The Forsyte Saga

The Forsyte Saga Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Episode 1

Soames and family are preparing to go to London for Aunt Hester's birthday party. Fleur aged seven, is battling with her mother over what dress to wear. Soames overrules and lets Fleur do what she wants, it seems there is obvious friction between Soames and Annette where Fleur is concerned.


Episode 2 - Episode 2

Soames arranges a weekend party for Fleur and they go to London for new clothes. Jon tells her he is going to Paris for two months with Irene. Mont attends Fleur's party. She eventually warms to him. Winifred sees profond kiss Annette. Next day Fleur sees them kiss. Fleur goes to Robin Hill but doesn't tell Jolyon who she is. In Paris Jon still misses Fleur. They return home. Dartie goes to a casino for one last time. He wins but is killed on his way home. Fleur has tea at Robin Hill. Jolyon thinks she's a liar and argues with Jon. Jon runs away. Soames learns of Annette's affair with profond.


Episode 3 - Episode 3

Jon and Fleur agree to travel on the train together when she has to return home, meanwhile Soames has plans for Fleur, a house party. Michael Mont arrives and is sent him to meet Fleur at the train station. As Jon and Fleur walk back together they speculate about the secret that divides their two families, but agree that it will never keep them apart. They love each other and will meet secretly as often as they can. Later at the river and after hurriedly saying goodbye to Fleur, Jon is disturbed by this handsome man that Fleur seems to be laughing so happily with. He wonders who this Michael Mont really is?


Episode 4 - Episode 4

Fleur arrives at Jon's cottage where he is working for a local farmer. Irene and Jolyon get a letter from Jon explaining that he wants to have some time on his own. Soames confronts Annette about Profond, challenging her with the anonymous letter. But she is unrepentant saying there will be no scandal unless he makes the affair public. But it seems her attitude towards him may have repercussions concerning his will. At the cottage Fleur and Jon are thrilled to be together and have some time alone. After preparing supper for Jon while he's out harvesting, Jolyon arrives with some terrible news. Jon is dying. But can Fleur fulfil her promises to let him go?


Episode 5 - Episode 5

Fleur breaks the news to Soames that she went to Robin Hill, she had to see Jon and is in love with him. Eventually she wins him round, Soames agrees to see Irene and tell her of the wedding. After travelling to Robin Hill, Soames speaks with Irene who says she opposes any marriage vows but that it will rest with Jon. After being called for, Jon realises that Soames feelings for Irene are stronger than ever, it seems he still blames her for the breakdown in their marriage and loses control, pinning her down on the piano. A scuffle ensues between Soames and Jon which ends with Irene asking the emotional Soames to leave. Jon is shaken by what has just happened, but it seems this is just the start of it, will he ever get blessing for his marriage to Fleur?



Season 1 , Season 2

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