The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch Season 5 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 5 of The Brady Bunch tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 5 Episode Guide

Episode 2 - Mail Order Hero

Bobby pretends that he is dying to get Joe Namath to the house.


Episode 5 - Peter and the Wolf

Peter poses as an older man to go on a double date with Greg.


Episode 6 - Getting Greg's Goat

Greg and his football teammates steal a rival school's mascot (a goat named Raquel) out of revenge for taking their mascot. He tries to hide it in his bedroom without anyone in the family finding out.


Episode 7 - Marcia Gets Creamed

Marcia takes a part-time job at an ice cream parlor and asks her boss to hire Peter, hoping that it will give her more time for her boyfriend. Her plan backfires, however, when Peter goofs off on the job and ends up getting Marcia fired.


Episode 8 - My Brother's Keeper

Peter agrees to be Bobby's slave after he saves his life.


Episode 9 - Quarterback Sneak

A rival football player romances Marcia to steal Greg's playbook.


Episode 10 - Try, Try, Again

Jan feels like a failure when she takes up ballet and is passed over for a recital because she's too clumsy.


Episode 11 - The Cincinnati Kids

The Brady family accompany Mike to King's Island amusement park in Ohio, where he presents plans for an additional park. Mike's plans get mixed up with Jan's Yogi Bear poster and the family frantically searches for them before it's too late.


Episode 12 - The Elopement

The Bradys overhear Alice and Sam talk about eloping. The whole family plans a surprise wedding reception. However, when the happy couple arrives to the party, the Bradys learn that it was all a misunderstanding-they aren't getting married.


Episode 13 - Miss Popularity

Surprisingly, Jan is nominated for the most popular girl in her class and Peter agrees to be her campaign manager. However, Jan is so desperate to win, she begins making promises to her classmates that she can't possibly fulfil.


Episode 14 - The Brady Bunch - Kelly's Kids

Ken and Kathy Kelly move into the neighborhood and adopt three boys from the orphanage. With all of the kids from different ethnic backgrounds, the Kellys face unexpected racism from their neighbors and look to the Bradys for support.


Episode 15 - The Driver's Seat

Marcia bets Greg that she can beat his driver's test score.


Episode 16 - Out of This World

After meeting former astronaut James McDivitt, the Brady boys become fascinated with UFOs. Bobby and Peter camp out in their backyard and are convinced that they have spotted an unidentified flying object.


Episode 17 - Welcome Aboard

Carol's nephew, Oliver, moves in with the Brady family.


Episode 19 - Top Secret

Bobby and Oliver suspect Mike is working for the FBI.


Episode 21 - The Hustler

Bobby becomes obsessed with pool and starts making bets with his members that he can beat them.


Episode 22 - The Harebrained Scheme

Greg's hair turns orange when he uses Bobby's hair dye.


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