Doodlebops Rockin' Road Show

Doodlebops Rockin' Road Show Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Splish Splash Fun/Messypotamia

Lucy doesn’t like bath-time – she doesn’t even like getting wet. Rooney’s not a fan of getting wet either. The Doodlebops try to get Lucy and Rooney to see how fun water can be by going to Soaked and Silly Water Park, the best water park in the Doodlenet. Both Rooney and Lucy, while nervous at first, end up having a spectacular day./Jamie doesn’t understand why he’s always being told to tidy his room so the Doodlebops take him to Messy-Potamia – the messiest place in the Doodlenet. When their concert almost gets cancelled because the stage and tour bus are covered in piles of junk, Jamie leads the charge to clean up, even having to convince Moe (who also loves messes) that tidying up is important after all.


Episode 2 - The Trumpet That Roared/Mouthful of Teeth

The Doodlebops want to rock Trumpet-Pa-Looza but none of them can play the trumpet. They contact Alice - a talented trumpet player who is too shy to play in front of people. The Doodles take her on an adventure through the Doodlenet to find ways to build her confidence./Adam and Moe don’t see why brushing their teeth is important so Bob introduces them to a giant who hasn’t brushed his teeth in months. They fly into his mouth and meet the Decayers, a gang out to damage his teeth. The Doodlebops get rid of the gang with some loud music and the giant, Adam and Moe promise to start brushing regularly.


Episode 3 - Race Day/Night Light

Sophie’s classmates don’t pick her for sports teams because they think she’s too small. Good timing for Deedee - she wants to compete in a 3-Legged Race tournament but Moe, Rooney and Bob are sick. Sophie is determined to be a good race partner and, in the end, slow and steady really does win the race./Noah contacts the Doodlebops to tell them how afraid of the dark he is. The Doodlebops help him get over his fear by taking him to Campfire Beach where they have a marshmallow roast, look at fireworks, and meet some cute bugs that glow in the dark. Turns out there are some fun things you can do only when it’s dark.


Episode 4 - Where's Moe?/Bus Stop

Moe’s hiding tricks backfire when he finds such a good hiding place that his friends can’t find him. Rooney and Deedee enlist the help of Chelsea, a girl who dreams of being a detective, to head up the investigation for the missing Moe: collecting clues, asking questions, following Moe’s trail… always just one step behind. They have to make sure to find him before their next show./The Doodlebops have to get to a gig but their Bus refuses to go anywhere. They recruit Daniel to help them figure out the problem. After some careful observation Deedee finds a nail stuck in one of the tires. Daniel points out that everyone’s been so busy lately they were neglecting their trusty friend.


Episode 5 - Deedee's Doodle/Bus Driver Bob

Deedee can’t decide what to draw so the Doodlebops invite Zack, a boy who loves drawing, to come help her out. They visit Sketch-opia, a place where kids’ drawings come to life, and when Zack creates a creature that runs amok with a pencil, Deedee has to learn to draw things on the fly in an attempt to contain Zack’s creation. /Alana wants to interview her favorite band but when she notices how integral Bob is to the team she decides to interview him instead. At first the Doodlebops are offended and feel left out. But then they realize how much Bob does for them and that he deserves some attention for a change.


Episode 6 - Doodleball/Knighty Mighty

The Doodlebops ask Robbie to join their Doodleball team but he and Moe are ball hogs and they nearly lose the game. When Robbie realizes that teams play better when people work together, he and Moe finally play cooperatively and they win the game. /Shy little Lily contacts the Doodlebops with a request – she’s tired of playing princess, she wants to be a knight for a change. They take her to a castle and dress her up in knight’s armor. When Lily gets the courage to scold a rambunctious dragon she realizes she just needs to speak up to get what she wants.


Episode 7 - The Pancake Flip Flop/Stand Up Funny

Rooney has invented a machine that makes pancakes but it doesn’t work properly and he’s too stubborn to ask for help. The Doodlebops invite Tracy to join them on a trip to Pancake Port where she and Rooney learn the value of asking for help when you need it./Steve is worried about making new friends so the Doodlebops bring him aboard to befriend him themselves. When Bob’s short cut leads them to a small town where all the citizens are shy, it’s the perfect chance for Steve to break the ice with a few jokes. It goes over really well and the Doodlebops head off to a concert with their new pals in tow.


Episode 8 - Icky Ewwy/Show and Tell

Samantha thinks she hates asparagus even though she’s actually never tried it. So the Doodlebops take her to Icky Town to show her the importance of trying new things. Deedee wears green instead of pink. Moe tries apple juice instead of orange. When Rooney’s round guitar breaks and he has no choice but to use the square one, Samantha realizes some new things are worth trying./Julian doesn’t have anything for ‘Show & Tell’ so the Doodlebops take him on an adventure to find a buried toy. But when pirates chase them away from the treasure Julian accidentally leaves his backpack behind. Turns out the teddy bear inside is his most valued possession. Luckily the pirates just want the Doodle’s autograph and Julian is able to take his teddy bear for Show & Tell.


Episode 9 - Mind Your Manners/Sharsies

Tahlia is learning to be polite but doesn’t understand why she always has to say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’. The Doodlebops decide to take a break from manners for a day and invite Thalia to their concert in Wowzer Town, a place completely obsessed with the Doodlebops. When the Doodles don’t show sufficient appreciation to their hosts, the citizens boycott the concert. The Doodlebops and Thalia finally realize the importance of manners./Malcolm and Deedee don’t want to share their new toys. Bob takes everyone to Mineville – a place full of great stuff that nobody uses because they don’t know how to share. Here Deedee and Malcolm realize that sharing is good -- you always have someone to play with and it makes the people around you happy.


Episode 10 - Harris Gets Embarrassed/Memory Lane

Deedee doesn’t want to play at the concert tonight because last time she sang there she was totally off-key. Harris has a similar problem – he fell off the jungle gym in front of his friends. He wasn’t hurt but now feels too embarrassed to go back to the playground. Rooney and Moe show him that there’s no reason to be embarrassed about silly mistakes by demonstrating how everyone goofs up sometimes./Sandy contacts the Doodlebops to say that she knows a lot of tricks for remembering things. Perfect timing because Deedee has to compete in a memory game against an elephant -- and we all know elephants have excellent memories. Sandy demonstrates strategies like retracing your steps, wearing colored ribbons on your fingers and making songs out of scenarios until Deedee’s a memory whiz.


Episode 11 - No Newbies/Stamp Champ

Alicia is upset that her parents are having another baby and that she’s no longer the center of attention. When the Doodlebops try to cheer her up they happen upon a baby bird that’s fallen from her nest. They have to get the baby bird home and, along the way, Alicia takes more and more responsibility for taking care of it. She learns that everyone is special and that having a brother or sister can actually be a lot of fun./The Doodlebops take Archie to South Stampton, a town full of stamps, to load up on stamps and stickers to give to their fans. When the citizens accidentally get stuck together Archie helps them get unstuck. His friends may not share his passion for stamps, but Archie’s interest makes him the expert in getting out of a sticky situation.


Episode 12 - The Go Go Go Kart/Only Halfway

Hanna has never won a trophy before. The Doodlebops invite Hanna to compete in a giant Go Kart race, but when Deedee obsessed with winning everyone needs to convince her to slow down. Hanna and Deedee realize that trophies aren’t as important as having fun./ Jon shows the Doodlebops a clay castle he made and Rooney zaps it with an invention that makes it life-size. When the castle keeps growing, they realize that Jon was in such a rush to finish it that he forgot some key ingredients. They learn the importance of following a project through to completion by making slides, stairs and a door so they can get out and turn the enlarging machine off.


Episode 13 - The Wash Up/The Biggest Drums Ever

The Doodlebops recruit Vera, a girl who doesn’t like getting dirty, to help them transport a bunch of new T-shirts through some of the muddiest places in the Doodlenet. After a Woodstock-esque experience at a muddy concert, they wash it all off and Vera sees it’s okay to get dirty sometimes./After Rooney and Deedee add a few bells and whistles to their instruments Moe asks Ken to help him build the biggest drum set ever. Their project quickly gets out of control and the drum kit turns into a monster. When they finally tame the playful giant, Moe realizes it’s time to go back to basics.


Episode 14 - Don't Forget to Ask/Bop Bop's New Tricks

The Doodlebops decide to make a music video and Alex is going to help them. He takes them to Rock Town where the locals take exception to the band shooting a video without asking first. When the Doodlebops’ instruments go missing they learn firsthand why it’s better to always ‘ask first’./The Doodlebops are performing in Dog Town and want to do something special for their canine audience. They decide it’d be cool if Bop Bop did a trick. But Bop Bop doesn’t know any. When they hear from Jenny, who wants to be a teacher, they bring her into the Doodlenet to see if she can teach Bop Bop to be a star.


Episode 15 - History Mystery Tour/Doggy Disappear-o

Henry doesn’t know what instrument he should play so the Doodlebops bring him to the Doodlenet to help him. When their argument over whose instrument is better makes them late for the show, Bob accidentally sends them back in prehistoric times. In order to escape the Woolly Mammoth-Bops the group learns that to compromise and appreciate each other makes out for the best sound. /The Doodlebops want to use Amanda, a budding magician, as their opening act. When she can’t make Bop Bop disappear she loses her nerve big time. A trip to the Abracadabra Mall, shows Amanda to practice and keep trying her trick until she ‘gets it right’. After working with Bop Bop, the trick, and the show turns out to be a magical success.


Episode 16 - Moe's Missing Mojo/Dancing with the Bops

Tammy wants to learn some music tips from her favourite band. The Doodlebops invite her to the Doodlenet to answer her questions but they end up needing her help when Moe breaks his lucky drumstick and loses the beat inside of him. They head to BeeBopaBeatsville where Tammy and the bops learn all about rhythm from a giant Metranome and Moe learns that the beat is in HIM, not his drumsticks./Todd can’t dance, but he’s afraid to admit it to anyone, even the Doodlebops. When they invite him to a huge dance off he tries everything to steer them off course. Yet everywhere they go, something cool happens worth celebrating and everyone busts into spontaneous dance. Todd finally admits he doesn’t know how to dance so the Doodlebops give him a crash course at the big party and once they get him started, they can’t get him to stop.


Episode 17 - When I Grow Up/Follow the Leader

Owen has to do a project for school on what he would like to be when he grows up, so he asks the Doodlebops for help. They take him to the Doodlenet to show him a little bit of everything and along the way Owen takes pictures of all the action. When the Doodlebops go to their live TV appearance the cameraman is sick but Owen doesn’t mind taking his place- he really loves working with a camera. Together, the Doodlebops help Owen discover that finding something you enjoy makes doing it easier./Sarah likes planning family outings so when Bob goes out of town the Doodlebops ask her to be in charge. Sarah wants to do everything her way, even ignoring Robot Bob. When they get lost in the Rainbow Vortex of Destiny, Sarah starts to see firsthand that it’s not just ‘fun’ to be leader. The Doodlebops help her realize that she should listen to what everyone says, and take other people’s opinions into account.


Episode 18 - Super Doodles/One Up

Riley really wants to be a superhero in order to help people, so the Doodlebops bring her to Super City to see all the Superheroes and their powers. When the bus crashes into an alien who is on the verge of stealing all of Super City’s citizens powers the gang gets all of the super strength. They discover and help everyone (including the alien) realize you don’t need powers or costumes in order to help people./Billy is an inventor and wants to show Rooney his stuff and also check out Rooney’s latest projects. But when they get together they’re intent on trying to one up each other and end up blasting Bob, Bop Bop and the Bus away. By working together to get them back Billy and Rooney team up and put ALL their inventions together into an awesome device to save the day.


Episode 19 - Atlantis Ahoy!/Switcheroo

Claire is nervous about meeting some people in her family that she has never met before. The Doodlebops bring her to the Doodlenet as Bob is meeting his cousin, Submarine Driver Bob, for the first time too. Claire gets to see firsthand that being prepared and knowing a bit about a person can help everyone feel more comfortable. /The Doodlebops think it would be easy to be each other so they switch up instruments and colours in a “Switcheroo”. They recruit Dylan, who is tired of his brother and sister helping him with his crafts, to create the banner of their new look. After some failed attempts with their new instruments and a very sticky glue mess they realize that nothing is really easy they’re all just really good at what they do.


Episode 20 - Sing a Tune Town/The Doodle-verse!

Stephanie is pretty sure she can’t sing but when the Doodlebops take her to Sing a Tune Town she can’t get away with not singing. Everything said or asked in this town has to be sung or no one understands each other. By the end of the day Stephanie discovers that she had been practicing all day without even realizing it and now she is ready to join the Doodlebops in a song!/Rick is having a difficult time writing a poem for school and the Doodlebops are having an equally difficult time writing lyrics to their new song. They go to the Doodleverse through the Word Wormhole where they discover all the amazing word possibilities.


Episode 21 - Camp Doodlenet/Mail Snail Central

Jack and Moe don’t see why they should go outside when they can sit inside and play video games. When the Doodlebops invite Jack to the Doodlenet they set out on an outdoor adventure where Moe and Jack realize the benefits of being outside./When Mail Snail is late delivering mail, the Doodlebops realize it’s because it’s Doodlenet Day, the busiest mail day of the year. Vicky just finished delivering her party invitations so the Doodlebops bring her to the Doodlenet to give Mail Snail a hand. They come to realize how hard he works when they follow him around Mail Snail Central and all the places he delivers.


Episode 22 - Rooney's Robot/Hiccupitis

The Doodlebops invite Garret, who has just learned to ride his bike, on a bike ride to get a spare part for one of Rooney’s stubborn inventions. While out riding the group encounters a massive hill that Garrett helps them overcome with his positive attitude and determination. /Rooney’s got a bad case of the hiccups and he needs them to go away before their concert! The Doodlebops invite Matilda, a girl with a bad toothache to the Doodlenet in hopes that she can help Rooney AND forget about her toothache along the way. The plan works when Rooney and Matilda realize that thinking about their problem makes it worse so it’s best to keep busy!


Episode 23 - The Fan Who Cried Flying Pink Dinosaur/Follow That Iguana!

The Doodlebops are so impressed by Lisa and everything she has done they invite her to the Doodlenet to meet her. They discover she has been exaggerating her stories, so when she explains that she saw a flying pink dinosaur taking Moe’s drums they don’t really believe her. After discovering she had been telling the truth, Lisa learns that if you tell too many tall tales people won’t believe you when you’re telling the truth./The Doodlebops invite Justin to the Doodlenet to play with Bop Bop but end up finding a pet Iguana instead. Because they found it Moe and Justin believe it is theirs. When a chase around town leads them to the real owner, they discover that just because you find something doesn’t make it yours.


Episode 24 - The Zoom Boom Brothers/Save the Doodlenet

When Ethan can’t decide who his best friend is the Doodlebops invite him to the Doodlenet to help him. They get sidetracked when Zimmy Zim Zam invites them to play at his concert for his two friends but when they arrive they find out it has been cancelled because Zimmy can’t pick which one is his best. Together they all discover that since it’s ok to have more than one friend it’s ok to have more than one best friend./Isabella and Deedee have never recycled before so they don’t realize how important it is. When Deedee accidentally throws her broken keytar in the recycling bin they and the other Doodlebops get to see the benefits of turning something you don’t use anymore into something somebody else can.


Episode 25 - Song Bird/Message Mess-Up

When Joshua comes to the Doodlenet with his new pet canary, Mustard, the Doodlebops can’t believe how great of a performer she is. They invite her to sing on their new album even though Bop Bop was supposed to be on it. When Mustard becomes more famous and leaves the Doodlebops out they all realize how Bop Bop felt and how it’s important to always include everyone./Sienna asks the Doodlebops for help when she keeps giving the wrong messages to people. Perfect timing because Moe wasn’t paying attention and didn’t properly get the message of where their next concert is. When Sienna realizes that writing down messages and paying attention will help her remember them, the Doodlebops are able to play a rock-out concert.


Episode 26 - Band Together/More Than Meets the Eye

Taylor doesn’t want to be in the school play because she didn’t get the lead, so The Doodlebops take her to the Really, Really Big Music Jubileealooza. There she sees that when Moe tries to over shine Dee Dee and Rooney it doesn’t work. It’s more important to be together as a team./Ben is afraid of the new boy next door even though they’ve never spoken. To cheer him up, the Doodlebops take him to Dragons of Fun Theme Park only to find that all the park’s visitors are too scared of the monster at the top of the hill to visit anymore. Ben takes the Doodlebops to meet the monster, who turns out to be just a guy named Pete with giant feet and a didgeridoo. Ben learns not to judge a book by its cover.



Season 1

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