Hill Street Blues

Hill Street Blues Season 5 Episodes

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Season 5 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Mayo, Hold the Pickle

A new, no-nonsense roll call Sergeant takes over the podium at the Hill street station.


Episode 2 - Watt a Way to Go

An enraged Goldblume takes the law into his own hands when his ex-wife is sexually assaulted and refuses to testify against the suspect.


Episode 3 - Rookie Nookie

After his ex-wife is assaulted by a rape suspect, Lt. Goldblume roughs up the would-be attacker, only to have him walk away and commit murder.


Episode 4 - Fowl Play

A rookie officer -- who was the victim of some sexual hijinks at an off-duty cop party the night before -- hangs himself.


Episode 5 - Bangladesh Slowly

A lovestruck Larue is still treading water as he wonders how an attractive woman implicated him in her husband's murder.


Episode 6 - Ewe and Me, Babe

A respected community leader is slain, and Furillo is under pressure to find the killer; he strikes a deal that may coincidentally deliver the marauding Colombians who are responsible for a wave of murders in an ongoing drug war.


Episode 7 - Blues for Mr. Green

The Blues maintain a special alert for Floyd Green, a callous, teenaged murderer who's just been released and creates more mayhem.


Episode 8 - Fuched Again

Davenport's life is endangered when she learns from a would-be assassin about a Byzantine plot to kill the Mayor, which involves some high ranking cops.


Episode 9 - Low Blow

Furillo puts pressure on a preppy business associate to set up a pair of contractors who conspired to have the Mayor assassinated.


Episode 10 - The Rise and Fall of Paul the Wall

Furillo bucks public opinion when he arrests a crafty old woman who set a trap for a hispanic thief -- and then shot him to death.


Episode 11 - Last Chance Salon

Darwin's survival theory is tested as an old and weakened gang vows to make one final desperate stand when a stronger tribe invades its turf.


Episode 12 - Intestinale Fortitude

Detectives Belker, Washington and Larue get down and dirty when they pose as independent garbage men to lay waste to another disposal company which is muscling out rivals.


Episode 13 - Of Human Garbage

An officer formerly under media scrutiny is lionized when he rescues a family from a burning house, but Furillo senses something fishy in the story.


Episode 14 - Dr. Hoof and Mouth

The agony grows for a distraught man who just lost his family in a hit-and-run car accident when he's arrested for outstanding warrants.


Episode 15 - Davenport in a Storm

New Assistant District Attorney Joyce Davenport must decide whether to pursue a case with flimsy evidence involving a star black athlete crippled by white youths.


Episode 16 - Washington Deceased

The Blues are in search of "Melon Man," a maniac who's killing prostitutes.


Episode 17 - Passage to Libya

Lt. Goldblume is the unlikely heartthrob hero of an attractive young woman when he saves her life during an undercover investigation into international weapons sales.


Episode 18 - El Capitan

When Captain Furillo attends a one-day encounter session for police brass, an eager Lt. Calletano assumes command and immediately faces unusual problems, such as what substance is suddenly turning some of the cops a lighter shade of blue.


Episode 19 - The Life and Time of Domenic Florio, Jr.

The irony of a delicate moral issue slams home when a militant pro-life advocate accidentally injures a pregnant woman (causing Davenport to prepare murder charges related to the premature birth), and a black family moves into an otherwise white housing project, instigating a riot.


Episode 20 - G.Q.

Davenport angers her bosses when she ruins her case against a ghetto youth who was framed by housing authority cops.


Episode 21 - Queen for a Day

A reassigned Renko works undercover with a resentful Belker to infiltrate a heavily fortified house and set up a drug buy; and a pattonesque Hunter sends a modified tank with a battering ram to break into the "Rock House" where drugs are being sold.


Episode 22 - You're in Alice's

A department regulation requiring urine samples for drug testing makes Coffey, Washington and Garibaldi nervous.


Episode 23 - Grin and Bear It

Hill and Renko are assigned to the department's goodwill ambassador, a senile bear with a fondness for hand-to-paw combat.


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