Mr. Bean: The Animated Series Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - In The Wild

Inspired by a wildlife documentary on TV, Mr. Bean dusts off his camera and treks deep into the countryside in search of the perfect photograph. After two fruitless days of being the hunter, he is somewhat miffed to find himself the hunted.

Episode 2 - Missing Teddy

Whilst browsing the supermarket for lovely grub, Mr. Bean's life-long pal, Teddy, is kidnapped. Bean tracks down the nasty men responsible and finds that Teddy is not their only captive.

Episode 3 - No Parking

Mr Bean drives his favourite Teddy to the cinema to see his favourite movie -'Titanic'. Now he simply has to park the car. But when you're MrBean, nothing's simple. His ingenious efforts to find a parking space are persistently foiled. And the clock is ticking...

Episode 4 - The Fly

It's a hot summer's night and a fly enters Mr. Bean's flat, keeping him awake. Most of the attempts to get rid of the fly fail, until he manages to trap it in his fridge. He moves the fridge outside, but Mrs. Wicket kicks him out of the apartment building after inadvertently waking her up, forcing him to sleep in the fridge for the rest of the night.

Episode 5 - Artful Bean

There's easy money to be had in the art world and Mr. Bean is set on getting some of it. Once equipped with the right tools, he ventures into the countryside with a blank canvas in search of inspiration -and comes home with apainting full of life. Literally.

Episode 6 - The Fly

When Mr. Bean finds a fly in his room, it's war. He needs weapons. Fly spray? A rolled-up magazine? These are only the start. In desperation, he enlists a mouldy doughnut, an encyclopaedia, an upside-down dustbin and a club-hammer. Finally, Bean becomes the first man in history to wage war on a fly... with a fridge.

Episode 7 - Mime Games

A street mime artist takes a shine to Mr. Bean when the pair meet in the local park. Because Mr. Bean fails to pay him, the mime follows Mr. Bean to his apartment when he's not looking and breaks Mrs. Wicket's water statue. But eventually, Mr. Bean manages to out-mime him!

Episode 8 - Spring Clean

It's spring cleaning day and Mr. Bean's room is a mess, so he cleans everything. After this, he takes a bath but as he gets out of the tub, he accidentally slips on the soap and lands in the vacuum, causing it to explode and dirty his room. He tries to bathe again, but since there's no hot water, he tries stealing some from a neighbor which doesn't go as smoothly as he imagined.

Episode 9 - No Pets

Mr. Bean, badgered by a strange pink animal, warms to the creature when it shows its true colors. But Mrs. Wicket won't allow for any pet other than Scrapper in the apartment building.

Episode 10 - Ray of Sunshine

Mr. Bean goes to the beach to get a tan, but when the countryman arrives and prevents him from exposing to the sun, he is trying to find another place. And when the nimbus cloud covers the sun, he starts to desperately chase the beam of sunlight across London.

Episode 11 - Birthday Bear

On Teddy's birthday, Mr. Bean decides to invite his girlfriend Irma Gobb to Teddy's birthday party at night. However, Irma becomes unhappy and uncomfortable at the party due to Bean's unfair play. When it's 9:00 pm, Bean shows Irma the fireworks display and she feels better.

Episode 12 - The Mole

Mrs. Wicket orders Mr. Bean to intervene when a mole interrupts her game of croquet on the lawn. Bean tries to get rid of it but keeps on failing until he finally manages to capture it. Mrs. Wicket orders Bean to kill it with a croquet hammer, but Bean doesn't want to kill it.

Episode 13 - Roadworks

Mr. Bean tries to relax, but the roadworks outside are shaking the whole flat. After numerous failed attempts to delay the workers, he finally finds a way to stop them by offering them food, however, fails to notice steam from a cracked pipe and lights the candle in his cart of food - even though the workers told him not to.

Episode 14 - The Sofa

Mr. Bean tries to watch TV with Teddy, but as he tries to find the remote, lots of springs come out of his sofa, prompting him to buy a new sofa. Since he cannot afford a new sofa costing £300, Bean decides to have a yard sale. Eventually, he sells a stamp for £300 to a passerby and then buys the sofa. However, Bean soon realises that his TV remote is still inside the old sofa.

Episode 15 - Treasure!

In a dark and cobwebby corner of his attic, Mr. Bean finds a treasure map. The hunt is on! But tricky clues lead Bean up the chimney, round the bend, down the garden path, up the blinking wall and nearly all the way to Australia.

Episode 16 - Homeless

After a regrettable episode involving his landlady sleepwalking into his room, Mr. Bean suddenly finds himself out on his ear with nowhere to live. Near to tears, he yearns for the cosy familiarity of his old home. A scarecrow and a pair of false teeth come to his rescue.

Episode 17 - Camping

An old photo album causes Bean to reminisce about his lovely summers at scout camp as a boy, and sets him planning a night under the stars with Teddy. Purchasing a tent becomes a tricky problem -but nothing will stop him having a good time, even if he has to get the garden shed over the roof of his house.

Episode 18 - Chocks Away

When his model aeroplane is blown out of the sky by that of a rival kid, Mr. Bean sets his sights on revenge. Next day, his newlyconstructed fighter plane, almost ready for take-off, sadly lacks a vital part -and the blinking model shop is shut!

Episode 19 - Royal Bean

After a faulty toaster accidentally breaks Mr. Bean's favorite mug with the Queen's face on it, he goes to town to buy a new one. He finds a truck containing mugs with the Queen's face on it, resulting in him chasing the truck to Buckingham Palace. He tries to get a mug; however, the Queen's corgi steals Teddy and Bean gives chase.

Episode 20 - Young Bean

When Mr. Bean steals a slice of Mrs. Wicket's chocolate cake, he is forced to hide inside her attic where he finds items from his childhood. Feeling guilty for ruining Mrs. Wicket's wedding by riding his toy Mini down the road when he was younger, he tries to return the slice of cake.

Episode 21 - In the Pink

Mr. Bean finds himself lumbered with an unwanted pet in the form of a four-legged ball of pink fur with piggy eyes and a penchant for earthworms. Encyclopedias leave him none the wiser as to the identity of the pesky creature but Bean can't bring himself to just abandon it. The puzzle is eventually solved after a picnic in the park and a raid on the local pet shop.

Episode 22 - Dinner for Two

Mr. Bean forgets the golden rule: never fall asleep in the bath when you've got a chicken in the oven. So what romantic meal can he quickly rustle-up for his luckless girlfriend, Irma Gobb? The cheese from the mousetrap? The flower from the vase? A meal is eventually provided by an uninvited guest.

Episode 23 - The Ball

The nasty tennis player is big and angry and wants his ball back. The one Mr. Bean managed to throw on the roof of a house across the road. Paralysed with vertigo sixty feet up on a windowsill, he is eventually brought to earth by the helpful intervention of a neighbour's pet gerbil.

Episode 24 - Toothache

Bean's sweet tooth leads him to despair when he bites off a bit more than he can chew. He is tormented by the toothache from Hell -and embarks on a hilarious mission to pull out this menace. Bean's DIY attempts fail to succeed, and he is left with no other choice but to visit the dreaded dentist.

Episode 25 - Haircut

After (accidentally) rescuing a kitten from a tree Mr. Bean is set to have his picture in the newspaper! The photographer arrives with the grateful lady cat owner, the scene is set, smiles all round...but then disaster strikes when Bean is continually upstaged by... his hair.

Episode 26 - Neighbourly Bean

As Mr Bean settles down to watch his favourite TV programme he hears loud noises from next-door. He moves from house to garden but can't escape the relentless cacophony of trumpets, electric drills, and screaming babies. Bean's mind turns to thoughts of revenge

Episode 27 - Nurse!

Envious of all the attention his landlady is receiving because of a broken leg, Mr. Bean decides to 'break' his leg too. When he ends up in hospital under the care of the Matron from Hell he discovers there are some kinds of attention even he doesn't enjoy.

Episode 28 - Dead Cat

Whilst trying to redecorate the hall, Bean is obstructed at every turn by his landlady's vile one-eyed cat. Bean pops it in the dustbin to keep it out of the way for a while. Just his luck that it's rubbish collection day.

Episode 29 - Super-Trolley

Nipping to the shops for a few provisions becomes a nightmare when a mile-long shopping list from his landlady and a clapped out trolley with a wonky wheel conspire to ruin his day. Subscribing to the theory that bigger is better, he constructs his own shopping trolley incorporating a petrol mower, pram wheels and an extra pair of hydraulic hands.

Episode 30 - Magpie

When nursing an injured magpie in his room, Mr. Bean learns something the rest of us already know: magpies can't help stealing anything that sparkles. When the police arrive to investigate the theft of his landlady's jewellery, it's not just Mr. Bean that needs to take flight.

Episode 31 - Cat-Sitting

After a head-on collision with the milkman, Mr. Bean's landlady isrushed to hospital, leaving him to look after her odious one-eyed cat Scrapper. Fur isn't the only thing that flies and in the end it's Bean that needs looking after.

Episode 32 - The Bottle

Mr. Bean is delighted with his new 'ship in a bottle' until it mistakenly ends up on a milkman's float. He frantically pursues his prize possession, only to see it disappear into a milk bottling plant at the local dairy. Getting it back promises to be a mission of the impossible.

Episode 33 - Goldfish

With his teddy bear at the dry cleaners, Mr. Bean finds himself feeling lonely. Fortunately, a new playmate appears in the shape of a goldfish from the garden pond. Bean has a great time with his new best friend until, at the seaside, he discovers that some fish are gigantic, have large pointed teeth and fins on their backs.

Episode 34 - Inventor

When Mr. Wicket gets a new lodger who isan Inventor, and a big nuisance, Bean discovers that he has to become 'inventive' himself. But, when your enemy is clever and sneaky, you have to be even cleverer and sneakier. Bean has never lost 'a cleverness competition', but maybe there is a first time for everything!

Episode 35 - Car Trouble

Conned by a mechanic into believing his beloved car to be beyond repair, Mr. Bean reluctantly consigns his faithful four-wheeled friend to the car crusher. After choosing hot-air ballooning as an alternative mode of transport, he spots his cherished car from the air... with the unscrupulous mechanic whistling at the wheel! This discovery raises more than Mr. Bean's spirits.

Episode 36 - Restaurant

Mr. Bean's Birthday dinner gets off on the wrong foot when he and Teddy are made to take the worst table at a swanky restaurant. The evening is further ruined by a self-obsessed movie star at the next table. After a swim in the lobster tank, Mr. Bean unwittingly cooks up sweet revenge in the kitchen.

Episode 37 - Art Thief

During a visit to London's National Gallery, Bean witnesses the theft of a major work of art. Bloodhound that he is, he pursues the culprit across the Channel to Paris only to be waylaid by a Reliant Robin, a traffic jam, and a mime artist under the Eiffel Tower.

Episode 38 - Scaredy Bean

Who's afraid of daft films about giant killer cats, blobs from outer space and thumb-size men who dance around in sugar bowls? Mr. Bean is. He's very afraid. A trip to the cinema makes Mr. Bean's imagination playtricks on him.

Episode 39 - Hot Date

Against his better judgement, Bean has agreed to go out on a proper date with Irma Gobb, his girlfriend. She has the perfect evening planned: a romantic film followed by a candlelit dinner for two. If only she had the perfect boyfriend to go with it.

Episode 40 - A Grand Invitation

After saving a lady's dog, Mr. Bean is invited to lunch at this grand old desperate manor house.

Episode 41 - Gadget Kid

Mr. Bean finds himself dogged by a young Japanese boy at the Science Museum. He takes an instant dislike to the Scallywag until he sees what the kid has in his backpack: gadgets so cool you can't even get them in the West. So when a security guard tries to ruin their fun they run away together to... Mars!

Episode 42 - The Visitor

Mr. Bean cannot, for the life of him, place the face of the uninvited fat bloke on his doorstep. An old school photograph and school cap just about jog his memory. By this time his new 'friend' has put his feet up and is eating Bean out of house and home. This blast from the past proves to be a blasted pain in the neck.

Episode 43 - Big TV

Irma Gobb comes round to watch TV and Bean finds that liking different programmes to your girlfriend can be very bad for a relationship. After an explosive argument the TV blows up, forcing Mr. Bean to invent his own very ingenious form of home entertainment.

Episode 44 - Keyboard Capers

Determined to master Beethoven's symphony, Mr Bean wangles himself a grand piano, a music book, a candelabraand a very patient piano teacher. Liberace, eat your heart out!

Episode 45 - A Running Battle

It's the start of a Fun Run. Mr. Bean lines-up beside his deadly enemy: the fat bloke who stole his parking space. Fun Run or no, nothing will stop Bean beating this man to the finishing post, even if he has to flag a cab.

Episode 46 - Egg and Bean

Mr. Bean gets in a flap when a monster turns up in his cake-mix. The good news, though, is that the monster turns out to be a harmless baby bird. The bad news is that it grows into a huge stork and takes over his home. Bean attempts to return it to the wild, and finds teaching it to fly makes his arms ache.

Episode 47 - Hopping Mad!

When the frogspawn in Mr. Bean's bath hatch out, it's the last thing his landlady needs, especially when she's invited the Mayor for tea. Hundredsof angry amphibians decide to invite themselves as well. Bean proves to be no expert at catching slippery green things that won't stop hopping about all over the blinking place.

Episode 48 - A Grand Invitation

Mr. Bean meets an aristocratic old lady when he nearly runs over her lapdog with his mini. He's thrilled to be invited for luncheon at her grand but strangely shabby mansion. Bean is determined to rise to the occasion. He's so busy with matters of protocol he doesn't notice that the lady and her sinister butler aren't quite what they seem...

Episode 49 - A Royal Makeover

How does one choose tasteful wallpaper these days? After watching a royal documentary on TV, Mr. Bean decides to decorate his room in the style of Buckingham Palace. If the Queen's new wallpaper is good enough for Her Royal Highness, then it's going to be good enough for him. Meanwhile, his landlady, Mrs. Wicket, suffers from illusions of grandeur and crowns herself Queen of the street.

Episode 50 - SuperMarrow

Mr. Bean finds himself in a race to grow a giant marrow with hisnext-door neighbour. There's prize money at stake and a chance to get his photo in the papers. And so, as the competition gets tough, Bean's gardening techniques become more ingenious, unconventional and desperate.

Episode 51 - Bean in Love

He's got her record, the poster and the T-shirt, so when Mr. Bean's heart-throb, Roxy, is set to sing in concert at the London Palladium, he sets his sights on the only thing that will make his life complete: her signature in his autograph book. A difficult feat but can love prevail?

Episode 52 - Double Trouble

Mr. Bean is over the moon when he meets Mr. Pod because both men have so much in common; same shirt, jacket, trousers and underpants. And to top it all, Pod is Bean's spitting image! Bean falls to Earth with a bump, though, when his girlfriend, Irma Gobb, finds Mr. Pod much better looking than him.


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