Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra tonight

Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 1: The Boy in the Iceberg (The Avatar Returns, Pt. 1)

Katara and Sokka, a brother and sister from the Southern Water Tribe, discover a twelve-year-old boy frozen in an iceberg. Katara wonders if this boy is the Avatar whom the world has been awaiting for a hundred years.


Episode 2 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 2: The Avatar Returns, Pt. 2

Prince Zuko, a young Firebender whose mission in life is to capture the Avatar, tracks Aang down to the Southern Water Tribe village where Katara and Sokka live.


Episode 3 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 3: The Southern Air Temple

Aang is eager to take Sokka and Katara to the Air Temple where he was raised. But upon arrival, it becomes apparent that the temple is not at all how Aang remembers it.


Episode 4 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi

When locals of a small island discover Aang is the Avatar, they treat him like a celebrity.


Episode 5 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 5: The King of Omashu

Aang takes Katara and Sokka to an Earthbender city. The kids cause damage and are brought before a crazy old king, who seems to enjoy messing with the kids' heads.


Episode 6 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 6: Imprisoned

The kids come to an Earth Nation town which is occupied by the Fire Nation. But will Katara's attempts to inspire the oppressed people help them or hurt them?


Episode 7 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 7: Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World

Aang, Katara, and Sokka arrive at a town being terrorized by a mysterious force from the spirit world. Aang doesn't know how to help these people, and realizes he has much to learn about being the Avatar.


Episode 8 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 8: Winter Solstice Pt. 2 - Avatar Roku

During the winter solstice, Aang must reach a Fire Nation temple while dodging Prince Zuko, Commander Zhao, and the Fire Sages who guard it.


Episode 9 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 9: The Waterbending Scroll

When Katara's desire to master Waterbending gets the best of her, the kids find themselves on the run from pirates.


Episode 10 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 10: Jet

Our heroes' friendship is tested when they meet Jet, a charismatic teenager leading a band of rebels who are fighting against the Fire Nation.


Episode 11 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 11: The Great Divide

When Aang and friends come to the rim of a giant canyon, they are asked to help guide two groups of refugees across. Aang quickly learns that this will be no easy task.


Episode 12 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 12: The Storm

A powerful storm brings up painful memories of the past - and puts everyone in jeopardy in the present.


Episode 13 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 13: The Blue Spirit

When Sokka and Katara get too sick to travel, Aang goes out on his own to find a cure for them. But he is captured by Zhao and held prisoner inside an impenetrable fortress.


Episode 14 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 14: The Fortune Teller

Aang, Katara, and Sokka discover a village of people who are all reliant on a fortuneteller in their everyday lives - but they are so reliant that they are blind to the immanent danger they are all in.


Episode 15 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 15: Bato of the Water Tribe

Aang feels insecure when Katara and Sokka come across something that reminds them of home. Because Aang thinks his friends might leave him, he hides an important message which only leads to trouble.


Episode 16 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 16: The Deserter

Aang attempts to find a Firebending master to teach him while Katara learns that she possesses a special power.


Episode 17 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 17: The Northern Air Temple

After hearing rumors about surviving Airbenders, the kids journey to the Northern Air temple to see for themselves. What they find there could spell disaster for all enemies of the Fire Nation.


Episode 18 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 18: The Waterbending Master

The kids reach the Northern Water tribe, and Aang and Katara look for a Waterbending Master as Sokka falls for a princess. Meanwhile, Zhao plans an attack and Zuko must find a way to continue his quest for the Avatar.


Episode 19 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 19: The Siege of the North, Pt. 1

The Northern Water Tribe braces itself for an attack by Admiral Zhao's Fire Navy fleet. In the heat of battle, Aang struggles to defend the city. He wonders if there isn't a better way to use his Avatar abilities.


Episode 20 - Avatar - Season 1, Episode 20: The Siege of the North, Pt. 2

Zhao's invasion breaks through the outer wall of the Northern Water Tribe's defenses, and he reveals a sinister plan. Aang goes to the spirit world for help – but will he return in time to stop Zhao and prevent the destruction of the Water Tribe?


Episode 21 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 1: The Avatar State

Aang and the group meet an Earth Kingdom general who wants to use Aang's powerful "Avatar State" as a weapon to defeat the Fire Nation.


Episode 22 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 2: The Cave of Two Lovers

On their way to Omashu, the kids become lost in the treacherous "Cave of Two Lovers."


Episode 23 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 3: Return to Omashu

Aang enters Omashu so he can learn Earthbending from King Bumi, but the city is in the hands of the Fire Nation!


Episode 24 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 4: The Swamp

When the kids end up in a mysterious and strange swamp, their fears are exposed. And Aang learns about being "connected to the Earth" from an unlikely teacher.


Episode 25 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 5: Avatar Day

Aang must clear up a wave of anti-Avatar sentiment and atone for something he did in the past.


Episode 26 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 6: The Blind Bandit

Aang discovers a possible Earthbending mentor at an underground tournament.


Episode 27 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 7: Zuko Alone

Traveling without Uncle now, Zuko wanders alone into an Earth Kingdom town where he bonds with a local boy. Meanwhile, Zuko is haunted by memories of his own youth.


Episode 28 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 8: The Chase

As the kids are pursued relentlessly by a mysterious machine, their exhaustion puts them at each other's throats.


Episode 29 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 9: Bitter Work

When Aang struggles with a block while trying to learn Earthbending from Toph, he wonders if the problem is with him or his teacher.


Episode 30 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 10: The Library

A professor leads the kids to a spirit library in the middle of the desert, where Sokka hopes to discover powerful secrets to use against the Fire Nation.


Episode 31 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 11: The Desert

Aang searches for Appa, while Katara struggles to keep everyone together so they can survive in the vast desert.


Episode 32 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 12: The Journey To Ba Sing Se Part 1: The Serpent's Pass

When the kids are prevented from taking the "easy way" into Ba Sing Se, they must escort a family of refugees there the hard way -- through the deadly Serpent's Pass.


Episode 33 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 13: The Journey to Ba Sing Se Pt. 2 - The Drill

Aang discovers a colossal Fire Nation invention heading for Ba Sing Se, and the kids must stop it before it destroys the great wall that protects the city from invasion.


Episode 34 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 14: City of Walls and Secrets

Aang and the kids finally arrive in Ba Sing Se to see the Earth King, only to find mysterious forces within the city conspiring to stop them.


Episode 35 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 15: Tales of Ba Sing Se

A series of short stories, highlighting different characters and their individual adventures in the city.


Episode 36 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 16: Appa's Lost Days

In this special episode, we go back in time to the moment Appa was stolen.


Episode 37 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 17: Lake Laogai

While searching for Appa, the kids run into Jet, but are torn about whether to trust him or not. Meanwhile, Zuko also hunts for Appa.


Episode 38 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 18: The Earth King

The kids battle Long Feng the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city.


Episode 39 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 19: The Guru

A guru at the Eastern Air Temple helps Aang take the next step in his Avatar journey.


Episode 40 - Avatar - Season 2, Episode 20: The Crossroads of Destiny

Everyone races against time to stop Azula's sinister conquest of Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Katara spend time together in an unexpected way.


Episode 41 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 1: The Awakening

After sustaining serious injuries at the end of season two, Aang awakens to find himself aboard a Fire Nation ship. Meanwhile, Zuko journeys home.


Episode 42 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 2: The Headband

To better camouflage themselves as real Fire Nation citizens, the kids check out a Fire Nation school. Avatar dance special. Also, Zuko confronts Uncle.


Episode 43 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 3: The Painted Lady

When the gang comes to a suffering fishing village, a mysterious spirit appears to help the villagers.


Episode 44 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 4: Sokka's Master

When Sokka feels he's not contributing enough to the group, he seeks out a mysterious master to teach him the ways of the sword.


Episode 45 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 5: The Beach

Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee go on vacation at Lo and Li's beach house, where they learn a lot about themselves and each other. Meanwhile, the kids face a new enemy.


Episode 46 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 6: The Avatar and the Firelord

Aang and Zuko are taken on parallel adventures that give them insight into their forefathers' pasts – but how does the tale of Roku and Sozin matter to them now?


Episode 47 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 7: The Runaway

When Toph discovers a quick way to make cash, Katara disapproves, and the rift between them has disastrous consequences.


Episode 48 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 8: The Puppetmaster

The kids investigate mysterious disappearances in a spooky town. Katara makes a special connection.


Episode 49 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 9: Nightmares and Daydreams

On the eve of the eclipse, Aang's anxiety gets the better of him. His dreams become nightmares, and soon he can no longer tell dream from reality.


Episode 50 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 10: Day of the Black Sun "The Invasion", Pt. 1

With the day of the eclipse upon them, the kids -- along with a rag-tag force of old friends -- enact their long-planned invasion of the Fire Nation.


Episode 51 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 11: Day of the Black Sun "The Eclipse", Pt. 2

With the day of the eclipse upon them, the kids -- along with a rag-tag force of old friends -- enact their long-planned invasion of the Fire Nation.


Episode 52 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 12: The Western Air Temple

When our gang regroups at the Western Air temple, they find someone there they weren't expecting.


Episode 53 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 13: The Firebending Masters

When it comes time for Zuko to teach Aang Firebending, it turns out Aang is not the only one who needs a lesson. The two set out to learn the true meaning of Firebending from the original teachers.


Episode 54 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 14: The Boiling Rock p1

Sokka and Zuko head to the Fire Nation's most heavily guarded prison -- the Boiling Rock -- in hopes to find and break-out the captured invasion force.


Episode 55 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 15: The Boiling Rock, Pt. 2

Sokka and Zuko have to rethink their escape plan after things go wrong. They end up getting help from a few unexpected sources.


Episode 56 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 16: The Southern Raiders

Katara sets out to confront the Fire Nation soldier who killed her mother. But what will she do when she finds him?


Episode 57 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 17: The Ember Island Players

The kids see a play about themselves and all their past adventures. But they aren't happy with the production.


Episode 58 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 18: Sozin's Comet, Pt. 1

During a beach party Zuko tells the group that Ozai plans to use the comet's power to burn down the Earth Kingdom. At night, Aang sleepwalks to an offshore island that disappears in the morning.


Episode 59 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 19: Sozin's Comet, Pt. 2

On the mysterious island, Aang seeks guidance from his past lives, but they insist he must take Fire Lord Ozai's life. Team Avatar meets the Order of the White Lotus, its leader being Iroh.


Episode 60 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 20: Sozin's Comet, Pt. 3

The Comet appears in the sky. Zuko accepts Azula's challenge to an Agni Kai. Aang begins to duel the Phoenix King.


Episode 61 - Avatar - Season 3, Episode 21: Sozin's Comet p4

In the climatic series finale, Zuko confronts Azula, and Aang finally faces the Firelord.


Episode 62 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome to Republic City

Having mastered water, earth and fire, Avatar Korra is eager to begin her training in airbending, but trouble in Republic City interrupts her plans.


Episode 63 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 2: A Leaf in the Wind

After hitting a snag in her airbending training with Master Tenzin, Korra pays a visit to the city's Pro Bending arena in search of inspiration.


Episode 64 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 3: The Revelation

Korra attempts to infiltrate the Equalist movement and learn more about its mysterious leader.


Episode 65 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 4: The Voice in the Night

Korra is recruited to join Councilman Tarrlok's task force, which seeks to rid the city of Equalists by force.


Episode 66 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 5: The Spirit of Competition

Korra and her pro-bending teammates struggle to work together after romantic rivalries shake their foundation.


Episode 67 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 6: And the Winner Is…

Korra and the Fire Ferrets ready themselves for the pro-bending championship as an evil threat looms over the arena.


Episode 68 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 7: The Aftermath

Tensions mount when Korra begins to suspect an ally is working for the Equalists.


Episode 69 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 8: When Extremes Meet

Korra faces off with Councilman Tarrlok as Equalist activity continues to rise in Republic City.


Episode 70 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 9: Out of the Past

Korra attempts to understand her cryptic visions, while Tenzin and Beifong lead a search for Equalist hostages.


Episode 71 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 10: Turning the Tides

The Equalists begin their attack on Republic City.


Episode 72 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 11: Skeletons in the Closet

As the war intensifies, Korra goes undercover and discovers a secret about the anti-bending revolution. Meanwhile, her teammates hunt down an Equalist stronghold.


Episode 73 - Korra - Season 1, Episode 12: Endgame

In the season finale, Korra faces the mysterious leader of the Equalists as the war in Republic City comes to a head.


Episode 74 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 1: Rebel Spirit

Korra struggles to find a deeper connection with the Spirit World as she and the gang attend a Southern Water Tribe festival.


Episode 75 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 2: The Southern Lights

Korra and Chief Unalaq journey into a dangerous maelstrom and find a source of great spiritual power.


Episode 76 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 3: Civil Wars, Pt. 1

While tensions flare between the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, Korra struggles to remain neutral.


Episode 77 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 4: Civil Wars, Pt. 2

When Korra's parents are wrongfully arrested, Korra fights for their freedom.


Episode 78 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 5: Peacekeepers

When the President of the United Republic refuses to help Korra, she decides to take matters into her own hands.


Episode 79 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 6: The Sting

When Triad activity threatens to put Future Industries out of business, Mako performs an investigation and discovers a much bigger conspiracy.


Episode 80 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 7: Beginnings, Pt. 1

Korra learns about the epic and mythic origins of the first Avatar.


Episode 81 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 8: Beginnings, Pt. 2

Korra delves deeper into the Avatar's past and realizes what she must do in order to restore balance between the physical and spirit worlds.


Episode 82 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 9: The Guide

Korra seeks Tenzin's help to enter the Spirit World for the first time.


Episode 83 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 10: A New Spiritual Age

Korra enters the Spirit World and struggles with the Avatar's relationship with the spirits.


Episode 84 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 11: Night of a Thousand Stars

When President Raiko is attacked, Bolin saves the day.


Episode 85 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 12: Harmonic Convergence

Korra and company attempt to close the spirit portals before Harmonic Convergence.


Episode 86 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 13: Darkness Falls

Korra discovers a new twist in Unalaq's evil plan. Meanwhile, Tenzin realizes he must face his own demons in order to save his daughter.


Episode 87 - Korra - Season 2, Episode 14: Light in the Dark

Korra discovers a way she may be able to defeat the ultimate dark spirit and save the world.


Episode 88 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 1: A Breath of Fresh Air

Korra discovers that Harmonic Convergence has created a major shift in the bending world.


Episode 89 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 2: Rebirth

Korra and Team Avatar set out to reestablish the Air Nation.


Episode 90 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 3: The Earth Queen

Team Avatar travels to Ba Sing Se to search for Airbenders.


Episode 91 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 4: In Harm's Way

After discovering that the Earth Queen is forcing all the Airbenders in Ba Sing Se to join her army, Korra makes a plan to bust them out.


Episode 92 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 5: The Metal Clan

Korra's quest leads her and her friends to the metal city of Zaofu.


Episode 93 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 6: Old Wounds

Beifong is forced to face her past.


Episode 94 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 7: Original Airbenders

Tenzin tries to train the new members of the Air Nation while dealing with Bumi's bad attitude.


Episode 95 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 8: The Terror Within

Zaheer and his group attempt to abduct Korra.


Episode 96 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 9: The Stakeout

Korra learns the truth about the group that is out to destroy her.


Episode 97 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 10: Long Live the Queen

Asami and Korra are stranded in the desert.


Episode 98 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 11: The Ultimatum

Mako and Bolin deliver an ominous message from Zaheer.


Episode 99 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 12: Enter the Void

Korra makes the ultimate sacrifice.


Episode 100 - Korra - Season 3, Episode 13: Venom of the Red Lotus

Zaheer enacts his deadly plan.


Episode 101 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 1: After All These Years

It's been three years since Zaheer poisoned Korra and the members of Team Avatar have moved on with their lives; Kai and Opal help a struggling Earth Kingdom town.


Episode 102 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 2: Korra Alone

Korra's three-year journey of healing takes her to unexpected places.


Episode 103 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 3: The Coronation

Prince Wu's big day is ruined by Kuvira; Korra thinks she may have found the key to a full recovery.


Episode 104 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 4: The Calling

Tenzin tasks Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo with a mission of the utmost importance – to find Korra.


Episode 105 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 5: Enemy at the Gates

Kuvira threatens Zaofu; Bolin is caught in the middle of the bad blood between Su Beifong and Kuvira.


Episode 106 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 6: Battle of Zaofu

Korra returns to her role as the Avatar, but is she really ready for action? Bolin and Varrick break from Kuvira's army.


Episode 107 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 7: Reunion

Korra returns to Republic City and Team Avatar faces their first mission together in three years when Prince Wu goes missing; Bolin and Varrick are on the lam.


Episode 108 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 8: Remembrances

A look back at Team Avatar's journey; Varrick tells the story of the greatest move ever made.


Episode 109 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 9: Beyond the Wilds

The spirit vines in Republic City start abducting people and it's up to Korra to figure out why.


Episode 110 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 10: Operation - Beifong

Bolin helps Opal and Lin save the Beifongs from Kuvira; Korra visits the Spirit World looking for help.


Episode 111 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 11: Kuvira's Gambit

Korra and Team Avatar try to stop Kuvira from moving against Republic City; Kuvira unveils a deadly new weapon.


Episode 112 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 12: Day of the Colossus

Team Avatar clashes with Kuvira on the streets of Republic City; Pema and Prince Wu help evacuate innocent citizens.


Episode 113 - Korra - Season 4, Episode 13: The Last Stand

The fate of the Earth Kingdom and the Avatar's life is at stake, when Korra comes face to face with Kuvira.



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