Garden Academy

Garden Academy Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - S1 Ep. 25 - Help Around!

Gardener Tim finds some toys in the middle of the garden and invites Rose and Margarita to a new lesson on how to keep our surroundings in order. Rose also teaches them how to order while singing.


Episode 2 - S1 Ep. 26 - My Pets!

Col brings his pet (a cute little fish) to the class. And Gardener Tim uses the occasion to teach his students different types of pets. Rose learns about plurals and helps Col to name his fish.


Episode 3 - S1 Ep. 27 - Love And Share

Rose brings her special balloon to class, Margarita wishes that Rose could share it with her. Rose has a little trouble to lend her balloon, Gardener Tim teaches her how good and fun it is to share.


Episode 5 - S1 Ep. 29 - The Color Brown

Margarita brings her best friend to class: the bear she sleeps with. But that makes her sleepy. Gardener Tim gives her and Col energy to learn about the colour brown and explore the garden.


Episode 6 - S1 Ep. 30 - Taking Care Of Your Pets

A small musical instrument appears in the garden: a little piano. Rose and Monte are very excited to play it and sing but it seems that one of them is not so in tune, who will it be?


Episode 7 - S1 Ep. 31 - Fruits!

Gardener Tim has a basket full of delicious fruits. For him it´s a great opportunity to teach Margarita and Monte about names, colours and shapes of each fruit. They can't wait to try some.


Episode 8 - S1 Ep. 28 - The Number 8

It looks like Margarita is afraid of insects. But there's also Super Monte to help her, or not? Gardener Tim teaches them to overcome their fear. They also learn how to count to number 8.


Episode 9 - S1 Ep. 33 - The Number 9

Nine delicious and juicy oranges are in the garden. For Gardener Tim, it seems the ideal time to learn to count from number 1 to 9, and also to have a refreshing orange juice.


Episode 10 - S1 Ep. 34 - The Color Purple

Col arrives very happy and with contagious energy for his class today. He also wears a purple. Which means that is the perfect time to learn about purple colour and all the purple things around.


Episode 11 - S1 Ep. 35 - My Food!

Gardener Tim has a surprise for today's class: discovering fruits and vegetables just by smelling them. For that, they will cover their eyes and review everything they learned before.


Episode 12 - S1 Ep. 36 - What Do You See"

Gardener Tim brings to the class, a backpack full of costumes: a police officer one, firefighter, teacher, doctor. With these, he will teach Monte and Rose about some known city labours.


Episode 14 - S1 Ep. 38 - Colors

Margarita gives Rose a colourful and sweet lollipop. So, its the perfect time to learn more about colours: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange and also savour them.



Season 1

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