Shin chan Spin-off

Shin chan Spin-off Season 1 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 1 of Shin chan Spin-off tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Awakening

10 people and a dog wake up in an unfamiliar spaceship. Why are they here? Nobody knows. Then they hear an eerie roar. What's going on? What will become of the Nohara family?


Episode 2 - Passengers

100 years had passed while Shinnosuke and the others were hibernating. When they introduce themselves, they discover that the mall's parking lot is the last memory they all have. They cooperate to locate a small ship to get back to Earth.


Episode 3 - Who Did It?

The small ship Shinnosuke and Ellen find suddenly explodes. Who blew it up and what for? Was the culprit one of them? Meanwhile, Hiroshi stumbles upon a mysterious door.


Episode 4 - True Identity

Hiroshi brings back a bottle of an 100-year-old Soda Gold. Shinnosuke attempts to drink some out of hunger. Then they find a pillar of sweet jelly-like food. However, when they tentatively try to eat some...


Episode 5 - Food

"Mr. Smith" was actually Jiro Jailbreaker, a fugitive sentenced to 800 years in prison. He takes control of all the food. As Takosuke butters up to Jailbreaker and gets some, Hiroshi begs to get a small share for his family. Meanwhile, Ellen notices something about the capsules they woke up in.


Episode 6 - 10 People and a Dog!

Micchi and Yoshirin disappear. Shinnosuke and a few others search for them and find something else. They find out there's one less capsule than the number of humans on board. No human could live for a 100 years without being stored in one. Could there be an alien among them?


Episode 7 - Proof of Being Human

Shiro suddenly grows bigger and Jailbreaker suspects that the dog is actually the alien. Hiroshi suggests a way to determine whether someone is human or not. As they take turns taking the test, Shiro changes even further.


Episode 8 - Escape from Prison

Everyone becomes paranoid. Jailbreaker sits before the food with his laser gun in hand. But people become hungry even under such tense circumstances. The situation takes a sudden turn when Shinnosuke mentions the Chocobi snack he saw in a closed-off room.


Episode 9 - Mealtime

The middle-aged woman among them was actually a robot! She captures Shinnosuke and the others and confines them, but Jailbreaker leads the way and they make a break for it. Then Ellen goes to retrieve James, where she finds…


Episode 10 - Tonsil

An alien called "Buttman" finally appears before them. The people were brought on board as Buttman's food. Buttman attacks, but they manage to escape to the food storage room. There, the robot takes Himawari as hostage and tells them the surprising truth.


Episode 11 - Butts

A "tonsil" robot emerges from the woman-shaped shell. They make the tonsil robot tell them the way to return to Earth. The detonator is activated and the mother ship begins to explode everywhere as they hurry to the cockpit. Led by the tonsil robot, they pass through a chamber where they encounter...


Episode 12 - Buttmen vs. Shinnosuke

Attacked by Buttmen, they break up and run in different directions. Shinnosuke pulls away from Hiroshi to save Shiro. His parents try to stop him but they are separated from the others by a fire shutter. Meanwhile, Jailbreaker and Takosuke arrive at the cockpit first. Will they decide to take off without the others?


Episode 13 - To Earth

Shinnosuke and Buttman face off. The silliest 5-year-old on Earth and the perfect life form from space clash in a fierce battle of butts. Who will come out victorious? And will Shinnosuke and the others be able to make it back to Earth?


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