Vanity Fair Confidential

Vanity Fair Confidential Season 3 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 3 of Vanity Fair Confidential tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Fugitive Son

A star athlete from a wealthy family brutally rapes several teenage girls and threatens to kill them if they tell anyone. An international manhunt ensues, and he eludes capture by the FBI and Interpol. Will he honor his death threats?


Episode 2 - Murder on the Sunset Strip

In 1980, a brutal serial killer abducts women from downtown Los Angeles and dumps their bodies in bizarre places. When an unidentified caller telephones police, they must decipher fact from fiction as the woman confesses to a bizarre series of events.


Episode 3 - Murder at the Drama Club

Deep in Louisiana bayou country, a man is found brutally murdered in a nightclub. A handwritten note soaked in the victim's blood reads: "You gave me AIDS." Police have more questions than answers. Was it a hate crime? Will the killer strike again?


Episode 4 - Seeds of Doubt

The Stocking Strangler, a serial killer who brutally rapes and murders his victims, is caught and sentenced to death in Georgia. Vanity Fair writer David Rose uncovers shocking facts about the case, and soon he is in a race to stop an execution.


Episode 5 - Grounds for Murder

Two women disappear from an elite college town. Panic pervades the community when their bodies are found. What sinister secrets will police uncover as two families galvanize the public to help put a killer behind bars?


Episode 6 - Nightmares on Main Street

Detectives uncover a daycare abuse scandal in Austin, Texas, that horrifies a community, while women across the nation come forward with chilling tales of ritual abuse. Is it possible that there's a network of Satanists behind it all?


Episode 7 - Henry Lee Lucas: Dead Reckoning

A Texas drifter claims to have committed hundreds of brutal murders. Case after case is closed. He is sentenced to death. But some investigators wonder if they have the real killer behind bars. Could a vicious murderer still be on the loose?


Episode 8 - Bikram Feels the Heat

Bikram Yoga is considered the world's most popular yoga, yet several women claim its founder, Bikram Choudhury, sexually harassed and even assaulted them. How did this man allegedly go from healer to sexual predator?


Episode 9 - Locked Up Next Door

Behind closed doors, untold numbers of young women across America are being held captive. They are pawns in the sex trafficking industry. Once drafted into this modern day slave trade, are these women lost forever, or can justice set them free?


Episode 10 - St. George's Hidden Dragons

An elite New England prep school is under fire for decades-old allegations of sexual abuse of students by staff members. How high will the number of victims -- and perpetrators -- climb? And how deep did the cover-up go?


Episode 11 - Dylann Roof's Radical White Rage

White rage drives a young man to murder nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC, in 2015 and fuels a vicious bomb plot to kill Muslim refugees in Kansas. Authorities want to know where it will end.


Episode 12 - Natalee Holloway: Lost in Paradise

The daughter of a Peruvian political candidate disappears after a night out in Lima, Peru. The man she was last seen alive with is linked to the disappearance of young American woman 3,000 miles away. What nefarious scheme is the man a part of?


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