The Addams Family

The Addams Family Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Addams Family Goes To School

Morticia decides to keep the children home from school after she sees the fairy tales they have to read. When the truant officer comes to investigate, he is shocked at what he finds.


Episode 2 - Morticia and The Psychiatrist

Pugsley abandons his pet octopus for a puppy and, distraught, Morticia seeks the counsel of a psychiatrist.


Episode 3 - Fester's Punctured Romance

Uncle Fester convinces Gomez and Morticia that it is time for him to find a mate. Fester conducts his search by putting an ad in a news-paper.


Episode 4 - Gomez, the Politician

Election fever grips the Addams household, as Gomez supports the council candidate whose campaign promise is to drain the town's disgusting bogs. Morticia, who likes "the lovely bogs," labels the candidate an extremist.


Episode 5 - The Addams Family Tree

Pugsley and Wednesday start a row at a birthday party when their gift upsets Harold, the birthday boy. Harold's parents decide that the Addams children lack breeding and forbid them playing together.


Episode 6 - Morticia Joins the Ladies League

Gorgo, an escaped circus gorilla, is accepted as one of the family which shocks the Ladies League members Morticia's invited to tea.


Episode 7 - Halloween With the Addams Family

A pair of bank robbers are welcomed as Halloween trick-or-treaters by Morticia and Gomez.


Episode 8 - Green Eyed Gomez

When Lionel Barker, a former suitor of Morticia's, shows up, Gomez is jealous. But he's soon calmed when he learns that Barker is after Mildred, the new maid.


Episode 9 - New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family

A pair of newlyweds leases the house next door to the Addams Family. But the honeymoon loses its tranquility when Uncle Fester enters their house through a tunnel.


Episode 10 - Wednesday Leaves Home

The family faces a crisis when Wednesday packs her spider and runs away (after being scolded for playing with Uncle Fester's TNT instead of her own).


Episode 11 - The Addams Family Meets the V.I.P.'s

Official visitors from an unfriendly nation receive the shock of their lives when they decide to exploit the Addams Family as an average uncultured American family.


Episode 12 - Morticia, The Matchmaker

Morticia's cousin, Melancholia, wants to marry Clarence P. Harvey after most of her marital prospects have joined the Foreign Legion.


Episode 13 - Lurch Learns to Dance

Lurch takes dancing lessons at Gomez and Morticia's suggestion, after he admits to being a wallflower.


Episode 14 - The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik

A beatnik crashes his motorbike into a tree and recuperates at the Addams house. Each regards the other as an oddity.


Episode 15 - Art and the Addams Family

Grandmama's paintings leave an art critic speechless, so Gomez sends for his friend, Sam Picasso, to teach Grandmama to paint in the abstract.


Episode 16 - The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man

The postman is hired by the government to do undercover work in the Addams house. He investigates rumors that coded radio messages are being sent from the house.


Episode 17 - Mother Lurch visits the Addams Family

Lurch's tiny fire-eating mother visits and demands that Lurch's employers wait on her boy hand-and-foot.


Episode 18 - Uncle Fester's Illness

Uncle Fester's electrical output fails abruptly. His relatives don't know whether to call a doctor or an electrician to bring Fester back to full wattage.


Episode 19 - The Addams Family Splurges

The family would like to vacation on the moon, but the billion dollar travel cost is slightly prohibitive.


Episode 20 - Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family

Gomez uses his influence to promote Cousin Itt for a job as curator of the local zoo but the zookeepers think Itt should be on display.


Episode 21 - The Addams Family in Court

Grandmama is hauled off to jail for setting up a fortune-telling booth in the Addamses' living room. Gomez acts as her attorney.


Episode 22 - Amnesia In the Addams Family

Gomez loses his memory after hitting his head. The Addamses take turns hitting Gomez on the head trying to help him regain his memory.


Episode 23 - Thing is Missing

Thing disappears from his box. Failing to find a single trace of Thing, Gomez conducts an investigation.


Episode 24 - Crisis in the Addams Family

Uncle Fester applies for a job as an insurance salesman with the same company which is threatening to cancel the Addamses' policy.


Episode 25 - Lurch and His Harpsicord

Lurch becomes inconsolable when Gomez donates the family harpsichord to a collector. Gomez and Fester decide to build a new harpsichord.


Episode 26 - Morticia, the Breadwinner

When Morticia hears the stock market has crashed, she assumes that Gomez has been financially wiped out and rallies the family to help make money.


Episode 27 - The Addams Family and the Spaceman

While enjoying a moonlight picnic, the Addams Family is mistaken for Martians by investigators from Mysterious Space Objects Headquarters.


Episode 28 - My Son, the Chimp

An organ grinder's fugitive monkey leads Fester to believe that he has turned Pugsley into a monkey and Fester convinces the rest of the family of it.


Episode 29 - Morticia's Favorite Charity

Morticia's favorite charity is having an auction; so Morticia persuades her family to part with things to sell.


Episode 30 - Progress and the Addams Family

The Addams Family ignores notices that their house is to be condemned to make way for a freeway.


Episode 31 - Uncle Fester's Toupee

Uncle Fester's Midwestern pen pal, Madelyn, is coming to visit. Fester panics, as he has described himself as handsome, heroic and romantic.


Episode 32 - Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor

Morticia and Gomez are worried about Cousin Itt because he spends his days sleeping and dreaming in his tiny room.


Episode 33 - Lurch, the Teenage Idol

A recording company's platter of Lurch's gravelly voice brings a screaming mob of teenage fans to the Addams house.


Episode 34 - The Winning of Morticia Addams

A pronouncement that the only happily married couples are those who fight, gives members of the Addams household ideas about Gomez and Morticia.



Season 1

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