Wicked Science

Wicked Science Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Flies

It's the first day back at school after the holidays and the giant doll still stands in the school grounds as a reminder of the events which occurred at Sandy Bay School last term. A re-geniused Elizabeth shrinks the giant doll and interrupts the new Principal, Ms Hammer at assembly so she can wipe everyone's memory. Her plan succeeds except for Toby and Russ, who escape with their memories in tact. New boy in town, Jack Bailey sees the shrink ray in action and is determined to find out about what's going on. Russ and Toby's cousin Sacha discover Elizabeth's new high-tech lab, but it is booby trapped and they are turned into blowflies. Escaping Elizabeth they find Toby who is forced to re-genius himself to help them. Toby restores his friends to normal, and Sacha demands to know the truth about wicked science.


Episode 2 - Sweet Dreams

Charming, manipulative new student Jack befriends Garth so he can gather information about the shrink ray which he saw Garth use to shrink the giant doll. Garth is initially so impressed by Jack's friendly overtures he rebels against Elizabeth, but not for long. Elizabeth, distraught when Sacha beats her by one percent on a science assignment, seeks revenge and invents a 'Dream Catcher'. Elizabeth turns dreams (or nightmares) into reality when Sacha loses all her teeth in front of the class, while during a volleyball match, Garth grows breasts. Both have to deal with these confronting problems and Garth surrenders, swearing allegiance to Elizabeth, telling Jack they can no longer be friends. Thanks to some quick work by Toby, Sacha arrives in class ready to present her assignment with a gleaming smile.


Episode 3 - Superfish

Toby has his eye fixed firmly on Jack's sister Nikki. He is desperate to impress her, but how? Given she's a swimming star, he decides his best chance is to get on the school swim team. There's only one problem, Toby's a pathetic swimmer! Toby uses wicked science to invent a body oil to help move through the water like a seal. This threatens Garth's tenuous position on the swim team and when Elizabeth learns what Toby's up to she intervenes, tampering with Toby's oil. At Toby's next race, the new 'oil' causes him to behave like a performing a seal, embarrassing him in front of the whole school and more importantly, Nikki. He realizes he should never have used 'wicked science' for his own selfish reasons and, even worse, he might have lost Nikki for good.


Episode 4 - Fever

Elizabeth catches a bad cold from Verity. With a raging temperature, her power to hyper-function and use her genius is out of control. She finds herself acting against her will, fulfilling other peoples' wishes - a cold cream for Verity, sunglasses which give Russ scientific formulae and an exo-skeleton for Garth, transforming him into an armored warrior Garthdor. The illness worsens and Elizabeth, close to death, calls for the only person who can save her - Toby. He hyperfunctions just in time to save Elizabeth's life, and although she takes it as a sign he cares about her, Toby is still firmly focused on Nikki. Meanwhile Russ and Sacha have to deal with an out of control Garth in the Surf Cafe and only just prevent Jack from seeing more wicked science in action. But he sees enough to suspect the two trios have access to something special and he wants 'in'.


Episode 5 - A Friend in Need

Trying to help his friend, Russ finds himself forced to masquerade as Toby at a meeting with Nikki in the surf cafe. Wearing a Toby invention - a hi-tech polymer vivo interface suit (which makes Russ look and sound exactly like Toby) Russ might look like Toby but he's still Russ and clumsy. He knocks the suit's controls resulting in a malfunction, causing Russ to chaotically transform into multiple identities in the middle of the Surf Cafe. Sacha runs damage control but when the real Toby turns up the fight to keep his invention and therefore his genius a secret becomes more difficult as a curious Jack gets closer to the truth.


Episode 6 - The Great Dork

When Russ is bullied by Garth, Toby tries to prove Russ is not a loser. Toby creates a time portal to show Russ his ancient, valiant ancestors. But things go horribly wrong. The time machine is damaged and Russ finds that he's swapped places with his 350,000-year-old hominid ancestor, Rog. While the caveman battles with Garth at a twenty-first century school, Russ is hailed as leader of a tribe of cave-dwelling hunter-gatherers. Eventually, Toby repairs the time machine and Russ, the inventor of the 'Cro-magnon pizza', returns to present day more confident and assured but Toby and Sacha are exhausted after a day of minding a donut loving Rog.


Episode 7 - Close Call

Disaster strikes when the school clock breaks and Elizabeth is forced to hide her lab equipment in the school storeroom or risk Mr Woods discovering her secret laboratory. A curious Jack accidentally locks himself in the storeroom and is zapped by one of Elizabeth's new inventions, causing his arm to go right through the door. Now Jack has direct and very personal experience of Wicked Science, but has no idea how dangerous it is as he begins to disappear. Working together while avoiding Mr Woods, Toby and Elizabeth return Jack to normal and release him, leaving a furious Jack attempting to explain the mystery of his behavior to a bewildered Mr Woods and a furious Ms. Hammer.


Episode 8 - Ring of Confidence

Flagging morale and shocking times have hurt the Sandy Bay swim team. Nikki is suffering most of all so, in order to boost her confidence, Toby invents a 'doubt eliminator' in the form of a ring. But the device falls into Verity's hands, and with an unbounded faith in her own abilities, she starts a cheer-leading squad and asserts her independence from Elizabeth. Elizabeth soon learns the reason behind Verity's behavior and boosts the 'doubt eliminator' causing an over-confident Verity to perform a spectacular swan dive from the top of the diving tower. A chastened and humiliated Verity returns to Elizabeth, but the swim team is triumphant thanks to her efforts.


Episode 9 - Misty

Sacha has been feeling increasingly homesick over the last few weeks and misses her horse, Misty, terribly. Feeling sorry for her, Toby invents a homing device that teleports her horse to Sandy Bay. But the device malfunctions and Misty keeps appearing next to Sacha in school. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is desperate to prove to Toby that they are meant to be together and she lures him into a Wild West virtual reality world. Stuck in Elizabeth's lab, he is distracted from the very real situation of Misty on the loose at school. Toby is oblivious to everything and everyone other than Elizabeth - her plan is working beautifully, but just as they are about to kiss, Sacha pulls the plug and saves Toby. She is thankful to him for giving her the chance to be with Misty, but realizes her horse belongs back home. They say their last goodbyes, before Toby teleports Misty back to the farm.


Episode 10 - Catch Me If You Can

Russ continues to be on Toby's back about helping him with girls so Toby invents a flying disk to make Russ look good on the beach. That tactic fails, of course, but Jack is convinced the flying disk is another example of Toby's weird powers. He encourages Nikki to go on a date with Toby - even helping him by setting up a romantic lunch for two at the cafe. Elizabeth's jealousy is piqued and she invents a chameleon gel to make herself invisible. She attempts to ruin the date but her plan backfires when Toby realizes what's going on. But with Toby out of the way, Jack steals the flying disk. He is about to sell it to a toy company executive when an invisible Elizabeth intervenes and renders the disk useless. Toby rushes back to the cafe just in time to save his date.


Episode 11 - Koala in the Mist

A hungry Garth is a careless Garth and when he 'borrows' Elizabeth's shrink ray to increase the size of his breakfast, Jack not only sees the device in action, but steals it. Chaos results when Jack unwittingly uses the shrink ray in reverse on a koala. The enormous furry creature is soon peering in second story windows. To hide the giant koala Toby invents a mist which envelops the school. While Elizabeth diverts attention in the classroom, Russ and Sacha run interference in the grounds, keeping Ms. Hammer out of the danger zone. When the koala uses the school as a scratching post, shaking the building, an evacuation is called. Just when Jack thinks he can prove his suspicions about Elizabeth and Toby, the mist clears and Elizabeth arrives with the koala which has been shrunk back to its normal size.


Episode 12 - A Day in the Life

The 'sibling' rivalry between Sacha and Russ escalates to the point where the trio threatens to break up. During a heated argument, they manage to trigger some of Toby's wicked science devices and as a result find they have swapped bodies. Now Russ is in Sacha's body and Sacha is in Russ's. They find themselves on a very sharp learning curve as each discovers what life is like for the other. Along the way, Russ gains a place on the hockey team for Sacha and Sacha wins a pizza eating contest for Russ. Sacha also learns that Russ has been taking extra history tutoring just to keep up with the class and Russ learns that Sacha has been ostracized and bullied by some of the girls before Toby returns them to normality.


Episode 13 - Bolt from the Blue

Elizabeth is driven wild with jealousy when Toby and Nikki decide to go to the school dance together. She invents a lightning generator, producing a fork of pure lightning which pursues Nikki. In fact, it does a right-hand turn frightening Nikki so much that Elizabeth is able to blackmail Toby into taking her to the dance. An unlikely pairing of Russ and hockey player Peta provides comic relief, but Jack manages to steal the lightning controller from Verity. He uses it to force Elizabeth to tell him everything about wicked science and wrecks the entire dance with a barrage of lightning bolts. Elizabeth has to neutralize the potential threat that Jack now poses and has to watch a reconciled Nikki and Toby enjoy their first kiss.


Episode 14 - The Weakest Link

Toby's liquid nitrogen cryogenic refrigeration chamber malfunctions, spelling potential disaster. The Raptor cells stored inside begin to thaw and Toby must allow them to grow or lose them. Meanwhile, Jack is eager to learn more about Toby. He orchestrates events so Russ, Toby and Sacha are all distracted, allowing him the opportunity to raid the bungalow. Jack sneaks in and comes face to face with a rapidly growing Raptor. When Toby finds out Jack set them up, he heads back to the bungalow to find Jack locked inside with the human-size, scary Raptor. Toby saves Jack just in time from the dinosaur - but at a price: Jack must keep Toby's secret safe.


Episode 15 - Talk to the Animals

Working on the odd theory that if she makes Toby desperately ill, he will come running to her for a cure, Elizabeth invents a device that drains his hyper-functions. To get his sympathy she pretends that she is suffering too. But the device has an unexpected side effect when Sacha is inadvertently zapped and awakes to find that she can communicate with animals. She uses this power to good effect. Obliging birds, lab rats and even a large python are only too happy to obey Sacha's commands and make Elizabeth's life miserable. Sacha confronts Elizabeth who surrenders and turns off the device. Toby is thrilled to be well again and Sacha is grateful for the peace and quiet.


Episode 16 - Verity from the Black Lagoon

After damaging an experiment involving a rare plant from Boggy Creek, Verity is banished from Elizabeth's lab. To her horror, she starts growing scales and gradually turns into an amphibious monster! As rumors of the strange creature spread, Verity is delighted to find she can terrorize Garth and decides to pay out on him. Knowing an oblivious Garth and Elizabeth are returning to Boggy Creek for more samples, Sacha realizes Garth could be in real danger. Toby does some DNA tests on the monster's slime and discovers a cure for Verity. An underwater struggle between Toby, Garth and the creature ends when Toby releases the antidote into the water. Verity emerges from the murky waters... Elizabeth and Garth welcome her back to the fold, showing her renewed respect - 'Verity from the Black Lagoon' is not someone to mess around with!


Episode 17 - The Truth Is Out There

Jack films the lead-up to an inter-school Science Expo as an excuse to find wicked science and hopefully blackmail Elizabeth and Toby into making him a genius too. When Elizabeth hears Sacha's exhibit is a secret, she invents a truth serum and forces Russ to spill the beans. She teleports Sacha's invention to the lab so she can sabotage it, not realizing she's also teleported Jack. Once alone in the Lab he steals the truth serum, escapes and confronts Elizabeth, using the serum on her. Jack demands she tells him how she became a genius! She is just about to blow the secret, when Toby tackles him to the floor. Jack gets sprayed with the serum and is about to reveal his knowledge of wicked science to the whole school when Toby, using Elizabeth's re-wiring, blows up Sacha's exhibit. It's a narrow escape for Toby and Elizabeth as Jack is left completely humiliated, though determined not to give up.


Episode 18 - Air Dog

Toby invents an anti gravity belt that will lift the wearer to any height. But Jack manages to steal the belt and attach it to a small dog, Dudley who belongs to the school's new benefactor, Mrs. Xavier. As Dudley disappears from view amongst the treetops, happily chasing birds, Mr. Woods is left with the problem of how to explain his disappearance to Mrs. Xavier. Toby invents a mechanical seagull, knowing Dudley will chase it. Meanwhile Russ has painted a look-alike dog hoping to fool Mrs. Xavier. He fails completely and is about to be expelled when Toby and Sacha arrive with a tired but happy Dudley.


Episode 19 - Crazy for You

When Elizabeth finds that Verity and Garth can't meet her exacting standards as personal assistants, she decides to create a self-learning artificial intelligence program to do the job instead. She calls it Max, and it doesn't take her long to realize that she's created a monster. Max soon decides that he alone knows what is best for Elizabeth and keeps her prisoner in her own lab. He attacks Toby via his computer and spies on Verity and Garth. Toby is forced to sacrifice a special date with Nikki to help the trapped Elizabeth. He outsmarts Max, frees Elizabeth and has to dream up a very special date to get back in Nikki's good books. But that's what you do when you're crazy for someone.


Episode 20 - Time Loop

Unable to bear the thought of Toby and Nikki getting together, Elizabeth traps Toby in a time loop, forcing him to relive the same day over and over until he accepts the alternate reality she has created for them. In Elizabeth's world, she and Toby have been together for six months, she's given him a new image, he gets 100% in his tests and he no longer has anything to do with his old friends. But Toby wants nothing to do with this new world. He confronts Elizabeth who tells him they are together, the way it's meant to be. Upset, she hits the control and Toby's day starts over from scratch...again and again and again. To get out of the time loop he has to convince a hostile Sacha and Russ that he is still their friend. Eventually with a little help from his friends, Toby steals the controller and destroys the time loop machine. Back in class, he gets 47% on his science test - at last everything's back to normal. He couldn't be happier.


Episode 21 - Underwater

The crimson-ringed octopus has venom so toxic that one drop can immobilize an elephant; or one Mr. Woods and one Elizabeth. Mr. Woods, hit by a poisoned spitball from Garth, ends up stuffed into a cupboard and Elizabeth, accidentally stung, remains gracefully unconscious on her laboratory floor. Meanwhile, Ms. Hammer demands to know Mr. Woods whereabouts and Sacha and Verity have to create a diversion plus hide Mr. Woods and his mobile phone. Toby needs the octopus to manufacture an antidote, but Verity has let the octopus go and it's now hiding in a crevasse. A shrunken Garth nearly becomes fish food as he bullies the octopus into Russ's waiting net and Toby is eventually able to rescue Mr. Woods and Elizabeth.


Episode 22 - Ghost Girl

Nadine Sterling, a movie star, has come to Sandy Bay to shoot her new film in the house where the legendary Violet Strickland is believed to have died a horrible death. Meeting Nadine, Russ is immediately in love. The class go on an excursion to the movie set where Nadine, with the help of the film crew, humiliates Elizabeth by scaring her with some Hollywood magic. Elizabeth swears revenge and lures Nadine and her new found friends - Russ, Toby and Sacha - back to the house that night, where she scares the wits out of Nadine, presenting her with the 'real' ghost of Violet (Verity dressed up) and Violet's murdered fiance, Tyrell Prendergast (Garth). Toby discreetly saves the day allowing Russ to look like the hero and get more than he ever dreamed - a kiss from Nadine. But as they leave the house another figure appears - the real ghost of Violet Strickland?


Episode 23 - Spider Boy

When Garth's little cousin, Rodney, turns up in Sandy Bay, he immediately causes havoc with his pranks. He starts by spraying Sacha with a water hose and soon goes on to bigger and better things at the school. Sacha gets back at him with itching powder - which he doesn't like. Tinkering with one of Elizabeth's experiments, Rodney is bitten by a spider and emerges from a silvery cocoon as half arachnid, half boy who can spit a high tensile web. So powerful is the goo, he snares Garth, Verity and Elizabeth before escaping the lab and sticks Toby and Russ together. He then goes in search of his enemy Sacha and envelops her in a web cocoon before Toby and Russ intervene. Before Rodney can do any more harm, Elizabeth arrives and gives Rodney the antidote, returning him to a cheeky little kid.


Episode 24 - Meet the Parents

Desperate for information about Elizabeth's genius, Jack offers her a deal. If he can turn his (and Nikki's parents) against Toby causing the couple to split up, will Elizabeth tell him what he wants to know about wicked science? Planning on telling him nothing, Elizabeth agrees and sets out to ensure the lunch with Jack and Nikki's parents is a disaster. Initially, it seems as if she doesn't have to do anything as Toby is virtually interrogated by Mr. Bailey and unable to answer questions such as, "What are you going to do when you leave school?" When Elizabeth's hidden ray gun starts to turn Nikki's prince into a toad - complete with croaking voice and long insect seeking tongue - it seems Toby's relationship with Nikki is doomed. However Toby finds the hidden Garth, returns himself to normal and ends up charming the Baileys by just being himself.


Episode 25 - Jack Makes His Move

In an attempt to make Toby jealous, Elizabeth partners with Jack in an end-of-year science experiment. However, Jack's persistence and undeniable charms are working their magic and when Jack kisses Elizabeth she begins to fall for him. Elizabeth shows off her lab to an impressed Jack who diverts her long enough to steal her mini-disc with the wicked science genius formula on it. In the classroom, a distracted Toby mucks up the final chemical reaction in Russ's polymer experiment which explodes, entrapping Mr. Woods in a foam bubble. Toby quickly invents a spray to dissolve the foam leaving Mr. Woods amazed at Russ's unlikely sudden talent. Jack secretly copies the genius formula and an over-confident and vulnerable Elizabeth has no idea that he is about to betray her.


Episode 26 - King Cuddly

Jack skilfully convinces Elizabeth to de-genius Toby and she builds a new MFE machine. When Elizabeth leaves to find Toby, Jack powers up the machine and, having already stolen the formula, turns himself into a genius. Toby and Elizabeth return and Jack threatens to de-genius them both. In a scuffle, Jack escapes with the shrink ray and the MFE machine. Toby goes after him. Jack fires the shrink ray, missing Toby, but hits a koala, turning it into a giant. He aims again, about to shrink Toby when Russ turns on the MFE machine, de-geniusing Jack just in time. The King Kong sized koala is terrifying Sandy Bay and Elizabeth invents a high frequency scream machine to lure it away. Instead it captures her, and takes her to Sandy Bay Bridge. It looks as if there is no hope for Elizabeth but Toby arrives on a flying surf board, buzzes and blinds the giant koala so it drops her. He swoops and rescues Elizabeth, carrying her to safety on the beach. Russ and Sacha shrink the koala back to size and the trio return to the bungalow to eat some pizza and plan for the holidays.



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