Bob and Margaret

Bob and Margaret Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Bob Gets Wired

When Margaret forgets to pay for some sprinkles at the local cake shop, she is hauled in as a shoplifter.


Episode 1 - Bob's Burglary

While Bob and Margaret are sleeping, the local criminals, Beany and Boney clear their house - TV, video, microwave and electric toothbrush all go. The police arrive but are wholly uninterested in yet another petty burglary.


Episode 1 - Stranded in Toronto

When Bob and Margaret take a trip to New York, their flight is re-routed to Toronto due to a storm.


Episode 1 - New Lease On Life

Bob and Margaret have near-death experience when Bob nearly crashes their car. They decide to turn over a new leaf and live their lives more fully.


Episode 2 - Blood, Sweat and Tears

Bob and Margaret decide they need to get fit. After fruitless attempts at aerobics and working out, they decided on a friendly game of Badminton and rope in another couple, Cathy and her latest boyfriend, Ken.


Episode 2 - Strangers in a Strange Land

Bob and Margaret are mortified to discover that while they have been cooped up at Cookie and Melvin's house in Mississauga Ontario, their dogs have been left unattended by Penny, Bob's unreliable receptionist.


Episode 2 - Life Saver

Bob inadvertently saves the life of a suicidal man who then decides to become Bob's best friend. Bob, who has always felt the lack of real mates in his life, is flattered.


Episode 2 - The Trouble With Mummy

Bob is concerned when he hears that his mother’s best friend Pearl has passed on. How will she manage without her best friend, alone in the big old house?


Episode 3 - Fly On the Wall

Feeling belittled by his family, Bob jumps at the chance to be the subject of a “fly on the wall” documentary.


Episode 3 - The Candidate

Margaret finds herself inadvertently running for City Council when the candidate she is supporting drops out of the race.


Episode 3 - Margaret Gets a Job

Bob and Margaret have made the big move to Canada. They have bought a house and Bob has gotten a job at a small inner city dental clinic.


Episode 3 - A Tale of Two Dentists

Unexpectedly, a new young dentist, Dr. Stanway, opens up a swanky new practice across the street from Bob. Bob panics and threatens a dental fight to the last root canal; until Dr. Stanway pops over for a friendly visit.


Episode 4 - Jury Duty

Margaret gets called to Jury Duty but Bob has planned a holiday for them and begs her to get herself excused.


Episode 4 - A Night In

Bob and Margaret find themselves at loose ends one evening when, to their dismay, they find that there is absolutely nothing to watch on TV.


Episode 4 - No Trouble

Margaret is in a tizzy of preparations because her parents are coming to visit. But after all this, her parents behave just as they always do - Maureen and Tony fawn over Bob, but treat Margaret as if she doesn’t exist.


Episode 4 - Til Death Do Us

Bob gets conned into buying a cemetery plot for Margaret as a surprise 15th wedding anniversary gift.


Episode 5 - The Wedding

Cookie and Melvin invite Bob and Margaret to the wedding of their goddaughter, Tiffany.


Episode 5 - Problems

At her clinic one-day, Margaret sees an old school chum, and invites her and her husband Matt to dinner.


Episode 5 - The Player

Bob attends a personal finance seminar to help him get his hopeless financial house in order.


Episode 5 - Shopping

Bob and Margaret, concerned at the amount they are spending in take away food and expensive local food shops, decide on an expedition to the Super Save Shopatropolis in Croydon.


Episode 6 - Fish At the Bat

Bob gets cajoled into joining his office softball team. Everyone at work is convinced that Bob is a world-class cricket player, but in truth he is terrible at all sports and too embarrassed to tell anyone.


Episode 6 - The Holiday

Bob and Margaret, with some trepidation, deliver their dogs, William and Elizabeth, to the kennels.


Episode 6 - A Patient Dies in Bob’s Chair

When a patient dies of natural causes while in Bob’s surgery, the local papers pick up the story.


Episode 6 - An Ordinary Dentist

Margaret is nominated for the “Golden Arch Support” award for outstanding service in the field of footcare.


Episode 7 - Driving Bob

Bob and Margaret have put it off for too long. They need to get their Canadian drivers' licenses.


Episode 7 - For Pete's Sake

Bob's brother Peter is a successful chef who has a cooking show producing in India. Peter and his producer wife Rosie invite Bob and Margaret over for a lavish farewell dinner.


Episode 7 - The Cuckoo in the Nest

When Bob’s old friend Clive, (who is a real drunken slob), is dumped by his wife, Bob lets him stay for a few days despite Margaret’s objections.


Episode 7 - Mummy's Boy

Bob’s mother is coming all the way from England to visit him.


Episode 8 - Book Club

Bob and Margaret join a book club in the hopes of expanding their tiny social horizon.


Episode 8 - Friends for Dinner

Bob and Margaret have been invited to Neil and Moira's for dinner, or so they think. Bob and Margaret are offered some wine, and demolish a small bowl of peanuts.


Episode 8 - Animal Behaviour

Bob and Margaret arrive home from another boring evening out with dreary friends, to find that their dogs’ behaviour has taken a turn for the worse.


Episode 8 - I, Bob

When an efficiency expert comes to assess the Inner City Dental Clinic, Bob gets “side shifted” out of a job.


Episode 9 - Mastermind

When Bob and Margaret have a fender-bender with a local mobster, they accidentally turn him into the police.


Episode 9 - Cottage Country

Bob and Margaret get invited up to the cottage of Dr. Yoselheiffer, President of the Canadian Council of Dentists.


Episode 9 - A New Life

At a creepy chiropodist social night, Bob and Margaret encounter a couple who are rapturous about the new planned community where they now live.


Episode 9 - Love's Labours Lost

While listening to the radio, Bob observes his charmless young assistant Penny, inspiring him to recite odes about youth and innocence.


Episode 10 - The Dental Convention

The time for the annual dental convention has come. Bob is not keen on going when he sees that a colleague from his student days, Bernard Wiggins, a 'loud mouthed big shot', is a featured speaker.


Episode 10 - Undefended Border

Bob and Margaret go cross-border shopping in the United States.


Episode 10 - Gone to Seed

Bob decides to donate his sperm to a local sperm bank. Margaret, already uncomfortable with the idea, is horrified to learn that her co-worker Guinevere will be the lucky recipient of Bob’s donation.


Episode 10 - Party Politics

Margaret runs into a distant friend who asks her to have an Ann Summers-type party in her home.


Episode 11 - On Location

A film crew sets up shop on Bob and Margaret's street, giving them a small and unsavory taste of fame and fortune.


Episode 11 - Going Dutch

Margaret enters a contest and wins the grand prize: a cycling tour of Holland! But she is surprised to find that Bob is unenthused about the trip, and makes all sorts of excuses not to go.


Episode 11 - A Very Fishy Christmas

Bob and Margaret experience a truly Canadian Christmas.


Episode 11 - Discomfort of Strangers

Margaret fears that her relationship with Bob is getting stale after they have a petty argument.


Episode 12 - Gary

Bob and Margaret thought they knew everything about their next door neighbours, until Joyce and Trevor introduce them to their grown son, Gary.


Episode 12 - Trick or Treat

It's Halloween. It is also Bob father's birthday and his mother wants to celebrate by visiting his grave.


Episode 12 - Over Exposed

Margaret accidentally picks up her neighbour's photos at the pharmacy.


Episode 12 - My Foot Hurts

Margaret gets her own local call-in radio show entitled “My Foot Hurts.” On the first day, nervous and short on callers, she mentions her favourite curry house on the air.


Episode 13 - Age Before Beauty

Margaret gets a new hairstyle but Bob doesn't even notice. What he does notice is a mole on Margaret's neck.


Episode 13 - Outward Bound

Bob joins his male colleagues on a canoe trip to a provincial park.


Episode 13 - A Bob or Two

Bob buys an inexpensive painting from the neighbours at a junk sale (mostly motivated by pity since these neighbours have fallen on hard times) and hangs it in his surgery to brighten things up.


Episode 13 - Neighbours

In this story of neighbourhood social angst, Bob is having a complex burglar alarm installed by Graham, a sad, lonely man whose confidence is lifted immeasurably by this rare sale to Bob.



Season 1

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