Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 1 of Star Trek: The Original Series tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Man Trap

Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy meets a former girlfriend when the Enterprise brings supplies to a remote archaeological survey group. Still attractive to McCoy, the woman's current appearance and her colleague hide a deadly secret, ultimately revealed as a tragedy of ecology.


Episode 2 - Charlie X

Raised from infancy by noncorporeal beings, 17-year-old Charles Evans is ferried by an Enterprise crew unaware of his true nature. Once aboard, the teenager develops a crush on Yeoman Rand and proves dangerously unable to wield his enormous psionic powers with maturity until higher authorities intervene.


Episode 3 - Where No Man Has Gone Before

While exploring the energy barrier at galaxy's edge that crippled an earlier ship, Kirk's long-time friend and crewmate Gary Mitchell begins mutating into a god-like entity disdainful of the "mortals" around him. Can the captain overcome his own feelings for his friend before the new entity grows too powerful to stop?


Episode 4 - The Naked Time

An alien virus picked up from the now-dead Psi 2000 outpost strips the crew of their inhibitions, causing chaos as each individual is overcome by hidden emotions -- even Spock. Meanwhile, the disabled crew have left the Enterprise unable to react to the planet break-up below that is pulling them down.


Episode 5 - The Enemy Within

A magnetic ore brought back from Alfa 177 causes a beam break-up in the transporter, splitting Captain Kirk into two different beings: one "good" and one "evil." The malfunction must be repaired before Sulu's stranded landing party freezes to death -- and Kirk's separated "halves" perish.


Episode 6 - Mudd's Women

Just as his ship is destroyed by an asteroid field, conman Harry Mudd and his "cargo" of three beautiful wives for lonely miners are rescued by the Enterprise and arrested. The rescue burns out the big starship's dilithium crystals, but Kirk's unhappy reliance on Mudd's clients for replacements is in jeopardy when the women's real secret is exposed.


Episode 7 - What Are Little Girls Made Of

Viewers are introduced to Nurse Christine Chapel in this story as she signs aboard the crew to search for her missing fiance, the brilliant Dr. Korby. He turns up on Exo III, oddly working on a plan to create android duplicates of key figures, beginning with James Kirk — until the captain sabotages his duplicate to alert Spock.


Episode 8 - Miri

On a planet just like Earth that is populated only by children, Kirk's landing party contracts the virus that killed adults while stretching the youngsters' lifespan to hundreds of years. Enduring the natives' bizarre and violent tactics, the trapped party must cure themselves and the children — including one who has a crush on Kirk.


Episode 9 - Dagger of the Mind

Tipped off by a crazed runaway who is far more than he seems, Kirk investigates an experimental facility at Tantalus II for mentally ill criminals and finds a sinister scheme behind its amazing research.


Episode 10 - The Corbomite Maneuver

While exploring an uncharted area of space, the Enterprise is outmatched and taken in tow by a massive spherical spaceship. Doomed by the imposing being Balok and his huge ship, Kirk finally resorts to a bluff about a self-destruct system that will also destroy Balok's ship -- and the gamble pays off with surprising results.


Episode 11 - The Menagerie - Part 1

Apparently summoned to Starbase 11, Kirk, Spock and McCoy visit a former Enterprise commander, the paralyzed and horribly disfigured Christopher Pike. Incredibly, Spock then kidnaps his old captain, commandeers the Enterprise without Kirk, sets it on a forbidden course, and then turns himself in for court-martial. (Part 1 in Star Trek's only two-parter)


Episode 12 - The Menagerie - Part 2

Forced to watch Talosian transmissions of Captain Pike's visit during Spock's shipboard trial, Kirk learns just why their planet is off-limits under penalty of death — and why Spock wants to return his former captain there. (Part 2 in Star Trek's only two-parter)


Episode 13 - The Conscience of the King

As one of the two surviving witnesses to the mass murders of "Kodos the Executioner," Kirk learns that the criminal may be disguising himself as an actor in a traveling troupe. But Shakespeare has nothing on this real-life tragedy once Kirk meets the suspect's beautiful daughter.


Episode 14 - Balance of Terror

Like the Enterprise crew, viewers got their first look at the Romulans in this tale as Kirk engages the enemy commander in a cat-and-mouse game of wits. How should Kirk react as the Romulans wipe out century-old treaty border outposts with a new superweapon, and Spock's loyalty is suddenly questioned?


Episode 15 - Shore Leave

When McCoy sees the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and is later stabbed by a black knight, the crew begins to realize that the idyllic planet they are visiting is anything but. Somehow, the planet holds the dangerous power to turn any thought into reality.


Episode 16 - The Galileo Seven

Crash-landing on Taurus II, the seven crewmembers aboard the Shuttlecraft Galileo are unable to communicate with the Enterprise or to escape the planet's atmosphere and its hostile, giant natives. Spock's first command finds him with a restless crew as he faces the failures of logic at every turn.


Episode 17 - The Squire of Gothos

Encountering an uncharted planet in an empty region of space, Kirk and his crew are entertained by Trelane, a playful being who lacks the self control to wield his great psionic powers with discipline. When he threatens the whole ship, Kirk himself faces down Trelane's tantrums until relief surprisingly arrives.


Episode 18 - Arena

To settle a skirmish between the Enterprise and a Gorn ship, a powerful race calling itself the Metrons force Kirk and the Gorn captain to fight to the death on a empty world, using only their wits and natural materials. The captain eventually finds empathy with the Gorn, surprising not only him but the Metrons as well.


Episode 19 - Tomorrow Is Yesterday

Transported back in time to 20th century Earth by a black star's gravity well, Kirk rescues the pilot of a destroyed U.S. interceptor plane who had seen the ship as a UFO. Now the pilot must be returned without altering Earth's future — and the Enterprise and crew get back to their own time.


Episode 20 - Court Martial

Arriving at Starbase 11, Kirk faces court-martial for negligence resulting in the death of a colleague. Accused by the victim's family and prosecuted by a former lover, Kirk's career seems doomed until an unlikely attorney and Spock's chess game uncover the truth.


Episode 21 - The Return of the Archons

Searching Beta III for survivors of the USS Archon, Kirk and crew discover a society whose citizens appear to be staid and respectable, until the advent of "Red Hour" allows them to run amok. Kirk and Spock avoid being "absorbed" into the "body" long enough to discover the bizarre source of the planet's unity.


Episode 22 - Space Seed

Kirk meets Khan, a leader of Earth's Eugenics War of the 1990s who has been preserved in a old cryo-stasis ship along with dozens of his fellow genetically-bred "supermen." But Khan is anything but an antiquity, and his ambition and ruthlessness burn anew in a bid to hijack the Enterprise with the help of an admiring female officer.


Episode 23 - A Taste of Armageddon

Ordered to open relations with Eminiar VII, the Enterprise finds itself tagged in a mutual "computer war" with the planet's neighbor, Vendikar. The idea that citizens report voluntarily for disintegration according to the program of the "clean" war drives Kirk to dirty things up at the source, forcing a real peace.


Episode 24 - This Side of Paradise

The Enterprise visits a colony where flower spores provide the settlers with peaceful contentment — and Spock finds he can experience love. The spores also offer protection from fatal stellar radiation, but Kirk's crew finds they also have a more sinister effect.


Episode 25 - The Devil In the Dark

When mysterious deaths and damage in the mines of Janus VI threaten operations at several colony worlds, Kirk and Spock find not a monster but a mother — a silicon-based lifeform just doing its duty. The foe becomes a friend thanks to McCoy's cure by concrete and the Vulcan's mind-meld.


Episode 26 - Errand of Mercy

In the first episode to feature the Klingons, Kirk and Spock intervene to offer protection to the people of a planet caught dangerously between the Empire and the Federation. But the seemingly lethargic Organians turn out to have a few surprises of their own.


Episode 27 - The Alternative Factor

When the entire universe seems to "blink," the Enterprise suspects invasion but finds only Lazarus, a man who seems to alternate between two different extremes of nature. In time, "he" is found to be two twinned beings locked in eternal struggle between their matter and anti-matter universes — a rift Kirk must help seal.


Episode 28 - The City On the Edge of Forever

Accidentally overdosing on medication, a psychotic McCoy leaps through a time portal into the 1930s and somehow disrupts Earth's future so that the Federation and Starfleet do not exist. The stranded Kirk and Spock follow him back to set things right, where a tragic love tests Kirk's resolve.


Episode 29 - Operation Annihilate

Kirk's brother, his wife, and much of the Deneva colony are found dead from a mysterious epidemic of mass insanity. Spock too becomes infected but survives with Vulcan techniques until he is blinded by the cure McCoy tests on him.



Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3

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