Tickety Toc

Tickety Toc Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Bake a Cake Time

When Madame Au Lait is called away, Tommy and Tallulah try to bake a cake themselves. They don't follow the recipe and soon the cake is out of control!


Episode 2 - Help a Friend Time

Tommy and Tallulah are determined to help as many friends as they can. Unfortunately they don't take the time to listen to their friends before helping them and cause a whole heap of trouble.


Episode 3 - Jammy Sandwich Time

Madame Au Lait is cleaning the clockhouse so Tommy and Tallulah take their jammy sandwiches to their room to eat. When some jam gets splodged on a blanket, Tommy and Tallulah try to clean it without telling Madame Au Lait!


Episode 4 - Flying Time

Tommy and Tallulah try to help Chikidee flying around town on a giant paper aeroplane. They don't realise, until it's too late, that Chikidee has no idea how to land!


Episode 5 - Fruity Trifle Time

Madame Au Lait wants to make her famous Fruity Trifle so Tommy and Tallulah take over her polishing. They decide that more polishing means more trifle and soon the clockhouse is so slippery they can't get to Chime Time!


Episode 6 - Bell Ringing Time

Tommy and Tallulah are collecting McCoggins bell in time for a town performance. When the twins manage to break the ringer they look everywhere for a replacement - and try some very unusual options.


Episode 7 - Spring Chick Time

Tommy and Tallulah must babysit the Spring Chicks, which they try to do whilst taking part in the town kite display. The Chicks, however, prove too much of a handful. The twins must stage an airborne rescue before Chime Time!


Episode 8 - Treasure Time

Tommy and Tallulah lose a vitally important spring from McCoggins pile of useful junk. They can't chime the time without it! The twins chase the spring all over town as it bounces into the hands of various Tickety Townfolk!


Episode 9 - Hide and Seek Time

Tommy and Tallulah attempt to teach Pufferty how to play Hide and Seek. There are not many places in Tickety Town big enough to hide a huge Dog Train - but when Pufferty finds one, the race is on to find him by Chime Time!


Episode 10 - Veggie Time

Tommy and Tallulah try and find a faster way to pick Lopsiloo's vegetables. Unfortunately their idea to use Pufferty to pull them all at once goes very wrong - and soon Pufferty's carriages are loose all over Tickety Town!


Episode 11 - Package Time

Tommy and Tallulah are delivering a precious package to Madame Au Lait. Unfortunately a little carelessness on the way sends the package on a crazy journey round Tickety Town, with Tommy and Tallulah in hot pursuit.


Episode 12 - Leaf Sweeping Time

Tickety Town is covered in leaves and Tommy and Tallulah offer to help McCoggins by using his leaf sweeping machine. To speed things up they press the turbo button, sending the machine into overdrive!


Episode 13 - Finding Time

It's McCoggins cog finding competition. Tommy and Tallulah are too good and quickly find all the cogs. They don't want to spoil the fun so put them back using a pair of clockwork rollerskates, which quickly go out of control!


Episode 14 - Exercise Time

Tommy and Tallulah get the whole of Tickety Town exercising. Things go well until they push things too far and send, the whole town falls asleep, exhausted! Pufferty's wheels are especially hard to wake before Chime Time!


Episode 15 - Bubble Time

When Tommy and Tallulah unleash a giant unpoppable bubble in Tickety Town, it soon sucks up everyone in town - except Hopparoo. Tommy and Tallulah need to persuade the eccentric rabbit to pop the unpoppable!


Episode 16 - Dress Up Time

Tommy and Tallulah are determined to surprise Hopparoo with their Dress Up Time Outfits. Hopparoo proves to be hard to surprise, whilst the spring chicks quickly become terrified - and block the way to Chime Time!


Episode 17 - Make a Pot Time

When Tommy and Tallulah break a Madame Au Lait's handmade pot, they set about making a replacement. Pottery is harder than it looks and soon the whole town is splattered in clay! They need to free Pufferty before Chime Time!


Episode 18 - Measuring Time

Tommy and Tallulah try to help Hopparoo grow. They find him a pair of huge stilts - and soon the super-tall bunny is rampaging through Tickety Town. They need to bring Hopparoo back down to the ground before Chime Time!


Episode 19 - Pirate Time

Tommy and Tallulah are playing pirates and haunting for Madame Au Lait's treasure. Hopparoo the pirate has designs on their cardboard boat and concocts a cunning plan to get his hands on it!


Episode 20 - Photo Time

Tommy and Tallulah are under strict instructions to keep clean for Madame Au Lait's town photograph. However this proves a little difficult when the rest of the town need the twin's help with some messy jobs!


Episode 21 - Birthday Time

It's McCoggins Birthday and Tommy and Talluah are determined to throw him a party. When Chikidee gets stuck in a giant cake and rolls around causing chaos, the twins realise they have bitten off more than they can chew


Episode 22 - Giggle Time

Tommy and Tallulah try to make everyone laugh - and when they give McCoggins a case of gigglitis, they realise that they have interfered with a very important job at the clock. They need to cure McCoggins in time for Chime Time!


Episode 23 - Whackerty Time

Tommy is desperate to get the hang of the game of Whackerty, to compete in a town tournament. He tries to play like everyone else, with disastrous results. Things work out for Tommy when he learns to play his own way!


Episode 24 - Model Making Time

Tommy and Tallulah help McCoggins finish his precious model of the clockhouse. When McCoggins leaves them for a moment, the twins accidentally smash the model!


Episode 25 - Bug Time

Tommy and Tallulah befriend a bug and call it Larry. When they decide to make Larry a new home, the bug escapes. The twins chase Larry all over town, before realising that Larry was returning to his little family of bugs!


Episode 26 - Show Time

It's Show Time and Tommy and Tallulah enlist Battersby as their star act. Unfortunately the magic trick they plan for him doesn't go to plan and soon Tallulah's trumpet has disappeared - with Chime Time looming!


Episode 27 - Mystery Time

When food goes missing from all over Tickety Town, Tommy and Tallulah are determined to solve the mystery. The prime suspects seem to be the Spring Chicks. The truth, however, is not that simple!


Episode 28 - Camping Time

Tommy and Tallulah go camping. When the Spring Chicks tag along and pester them for their banana muffins, the twins move their camp away - causing a dreadful panic in Tickety town which threatens Chime Time!


Episode 29 - Swap Time

It is Swap Time and everyone in Tickety Town is swapping things they don't want for things they do. When Hopparoo ends up with Tommy's drum - he loves it so much that he refuses to give it back, even with Chime Time looming!


Episode 30 - Watermelon Time

Tommy and Tallulah are sent to fetch a large watermelon... but mistake it for a giant pumpkin. They lose control of the giant fruit and chase it all over town... jeopardising Chime Time!


Episode 31 - Outer Space Time

Tommy and Tallulah set off on a (make believe) space adventure to the outskits of town. When they find themselves 'lost in space' with Chime Time looming, McCoggins has to save the day in a very unusual way!


Episode 32 - Picnic Time

Tommy and Tallulah are organising the Tickety Town picnic. But when everyone has a different idea about what makes the perfect picnic things soon end up in chaos with Chime Time under threat!


Episode 33 - Race Time

It's Race Time and Hopparoo has beaten everyone in town... except for Tallulah. Tommy tries to train his sister in a variety of silly ways, with little joy. Tallulah races her own way and pulls off an amazing victory - just in time to chime!


Episode 34 - Painting Time

Everyone in Ticket Town is painting a picture for an exhibition - and Tommy and Tallulah are determined to paint the biggest. When their huge painting of the clockhouse is carried away by the wind, it looks like Chime Time is doomed!


Episode 35 - Stickety Time

Tommy and Tallulah borrow McCoggins Stickety machine to find Pufferty's lost ball. When the machine goes into overdrive everyone in town finds themselves stuck together! Luckily Pufferty's missing ball appears just at the right time!


Episode 36 - Doctor Time

It's Doctor time and Tommy and Tallulah are playing doctors. They search the whole town for a patient in need, without much luck. When they realise that Hopparoo has lost his 'badoing', the twins need to swing into action before Chime Time!


Episode 37 - Nature Trail Time

McCoggins takes Tommy and Tallulah on a nature trail, with a list of important things to see. In their excitement, the twins lead McCoggins on a wild chase through the countryside!


Episode 38 - Bouncy Time

It's Bouncing Time and Tommy and Tallulah compete to see who can bounce the highest. They bounce higher and higher... until they can't stop! Luckily Madam Au Lait's sticky custard is on hand to save Chime Time!


Episode 39 - Tune Time

Tommy and Tallulah try and find Battersby an instrument to play in the town Moo Tune concert. Battersby can't play a thing - but his skills in organising make him the perfect conductor!


Episode 40 - Story Time

Tommy and Tallulah try to tell Tickety Town the exciting story of Cogzilla. When the last page of the story is missing, everyone in town is desperate to hear how the story ends - before Chime Time!


Episode 41 - Tidy Time

When Tommy and Tallulah try to help Madam au Lait by tidying the clockhouse, they realise that they have recycled her precious recipes! The race is on to find them before Chime Time!


Episode 42 - Badge Time

It's Badge Time and Tommy and Tallulah - the Tickety Troupers - are trying to win their good deeds badge from Troup Leader Au Lait. Troup Leader Au Lait gives Tommy and Tallulah a list of possible deeds and tells them to choose one. The twins, however, decide to do ALL the good deeds on the list before Chime Time.


Episode 43 - Dancing Time

It's time for the Tickety Dance Contest. The whole town is getting into pairs to compete and, naturally, Tommy and Tallulah are dancing as a team.


Episode 44 - Visiting Time

Hopparoo's cousin Bopparoo comes to visit. The whole town is very excited - especially Tommy and Tallulah, who escort the visiting bunny around Tickety Town.


Episode 45 - Balloon Time

Tommy and Tallulah are playing with balloons. When Tommy accidentally loses his balloon, the twins spot McCoggins preparing for a flight in his hot air balloon.


Episode 46 - Play Time

It's Play Time and Tommy and Tallulah instigate a large game of Tickety Tag - which soon has the whole town chasing after one another, trying not to be 'it'.


Episode 47 - Museum Time

Batterby is opening a Museum of all things Tickety. The problem is, no one is visiting - and Tommy and Tallulah are sure it's because he doesn't have anything really old.


Episode 48 - News Time

Madame Au Lait is in need of a story for the Tickety Times. Tommy and Tallulah are given the job to find one - before Chime Time. Unfortunately nothing exciting is happening in Tickety Town at all.


Episode 49 - Bath Time

It's Bath Time for Pufferty! The trouble is that Pufferty doesn't like baths! Tommy and Tallulah try all sorts of tactics to give the loveable dog train a good scrub. They try singing... and bubbles... but none of them persuade Pufferty that bath time can be fun.


Episode 50 - Winter Time

It's Winter Time and Tommy and Tallulah are looking forward to playing in the snow. Unfortunately, it snows a little too hard and Tommy and Tallulah are given the job of clearing the path to Battersby's shop.


Episode 51 - Igloo Time

Tickety is covered in ice and snow and Tommy and Tallulah are determined to build an igloo from the ice. Having picked up some equipment from Battersby's store, they build a small igloo that's just big enough for a party!


Episode 52 - Snow Time

It's Snow Time and Tommy and Tallulah are determined to build a snowman. However when Chikidee forecasts no snow - and vegetables and flour prove not to be worthy substitutes for the real thing - they turn to McCoggins and his weather-generating cloud-maker machine.



Season 1

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