
Exosquad Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Pirate Scourge

After Exosquad comes to the rescue of a freighter being attacked by Tethysian Pirates, the General Assembly commissions Exosquad to eliminate the Tethysian Pirate menace once and for all. Its the year 2119 and the Danube, a freighter en route to Earth, is attacked by Simbacca and his band of Tethysian pirates. The Exosquad is called in to rescue the crew, but J.T. and the gang arrive too late; the crew is dead. Back on Earth, the General Assembly decides to send Exosquad into battle against the Tethysian pirates, terminating the Tethysian menace once and for all.


Episode 2 - Seeds of Deception

We open to find our heroes where we left off, battling Tethysian Pirates. The pirates are badly hurt and Simbacca retreats to Tethys just before the Exofleet can beat him completely. In the meantime, we are introduced to Sean Napier, a former Exotrooper who was kicked out of the service for attitude problems. He is now a Chicago cop. While on crowd control duty at a speech given by Phaeton, a sniper takes aim, and Sean spins into action, neutralizing the sniper but getting shot in the process. When Phaeton and the Mayor come to thank Sean for his help, he gives Phaeton a large dose of attitude. The Mayor is furious and tells him that he is off the force. Back in the vicinity of Saturn, the Exosquad is about to join the Pirates in another battle.


Episode 3 - Hidden Terrors

Exosquad continues its battle with Tethysian pirates, until it gets word that Neosapiens have attacked the Homeworlds. The Resolute has chased the pirates to the icy moon of Saturn Enceladus. J.T. and the team drop down to the surface to lend support to Jump-Troopers who are leading the assault. The attack goes well as the Resolute pounds the surface with blaster fire. The Resolute and the rest of the force lower their orbit to finish off the Pirates unwittingly; this leads Exosquad straight into a trap.


Episode 4 - Blitzkrieg

Phaeton and his forces are in near total control of the Homeworlds; Sean tries to escape the attack on Chicago; and Marcus is in command of Exosquad because Admiral Winfield has been injured. Marcus, overwhelmed by his new responsibilities, orders the fleet to proceed to Earth at full speed. J.T. objects to this order as it will break the fleet in two (the slower ships will not be able to keep up) and thus reduce their firepower when they face the Neosapiens. Marcus explodes at the challenge and has J.T. arrested and charged with mutiny.


Episode 5 - Resist!

J.T. escapes from imprisonment, and with Exosquad, he joins forces with Sean and the Resistance squad to battle Phaeton. The Exosquad fights a losing battle against the Neosapien forces. Marcus' strategy has proven wrong and the lack of firepower is causing Exosquad to be outgunned. With the help of his team, J. T. is sprung from the guards. They scramble for their E-frames and blast off to fight the Neosapiens.


Episode 6 - Target: Earth

J.T. and Exosquad help Sean and the Resistance team dismantle Phaeton's GRAF shield, but run into some problems with Neosapiens along the way. The Neosapiens have put a new defense shield into place that Exosquad must remove. It is called the GRAF shield, a gravity control device capable of crushing attacking ships before they reach the earth. J.T. and part of his team drop down to Earth to take out the device with the help of the Resistance. As usual, Sean and his team give J.T., and especially Marsala, a very hard time.


Episode 7 - A Traitor Among Us

J.T. uses the Neosapien communication system to send a message to the fleet that the GRAF shield on Earth is operational and the one on Venus soon will be. Back on the fleet, Nara quickly volunteers the rest of the Squad for a mission on Venus to recon the GRAF shield, which will give her a chance to get back to her family on Venus. Back on Earth, we find J.T. and Exosquad holed up with resistance fighters and their Neosapien prisoner, Xenobius, but minus a captured Sean. Diana helps Xenobius escape when no one is looking.


Episode 8 - Scorched Venus

As Marsala rescues J.T. and his crew from an ill-fated journey to the sun, Nara learns that except for a brother, James, now a Resistance leader, her family on Venus has been eliminated. As they head for the sun, all looks lost for J.T., Alec Deleon, Diana and the rest of the prisoners, but Marsala comes to the rescue.


Episode 9 - Sabotage

James and J.T. join forces, creating a plan to capture Algernon and destroy the GRAF shield. Nara searches for James and J.T.; she finds that James has gone and intends to exchange the Exotroopers for food. She arrives at the rendezvous point and standing with her comrades, convinces James not to go through with the exchange. Of course, this is a Neo-trap and the gang must blast their way out.


Episode 10 - Abandoned!

We open to find Marcus and newly promoted Captain Furlong plotting mutiny against Admiral Winfield. As part of the plot, Marcus plans to get rid of J.T. and the gang by sending them on what he tells them is a "top secret mission to Mars. J.T. and the Squad accept the mission, and all but Maggie Weston and Kaz take off for Mars. They are told that they will be attacking a Neo weapons complex near Olympus Mons. The weapons complex is really a giant Neo brooding lab that the Neos are using to brood workers who will replace Terrans.


Episode 11 - The Brood

We open to find Exosquad on Mars, about to be annihilated by Neos. With some quick thinking, J.T. temporarily gets the gang out of hot water and hidden in a cave where they repair their E-frames. Back at the Resolute, Captain Marcus has now gained control of the fleet and launches it into a full-scale assault against the Earth. Marcus asks Exotroopers loyal to Winfield to join in the fight.


Episode 12 - Betrayal

We open to find Exosquad, minus Marsala and Alec, trapped in a cave on Mars. The Neos are hunting them down. Meanwhile, Marsala has surrendered and is taken to see Phaeton. As Marsala and Phaeton confront each other, we are given a flashback of the Neo rebellion fifty years before. We see Phaeton captured by a then young Admiral Winfield. The terrified Phaeton brings Winfield to the leader of the rebellion, who turns out to be Marsala. We're now taken back to the present time and find Marsala asking to join Phaeton's troops and agreeing to tell no one of Phaeton's past cowardice.


Episode 13 - Defying Olympus

We open to find the team in peril, about to be overrun by Neos. With Phaeton as their prisoner, Exosquad escapes through the ventilation ducts of the Brood Center. Typhonus and the rest of the Neos are in pursuit and flood the ventilation system with sulfur gas, tolerable to Neos but poisonous to humans. Exosquad makes it to the mountain side of Olympus Mons, but Phaeton lunges at Marsala sending him over the edge of the cliff. Before Phaeton can finish him off, J.T. and the Squad spring into action.



Season 1

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