A gURLs wURLd Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Episode 1

Amidst the buzz of the Singapore Sky Scrapers, three teenage friends have a major problem. It's dance performance time and Ally Henson, from Australia, Emma Schubert, from Germany and Jackie Lee from Singapore have no music!


Episode 2 - Episode 2

While trying to connect to their own personal chatroom, Emma, Jackie and Ally are zapped into cyberspace. Although they find it incredibly exciting, they have no idea how to get out of the place!


Episode 3 - Episode 3

As the excitement of their new chatroom kicks in, Emma invites Jackie and Ally to Hamburg for a dance battle she is performing in. The girls finally end up in Germany and are thrilled to be in Europe together.


Episode 4 - Episode 4

Although Jackie can see Ally and Emma any time she wants, one thing they can't do together are their old dance classes. With her team mates left to continue dancing in their own cities, Jackie feels alone and isolated.


Episode 5 - Episode 5

Ally's pride sees Emma placed in serious danger and Jackie having to make her way alone through a strange city on the other side of the world.


Episode 6 - Episode 6

When Josh takes Jackie's computer without asking, Emma and Ally are left stranded in Singapore.


Episode 7 - Episode 7

The chat room's future is in serious jeopardy when Ally's father threatens to confiscate her mobile phone.


Episode 8 - Episode 8

When Ally's brother, Damon gets hold of her phone and accidentally transports himself into cyberspace, the future of the chatroom is in serious danger.


Episode 9 - Episode 9

Jackie's over-crowded schedule causes the three girls to fail qualification for the dance competition.


Episode 10 - Episode 10

Panic sets in when the girls' attendance at a Hamburg concert causes the chatroom's existence to be jeopardised.


Episode 11 - Episode 11

Ally is forced to seriously reassess her relationship with Dan when he asks her to the school formal.


Episode 12 - Episode 12

A series of misunderstandings creates tensions between the girls and their friendship is quickly in tatters.


Episode 13 - Episode 13

Emma's lateness with a school assignment leads to many more problems than she bargained for.


Episode 14 - Episode 14

The pressure is extreme when Ally's father organises a surprise party for her mother on the same day as the first dance elimination round.


Episode 15 - Episode 15

Ally's brother, Damon, becomes increasingly suspicious of the sudden comings and goings of Jackie and Emma and he determines to find out what's behind it all.


Episode 16 - Episode 16

While attending an elite dance training camp, archrival Chelsea surprises the girls by offering to declare a truce between them.


Episode 17 - Episode 17

Alarm bells ring when Nicholas insists on delivering a birthday present to Jackie at her non existent home in Hamburg.


Episode 18 - Episode 18

When Dan is bitten by a snake, Jackie and Emma have no option but to use the chatroom to take him to Singapore for treatment.


Episode 19 - Episode 19

Ally and Jackie's good deed backfires on them and they're forced to go on the run from the police.


Episode 20 - Episode 20

When the chatroom won't allow Jackie to return to Singapore, the girls have to resort to some inventive improvisation to ensure no one discovers she's stuck in Australia.


Episode 21 - Episode 21

Emma's excuse to avoid going on a family holiday puts the girls' place in the semi finals in serious jeopardy.


Episode 22 - Episode 22

The girls' leisurely boat trip takes a dramatic turn when their dinghy has an engine malfunction and they start drifting out to sea.


Episode 23 - Episode 23

When the girls' mobiles are infected by a virus, Ally is trapped inside the chatroom as it starts to disintegrate!


Episode 24 - Episode 24

In a bizarre twist of fate, the girls are forced to make a major sacrifice in order to help their arch rival Chelsea out of trouble.


Episode 25 - Episode 25

The unthinkable happens when Chelsea steals Jackie's computer and the girls can't access the chatroom.


Episode 26 - Episode 26

With only twenty four hours before the dance finals, a mixture of nerves and excitement fills the chatroom. Having worked towards this day for the past six months the pressure is on, especially for Jackie.



Season 1

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