ABC Kids / ABC Family
Find out what's on ABC Kids / ABC Family tonight at the Australian TV Listings Guide
Time |
TV Show |
12:07 am |
Officially Amazing |
12:35 am |
Operation Ouch!Knobbly Knees And What They Are For |
01:04 am |
01:11 am |
Holly HobbieThe Difficult Decision |
01:34 am |
Phoenix RiseSecond Chance |
02:03 am |
MysticThe Downfall |
02:32 am |
MysticThe Conspiracy |
03:00 am |
The Penguins Of MadagascarWishful Thinking/april Fools |
03:22 am |
Open Season: Call Of NatureUndercover Karla |
03:34 am |
The Next StepTomorrow |
03:56 am |
Ted's Top TenReasons To Avoid The School Play |
04:20 am |
The InbestigatorsThe Case Of The Soccer Saga |
04:35 am |
Odd SquadHappy Halfiversary |
04:56 am |
ABC Kids Programs Resume At 4am |
05:00 am |
Moon And MeThe Silly Song |
05:22 am |
Lu And The Bally BunchRocky Day |
05:30 am |
OdoMemory Lane |
05:38 am |
Alva's WorldTrojan Troll |
05:49 am |
TwirlywoosMore About Round And Round |
06:02 am |
Sesame StreetDog Day Engineers |
06:28 am |
Daniel Tiger's NeighbourhoodDaniel Goes To Day Camp |
06:41 am |
TeletubbiesTrailer |
06:53 am |
NumberblocksOn Your Head |
07:01 am |
BingJingly Shoes |
07:09 am |
Ready, Steady, Wiggle!The Wiggly Days Of The Week |
07:21 am |
Peppa PigStamps |
07:27 am |
Bananas In PyjamasThe Holiday |
07:40 am |
Shaun The SheepThe Crow |
07:48 am |
Interstellar EllaBirthday Stars |
08:00 am |
Do, Re & MiMovin' To The Groove |
08:12 am |
Thomas And Friends: All Engines GoAll Wheels On Track |
08:23 am |
OctonautsThe Octonauts And The Humphead Parrotfish |
08:35 am |
08:47 am |
SupertatoTato Tower Takeover |
08:55 am |
Peppa PigMadame Gazelle's Leaving Party |
09:00 am |
BlueyBlue Mountains |
09:08 am |
Ginger And The VegesaursHot Potatodon |
09:13 am |
09:25 am |
Peter RabbitThe Tale Of The Squeaky Toy |
09:37 am |
Builder Brothers Dream FactoryMother's Day Brunch |
09:48 am |
Andy's Wild AdventuresMeerkats |
10:03 am |
Play SchoolHow Do You Feel Today: 1 |
10:35 am |
Mister Maker Around The World |
10:55 am |
NumberblocksShape Party |
11:01 am |
Ready Eddie Go!Trying New Foods |
11:10 am |
Daniel Tiger's NeighbourhoodDaniel And Max Ask To Play |
11:22 am |
Lu And The Bally BunchPower Flower |
11:31 am |
Bea's BlockSam's Moon Festival |
11:44 am |
School Of Roars |
11:52 am |
BlueyPizza Girls |
12:01 pm |
Sesame StreetProud Of My Name |
12:30 pm |
Play SchoolSea And Space: 1 |
12:59 pm |
Fizzy And SudsAlpacas |
1:14 pm |
Mini Kids |
1:37 pm |
TeletubbiesWake Up Time |
1:52 pm |
Happy The HogletHappy Sailing |
1:59 pm |
Peppa PigDaddy's Movie Camera |
2:05 pm |
Peppa PigSchool Play |
2:10 pm |
Hey DuggeeThe Theatre Badge |
2:18 pm |
OctonautsThe Octonauts And The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a |
2:30 pm |
PJ MasksThe Labours Of Armadylan |
2:42 pm |
Ben And Holly's Little KingdomNanny Plum's Lesson |
2:55 pm |
Kangaroo BeachWallaby Waters |
3:07 pm |
The Adventures Of PaddingtonPaddington Takes To The Ice |
3:20 pm |
Thomas And Friends: All Engines GoLost And Found |
3:33 pm |
Ginger And The VegesaursHot Potatodon |
3:40 pm |
BingPicnic |
3:48 pm |
Beep And MortThe Magic Button |
4:00 pm |
Play SchoolOopsy Daisy: 1 |
4:30 pm |
Ready, Steady, Wiggle!Jump Like A Kangaroo |
4:41 pm |
Go JettersCompass Navigators |
4:53 pm |
Andy's Safari AdventuresAndy And The Bobcat |
5:08 pm |
Tish TashNot My Fault |
5:15 pm |
Pop Paper CityPop Goes The Circus |
5:27 pm |
Nella The Princess KnightNell In Bowling Land |
5:39 pm |
Vida The VetJuno Mama Day |
5:52 pm |
BlueyEscape |
6:00 pm |
Peppa PigBubbles |
6:05 pm |
Peppa PigEmily Elephant |
6:11 pm |
PfffiratesPfffiking Pat |
6:22 pm |
Kangaroo BeachSnap |
6:37 pm |
Fireman SamMagic Norman |
6:47 pm |
Hey DuggeeThe Wisdom Badge |
6:55 pm |
The Adventures Of PaddingtonPaddington's Journey Into A Black Hole |
7:07 pm |
Kiya And The Kimoja HeroesStealing The Spotlight |
7:20 pm |
BlueyBus |
7:27 pm |
Octonauts: Above And BeyondMystery Island |
7:38 pm |
Kiri And LouMighty Forest |
7:44 pm |
Ben And Holly's Little KingdomSuperheroes |
7:59 pm |
The DeepThe Twilight Zone |
8:20 pm |
BlueyDriving |
8:30 pm |
Shaun The SheepFrantic Romantic |
8:38 pm |
Star Wars: Young Jedi AdventuresAn Adventure With Yoda |
8:51 pm |
The InbestigatorsThe Case Of The Burgled Bags |
9:06 pm |
Dr Karl's How Things WorkLollies |
9:35 pm |
9:41 pm |
The Crystal MazeBig Narstie, Dame Kelly Holmes, Greg Rutherford, Jorgie Porter & Alfie Deyes |
10:28 pm |
10:48 pm |
MerlinThe Gates Of Avalon |
11:33 pm |
Mythbusters "There's Your Problem!"That Syncing Feeling |
11:59 pm |
Officially Amazing |