoko and Nyaa 4

A boy idolizes Jyushimatsu and asks to be his apprentice; Dayon steals Prof. Dekapan's pants.


Episode 13 - End of the Year

Year-end skits including Ichimatsu taking part in a lottery and Choromatsu sending New Year's cards.


Episode 14 - Mr. Sanematsu; UMA Expedition Team; The Choromatsu Incident

A miracle of sorts for the anti-social Sanematsu; Choromatsu debuts his new look to his brothers.


Episode 15 - UMA Expedition Team 2; Jar; Karamatsu Taxi; Totty Quiz

Ichimatsu can't open a jar; Karamatsu is a taxi driver; the annual New Year's Totty Quiz.


Episode 16 - Space Pirate; Gourmet Episode; The Cutie Next Door

The Space Pirate Shazaar makes a change; a cute girl moves in next door and befriends the boys.


Episode 17 - UMA Expedition Team 3; Punishment!; Inn

Ichimatsu feels too many good things are happening; Karahiko and Todomi stay at a haunted inn.


Episode 18 - Iyami, Alone in the Wind

Iyami comes across a blind flower girl named Okiku and tries to help her raise money for surgery.


Episode 19 - President Dekapan; Ventriloquism; Valentine's Day

Dekapan becomes president; Iyami sets up a new con; brothers hope to get Valentine's Day chocolates.


Episode 20 - Tidbits Collection 2

Chibita tries to sell sextuplet meats buns; Jyushimatsu becomes a raccoon; Totoko in a creepy maze.


Episode 21 - Late Night Himatsuya; BANANA; NEET Correctional Facility

The brothers get rowdy at a ramen shop; Matsuyo may send a son to a NEET correctional facility.


Episode 22 - Overseas Vacation

Everyone hops on Hatabou's private jet for a trip to Hawaii, but something goes wrong.


Episode 23 - Dayon and Dayon; Iyami is Troubled; Late Night Himatsuya 2+3

The secret life of Dayon is finally revealed; Iyami feels like he doesn't belong on the show.


Episode 24 - Cherry Blossoms

When Matsuzou's health fails, the sextuplets have to start thinking seriously about their futures.


Episode 25 - Mr. Osomatsu in Hell

Iyami crashes a plane into the brothers' house, killing them all and sending them to the underworld.



Season 1 , Season 2

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