The Joey Bishop Show

The Joey Bishop Show Season 1 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 1 of The Joey Bishop Show tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - On the Spot

Joey is fired and plans to tell off his boss.


Episode 2 - Joey Meets Jack Paar

Joey attempts to get a trained chimp on Jack Parr's show.


Episode 3 - A Windfall for Mom

Due to financial downturn, Joey's mom gets a job.


Episode 4 - This Is Your Life

Joey is tasked with getting Danny Williams for an L.A appearance.


Episode 5 - The Contest Winner

Frank wins a slogan contest but is not able to collect the prize.


Episode 6 - The Bachelor

Joey gets to pet sit for a client.


Episode 7 - Help Wanted

Joey gets Frank a job and it backfires.


Episode 8 - Five Brides For Joey

Joey wishes he was married and his friends go bride hunting for him.


Episode 9 - Back in Your Own Backyard

Frank strikes oil while digging a swimming pool.


Episode 10 - Charity Begins at Home

Mrs. Barnes rents out the extra room to a bookie and the place gets raided.


Episode 11 - Ring-A-Ding-Ding

Joey sets up Barbara with his friend, not knowing she is interested in him.


Episode 12 - The Ham in the Family

Larry gets the Hollywood bug after winning a talent contest.


Episode 13 - Follow That Mink

Joey's mom finds a gift that Joey was hiding for his boss and thinks it's for her.


Episode 14 - Barney, the Bloodhound

Joey signs a dog food client and regrets it when he finds out what's expected of him.


Episode 15 - Taming of the Brat

Joey is obligated to babysit a bratty child star.


Episode 16 - Home Sweet Home

Joey plans to move to NYC but plans don't come through.


Episode 17 - A Letter from Stella

Stella takes dance classes and the guys think she has a thing for her dance instructor.


Episode 18 - Jury Duty

Joey refuses to use his vacation time for Jury Duty.


Episode 19 - The Income Tax Caper

Joey is being audited and has an imaginative nightmare of the IRS prosecuting him.


Episode 20 - Double Exposure

Joey Barnes is a victim of mistaken identity by a couple of thugs.


Episode 21 - A Man's Best Friend

The Barnes family find a lost dog.


Episode 22 - Very Warm for Christmas

Joey's mom refuses to take down the Christmas decoration to keep up the Christmas spirit.


Episode 23 - The Big Date

Joey stages a contest for a date with a folk singer client.


Episode 24 - Joey Hires a Maid

Joey hires a maid to help out his mom.


Episode 25 - That's Showbiz

Joey owes a night club a favor and a female singer owes him a favor.


Episode 26 - A Young Man's Fancy

The guys compete for a woman that is already married.


Episode 27 - Surprise, Surprise

Joey wants a party but doesn't want a party, and is not sure which one he'll get.


Episode 28 - Must the Show Go On?

Mrs. Barnes produces an amateur talent contest.


Episode 29 - Once a Bachelor

Freddy get's cold feet after one too many jokes at his bachelor party.


Episode 30 - Route 78

The city is planning a highway in their neighborhood and everyone must move.


Episode 31 - A Show of His Own

Joey gets nervous about his talents after receiving an offer to host his own show.


Episode 32 - The Image

The company hires a Public Relations company to change Joey's public persona.



Season 1 , Season 2

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