Clifford's Puppy Days

Clifford's Puppy Days Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Hoop Dreams / Doggie Duds

When Evan joins the school basketball team he is discouraged by the fact that he’s much smaller than his teammates. But Clifford inspires him to use his small size to his advantage, and Evan soon learns that, when you believe in yourself, anything is possible. When Jorge neglects to take off a new sweater that Nina knit him, he accidentally rips it while playing with Clifford. Clifford and Daffodil try to help him find a way to fix the sweater, but to no avail. Jorge decides to be honest and shows Nina the rip. In the end, Nina’s grandmother helps the girls fix the damaged sweater and the next time Jorge decides to play he makes sure to remove his special sweater beforehand.


Episode 1 - Socks and Snooze / Keeping Cool

When Emily Elizabeth can't find one of her "lucky" socks for the first day of school, Clifford's determined to hunt it down for her. After a thorough search of her room and an investigation of Flo and Zo's secret kitten stash, he's no closer to victory. On a hunch, he accompanies Mr. Howard to the laundry room where he finds the Sidarskys have turned the sock into a bed for their youngest mouse. Clifford swaps his favorite slipper for the sock, but Emily Elizabeth's happiness more than compensates for his loss. In the end, even Daffodil admits he was right--you shouldn't give up when you're helping a friend. While Evan is baby-sitting Emily Elizabeth and Clifford, he tries to impress Vanessa, the new girl in the building, but all his attempts result in disaster. Finally Evan stops trying so hard and plays with Clifford and Emily. Once he decides to be himself, Vanessa is truly impressed - especially when she sees how good a friend Evan is.


Episode 1 - Puppy Dog Power / Extra! Extra!

When Clifford and Jorge find that their new rather large puppy playmate Bruno plays too rough for them, they ditch him rather than tell him the truth. But upon realizing how much they’ve hurt his feelings, they discover that telling the truth is far less hurtful and is, in fact, the best way to be friends. The kids agree to create a local newspaper for the neighborhood. At first they aren’t sure they can do it. But with the support of each other – and by believing in themselves - they manage to create an exciting newspaper filled with stories from around the neighborhood.


Episode 2 - Best Nest / Practice Makes Perfect

When Norville’s nest disappears, his friends decide to build him a new one, but their bickering and fooling around nearly ruins the plan. Eventually, the friends learn that they must work together in order to get the job done. Emily Elizabeth eagerly accepts Mr. Solomon’s offer of art lessons and has a great time her first day. But when Nina joins them the following day, Emily Elizabeth is discouraged because she thinks Nina’s pictures are much better than her own. Deciding art is just not one of her talents, she stops taking lessons. It isn’t until Mr. Solomon shows her his own shaky drawings from his childhood that Emily Elizabeth sees the value of practicing and resolves to keep trying.


Episode 2 - The Monster in 3-B / Cat-Tastrophe

The beginning of the new school year brings new neighbors for the Howards. The animals excitedly wonder if they have a pet...until they're alarmed by a strange wailing noise coming from the apartment. Rumors of a monster are fed by the discovery of an enormous tooth and the disappearance of Flo. When Clifford finally meets the friendly new family, he finds that all his fears of them housing a "monster" are unfounded. In the end, Clifford and the gang realize that you should get to know people before you decide what they're like. The kittens, Flo and Zo, are staying with the Howards while their owner is away for the weekend. Clifford wants to be a good host but the kittens are not the most considerate house guests. They make a mess and don’t clean up after themselves. They’re rude about food. And worst of all they break Clifford’s favorite toy in the whole world and don’t apologize. Clifford’s feelings are hurt big time but Flo and Zo don’t comprehend their mistake until they see how upset Clifford is. Flo and Zo apologize and help set things straight.


Episode 2 - Small Packages / Clifford's Magic Lamp

At the Dog Run, Clifford can’t wait to play with Jorge and the other dogs. But as they play, Clifford is constantly reminded of how small he is. When a ball lands on top of a bush, he needs Daffodil’s help to get it down. When he can’t make it over an obstacle course fence, Norville flies down to give him a boost. When Mrs. Z hands out biscuits, Clifford is crowded out, and only gets a biscuit because Jorge saves him one. Clifford is just fed up with being small. But his friends remind him that they, too, have their own idiosyncrasies to deal with – Jorge has an extra-long body, Norville has all those feathers, and Daffodil has her floppy ears. But, Clifford says, all those things are what make them what they are. And they point out that there are great things about being small, too, and that’s what makes Clifford the special puppy that he is. Emily Elizabeth has read Clifford the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp and he can’t wait to share it with his friends. Of course, Norville knows all about it – he even knows where to find the lamp! While he’s off fetching it, Jorge, Daffodil, and Clifford imagine how they’re going to spend their wishes. In the end, they all realize they already have everything they need.


Episode 3 - Finders Keepers / You're Famous

When Jorge digs up a shark tooth necklace in the courtyard, it is taken from him and given to its rightful owner. He cannot understand why “Finders Keepers Losers Weepers” (the children’s proverb of dubious ethical merit) doesn’t apply. He takes the necklace back and buries it again. Clifford sees this and must decide if he should dig it up and return it, or protect his friend - even though he believes that Jorge is wrong. Clifford resolves the problem by convincing Jorge to do the right thing. Nina and Jorge become instant celebrities when they get their picture in the newspaper. All this attention makes them act differently and alienate their friends. When their “15 minutes” ends and isolation sets in, Nina and Jorge realize that it’s time to mend fences and come back to earth. Luckily, their friends are there to welcome them back.


Episode 3 - Your Secret Valentine / Perfect Pet

It’s Clifford’s first Valentine’s Day and he wants to make a golden retriever pup his new friend by making her his Valentine. Unfortunately, Norville and Jorge convince him that he has to impress her first with tricks and feats of strength and generosity. Daffodil disagrees. She keeps telling Clifford to be himself. Luckily, someone else shows him just how nice being yourself can be. When the animals find out that Shun is going to get a pet, they each try to influence his opinion. But, rather than convincing him to get one type of pet over another, they make him decide not to get any pet at all. Realizing their mistake, they put their heads together to help Shun find the perfect pet.


Episode 3 - Jorge and the Dog Run / Clifford's Clubhouse

Clifford and Jorge are reminiscing about the day they met. Through flashback, we see what happened on Clifford's first trip to the neighborhood dog run. Clifford nervously makes several attempts to meet the other dogs, but each is unsuccessful. Ready to give up, Clifford stumbles into a hole Jorge's been digging and the two quickly strike up a friendship. They join some other dogs in a game of Dog Ball and Jorge sticks up for Clifford when another dog picks on him. Once Jorge teaches Clifford the right way to play, the two prove to be an impressive duo out on the court. Clifford then returns the favor by sharing his lunch with Jorge. Later, when Clifford returns home, he receives a special surprise-- he and Jorge are neighbors! At the same time, this reunion allows their owners-- Emily Elizabeth and Nina-- a chance to follow the dogs' lead and become friends too. When Clifford realizes how much fun Emily Elizabeth is having in her new club at school, he decides to start one with all of his friends in the apartment complex. A problem arises, however, when the members have trouble finding just the right clubhouse.


Episode 4 - Paw Print Picasso / Hup Hup

Emily Elizabeth has just finished her best painting ever for the school art fair. Suddenly, by accident, Clifford runs through the paint and right across the painting!! Flo and Zo tell him to hide it so they roll it up, but Clifford feels terrible. The next morning, he tries to get Emily Elizabeth to see the painting before she takes it to school, but its no use. When the judges see the painting, complete with colored paw prints, they love it! When Emily Elizabeth tells everyone who really put the paw prints on her painting, she and Clifford receive a big round of applause! In the end, Clifford realizes he should have told Emily Elizabeth the truth about what he’d done right from the start. Clifford befriends Bibi, a seeing-eye dog who recently moved into the building. This friendship brings confusion because Bibi appears to ignore Clifford when she is assisting her owner. Yet, when Bibi is "off duty" Clifford can't ask for a more attentive friend. Clifford ultimately learns that friends remain friends even when they are not in a position to show it.


Episode 4 - My Blanky / With Friends Like You…

Emily Elizabeth tells Nina that she still sleeps with her baby blanket. Later, Nina inadvertently shares this information with Shun. Soon, everyone knows about Emily Elizabeth’s “blanky.” When she discovers this, Emily Elizabeth is upset with Nina, but Nina doesn’t understand why she should apologize when Emily Elizabeth never explicitly told her that this information was a secret. With Evan’s help, Nina learns that confidences between friends really shouldn’t be broken and she apologizes to Emily Elizabeth. Jorge, in an attempt to retrieve a ball from the other side of a fence finds himself stuck. His friends try to get him out but Clifford comes up with an idea that does the trick. Jorge is so indebted to Clifford he vows to repay him and, as a result, bombards Clifford with kind favors and words. At first, Clifford enjoys this special treatment but, pretty soon, Jorge’s acts of gratitude become overwhelming. Clifford helps Jorge learn that helping your friends is an implicit part of any friendship.


Episode 4 - Sandcastle Hassle / School Daze

Emily Elizabeth and Nina join in a sandcastle competition at the beach. Goaded by another contestant’s dog, Clifford and Jorge become super competitive to help their girls win. It’s Emily Elizabeth who has to explain that they didn’t enter the contest to win, but to have fun. As the kids go off for their first day of school, the gang decides it would be fun to have their own school, too. There’s just one problem. While they seem to have five qualified teachers, they only have one willing pupil—Clifford. When an overworked Clifford is too tired to play with Emily Elizabeth after school, the gang realizes how unfair they’ve been, and set up school in a more equitable way.


Episode 5 - Time Out / Sniff, Sniff

Nina loses her date book Jorge doesn’t help her find it, thinking she will have more time to play with him. The plan backfires, and Jorge learns to respect Nina’s commitments. When Emily Elizabeth wakes up with a cold, Clifford does everything he can to make her feel better. He tries playing with a pop up book, playing ball, and getting her to dance. Finally he realizes that one of the best things you can do for someone who isn’t feeling well doesn’t feel like much at all. He goes into her room and snuggles with her, and she couldn’t be happier.


Episode 5 - Sock It to Me / My Toy

Clifford and Emily Elizabeth have a great time playing with the “sock spider.” Daffodil feels left out but doesn’t tell him how she feels. In the end she finally admits her feelings and, feeling he hasn’t been sensitive, Clifford asks her to join in the game. She does and the three play Hide n’ Seek with the sock spider. It’s another day at the dog run. As per usual, each pup brings a toy to share with the other dogs, but Jorge is reluctant to share his brand new squeaky squirrel. First, he hides it. Then he deflects attention onto the other dogs’ toys. Then he pretends he’s lost the toy. Finally, Jorge agrees to let the others use it, but is so protective that his friends find it almost impossible to really play with it. Jorge confesses the truth and then trudges off with his toy, thinking no one wants to play with him but the other dogs call him back. They understand that you can have a really special toy that you want to save just for yourself and respect Jorge’s desire to keep his “special toy” separate from the groups’ play. In the end, Jorge realizes he should have just been honest about his feelings from the beginning.


Episode 5 - Celebrating Spring / Garden Delights

The kids gather to turn a vacant lot into a city garden. But without a plan, things turn into a chaotic mess. It’s only when they finally work together that they create a beautiful garden. When Jenny replants a broken willow branch so that it can grow to be a new tree, Norville tells the gang the same trick works with broken toys. The animals’ effort to replant their toys results in nothing but a big muddy mess, until the kids come to their aid, and on their own, decide to create new toys from the old.


Episode 6 - Clifford the Scary Puppy / Things that Go Bump

Evan goes a little too far when he’s playing spooky tricks on the kids, until Clifford accidentally gives him a good scare.There’s a costume camp out party in the courtyard on Halloween night. Everyone drifts off to sleep but Clifford, who’s too spooked by unfamiliar sounds to close his eyes. Norville comes to his rescue, and together, they nervously uncover that the “things that go bump” are only frightening in their imaginations.


Episode 6 - Friends of All Ages / Clifford's Super Sleepover

When an older dog, Tricksie, moves into the apartment complex, Clifford and Jorge unsuccessfully try to get her to join in their dog games. While Tricksie amazes Clifford and Jorge with her creative ideas, she gets tired easily and the 2 younger dogs are unsure of how to play with her. Then along comes a rainy day, which forces Clifford and Jorge to stay inside. When they become bored, Tricksie entertains them with a story about her life in the circus and teaches them some circus tricks. Clifford and Jorge realize that though Tricksie may be different from them, she has much to offer in her own way. And the two dogs also learn to respect her for being different. When Emily Elizabeth attends her first sleepover, Clifford misses her so much he can’t imagine how he’ll pass the time until she returns home. He’s never spent a night without her and is completely distraught. Daffodil realizes that if she can keep him busy until bedtime, he’ll be fine as Emily Elizabeth will return first thing in the morning. Daffodil enlists the other animals and, working together, they help Clifford get through the evening.


Episode 6 - A Promise Is a Promise / Share & Share Alike

Evan promises to give Emily Elizabeth skateboarding lessons, but repeatedly breaks their plans when the captain of the basketball team, Bill Mazer, invites him to play ball. Evan learns the importance of keeping a promise. The Community Center is having a book drive and the student who collects the most books will win a full set of Sarah Solver mysteries. Determined to win, Nina comes up with the perfect action plan for her and her teammates, Emily Elizabeth and Shun. But when the big day comes, she comes down with a bad cold and is unable to participate. Using Nina’s plan, Shun and Emily Elizabeth set out without her and end up winning the set of mystery books. In the end, they realize that it was Nina’s plan that enabled them to collect the record number of books, and they decide to share the prize with her.


Episode 7 - The Big Surprise / Be My Guest

When Clifford’s plan to give Daffodil a surprise birthday party collapses, he is afraid she’ll be disappointed. But Daffodil is touched and thrilled that he made the effort and that all her friends have gathered to celebrate her special day. When Norville injures his wing he’s taken in by Emily Elizabeth. At first, Clifford is happy to have him, but gradually the puppy becomes tired of sharing his things and Emily Elizabeth’s attention and begins to act out.


Episode 7 - Clifford's Field Trip / Helping Paws

When Clifford inadvertently joins Emily Elizabeth’s class on a trip to the Hands-On Nature Museum, Emily Elizabeth and her friends decide to hide his presence for fear that they will have to miss the field trip if the teacher discovers the truth. In the end, however, they learn that they should have been honest from the start. Clifford offers to baby-sit the Sidarsky kids. Despite Daffodil’s warnings, he insists that the job will be simple and easy but soon discovers that babysitting the 4 little mice is a lot harder than he anticipated. Daffodil offers to help him, however Clifford declines, insisting that he can do this job on his own, all by himself. But when he becomes too sleepy to watch the kids on his own, Clifford admits to Daffodil that he does indeed need help, and learns that a big part of being responsible is being able to ask others for help when you really need it.


Episode 7 - Fall Feast / Norville's New Game

It’s the Fall Feast holiday and the Howards are planning to visit Emily Elizabeth’s grandparents. But a huge snow storm leaves them snowed in at the train station, along with many of their friends and neighbors. At first, everyone’s spirits are very low but Clifford helps Emily Elizabeth realize that the group can celebrate the Fall Feast together and rejoice in its spirit of sharing.The animals are in the courtyard making up games. When it’s Norville’s turn to invent a game he consistently reinvents the rules so that each time emerges as the winner. Each time this happens, he further alienates his friends until they eventually refuse to play with him anymore. In the end, Norville realizes the importance of playing fair.


Episode 8 - Oh, Brother / Up,Up & Oops!

Little Lucy Sidarsky is having a hard time adjusting to the new baby in the family. Seeing this, Daffodil decides to share with her the story of Clifford’s arrival into Daffodil’s home. It takes some time, but Daffodil soon discovers the joy of being a “big sister and friend” to someone who needs her. Lucy has her own small revelation when she is able to stop her little brother from crying. Emily Elizabeth, Nina and Shun decide to make their own kites for a special kite flying day at the park. But when neither girls’ kites will fly it looks like they won’t be able to participate in kite flying day. In the end, Shun shares his special Japanese kite making materials with his friends and this act of sharing saves the day for all involved.


Episode 8 - Nina's Perfect Party / Just the Right Size

Nina’s birthday is coming up, and she sets out to plan the best party ever. But at the last minute, a pipe bursts at the party location and ruins Nina’s plans. She is crushed and decides to call of the party. Emily Elizabeth feels bad, and decides to throw a small party for Nina in the courtyard. She gets everyone in the building to pitch in and, when they all surprise Nina, she is delighted. In the end, Nina learns that any party with your friends is indeed the perfect party. When Mrs. Howard misplaces her car keys, everyone in the house scrambles to try to find them before Emily Elizabeth misses her ballet recital. Daffodil insists that Clifford is just too small to help, but Clifford can't sit idly by knowing that Emily Elizabeth needs him. Eventually, Clifford figures out just where to look and capitalizes on his small size to retrieve the missing keys. Daffodil and Clifford realize that physical size doesn’t matter—anyone, regardless of size, can be a big help.


Episode 8 - But I Really, Really Saw It! / The Perfect Pancake

Clifford becomes the little dog who cried wolf when he claims to have seen a huge flying dinosaur and an enormous floating teddy bear. The problem is ... he’s telling the truth. When no one believes him, Clifford retreats into himself, and wants to run away. But when he sees a man holding onto the ear of an immense floating turkey and calling for HELP, Clifford knows he has to put his pride aside and get someone to believe him. Mr. Solomon, who is hosting Thanksgiving, plans to make his mom’s favorite potato pancakes for the occasion. When the pancakes are a disaster, everyone surprises him by bringing their own special brand of pancakes to the holiday dinner.


Episode 9 - Moving On / Fair Is Fair

The Sidarskys are moving to a newer mouse hole around the corner. Clifford offers to help them move the big family clock when he comes back from lunch. But on the way back, he gets distracted. By the time he gets back to the laundry room, the Sidarskys have already moved, but things are chaotic because the baby can’t sleep without that clock. Clifford feels bad for not being there to help, but he makes amends by moving the clock now and restoring harmony to the Sidarsky household. Emily Elizabeth and Nina volunteer to read to kids at the book fair, but problems arise when their replacements – Shun and Evan – don’t show up in time.


Episode 9 - Clifford's Little Friend / Tricky Business

After promising to play with little Lewis Sidarsky, Clifford gets into a game of ball with his older friends that Lewis is too small to play. When he realizes Lewis has disappeared, Clifford must find his friend, apologize and make amends. While babysitting for Emily Elizabeth, Evan mistakenly believes he has made Clifford really disappear with his new magic trick kit. Instead of telling Emily Elizabeth about it right away, he tries to keep her distracted while he frantically tries to find the little pup.


Episode 9 - Something Special / Shun Gets in the Game

Something Special: As he tries to help set up for a big Cinco de Mayo party, Clifford begins to doubt that he has any special skills to offer.109b Shun Gets in the Game: It’s a beautiful first day of spring AND the official opening day of the Courtyard Volleyball season! As Emily Elizabeth grabs her ball and rushes outside to play, Clifford and his friends are right behind her. Soon, they make up their own game- walleyball and everyone joins in. The only one who doesn’t seem to be having a good time is Shun. When he hits the volleyball out for the third time, he suddenly pretends to hear his mom calling. Next, he arrives at the court with band-aids on every finger. Finally, he admits to Evan that he doesn’t like to play volleyball because he’s not very good at it. Evan helps him understand that you don’t have to be GOOD at a sport to have FUN playing it. Soon, Shun gets in the game and joins in the fun.


Episode 10 - Clifford's Winter Spirit / Flo Motion

It’s the first snowfall of the year and it seems like everyone in the apartment building has a set tradition for the occasion except Norville. As a result, Norville is left feeling sad and lonely. His spirits are lifted, though, when his friends start a new winter tradition that specifically includes him. Flo is a super-athlete - she excels in physical pursuits, whether it be running, spinning, or catching a flying disc. Clifford can’t keep up with her, but he doesn’t care, as long as he’s having fun. But when Jorge brings over his new toy, a Bean Bag, Flo discovers to her dismay that she’s not very good at playing with it. Worse yet, Clifford is just great at the Bean Bag game. Rather than admit that she’s not very good, Flo dismisses this new game as boring, and claims that she’d rather play by herself. Once she’s all alone, however, Flo realizes that being with your friends, not being the best, is what makes playtime so much fun.


Episode 10 - The Big, Big Present / Hanukah Plunder Blunder

The kittens accidentally break the Menorah. Their “sticky” attempts to fix it result in a special, if unusual, Menorah that becomes part of their annual celebration. Zo can’t resist sneaking in and opening all eight of his presents on the first night of Hanukah. He soon realizes that he’s spoiled his own fun by taking the surprise out of each night. Flo comes to the rescue by allowing him to share in her new gifts.


Episode 10 - Grooming Gloom / The Letter

Jorge is excited to learn that Nina will be taking him to the Grooming Shop – until he gets some misinformation about what a grooming shop is. At first his friends try to help him find a way to get out of the experience. But Daffodil helps him realize that he should trust Nina to do what is best for him. Evan and Emily Elizabeth offer to mail a letter for Mr. Solomon on their way to buy tickets to a concert by their favorite band, the Zippers. But the kids’ plans are disrupted by their own generosity and helpful nature. When they finally arrive at the park where the concert is taking place, the tickets have been sold out. But the other members of the community are so grateful to the kids for all of their help that day that they all pitch in and make sure that Evan and Emily Elizabeth attend the concert.


Episode 11 - Adopt-A-Pup / Jokes On You

Evan, Emily Elizabeth and Clifford all help out at the Adopt-A-Pup booth at the neighborhood street fair. Clifford befriends a teacup poodle named Bon Bon, a tiny dog who is barely bigger than he is, and helps her find a home. It’s Wacky Wednesday at school. Emily Elizabeth and her friends are excited to spend the day telling jokes and having fun. Nina, however, goes too far with the day. In the end she realizes that her behavior wasn’t respectful of her friends and that there is an appropriate time and place for certain behaviors.


Episode 11 - No Small Parts, Only Small Puppies / Fine Feathered Friend

Nina has written a play about springtime and she's making her friends the stars. However, Nina has very specific ideas about how things should be performed and insists everything is done her way. Nina is unfazed when her cast and crew eventually leave the show because it allows her to finally do everything herself. But without their help, the rehearsal is a disaster. Nina realizes that she simply can’t do it all on her own and that he friends don’t like being told what to do. Nina is a good friend by playing fair. Norville’s molting throws him in to a tizzy. Embarrassed by the way he looks, he refuses to let his friends see him. At first his behavior confuses Clifford, but Emily Elizabeth inadvertently helps him understand when she recounts losing her first baby tooth. She thought everyone would laugh at her, but she learned that her friends easily accepted her appearance; it wasn’t her tooth that they liked, it was Emily Elizabeth. Inspired by this story, Clifford and his friends then set out to show Norville that his worth is not based on his appearance.


Episode 11 - Show and Tell / What a Story

Although it lacks high tech robotics and glitz, Emily Elizabeth’s presentation of how she cares for Clifford is the hit of Show and Tell. When Daffodil agrees to tell the little Sidarsky kids a story, she’s all set with a tale that’s utterly satisfying…for a rabbit. It’s not until she finally begins to incorporate some of the others’ ideas that the story becomes a hit with her audience.


Episode 12 - Sing a Song Norville / Tell Me a Tale

Norville loves to sing but his constant off-key clamor is driving everyone bonkers. All the animals decide that they need to speak with Norville about the constant singing, but Clifford is worried about hurting his feelings. He volunteers to speak with Norville alone so that he can “break the news gently” but finds that he is so worried about hurting Norville’s feelings that he is unable to level with his friend. Eventually, Norville’s nighttime singing evokes “boos” from the sleepy residents of the apartment building, and his feeling get very hurt. Clifford realizes that he should have been honest with Norville in the first place and Norville realizes that his actions were inconsiderate. When a snow storm prevents Shun, Emily Elizabeth, and Nina from playing outside, the three are very bored. Shun decides to entertain his friends with a traditional Japanese story about Issunboshi— a very small boy, (dog), who ends up saving the day with his big heart and limitless bravery. We dissolve into a fantasy where our kids and a animals play the roles.


Episode 12 - Heroes and Friends / The Cookie Crumbles

Clifford tries to be a “hero” to impress his beloved Emily Elizabeth. He soon learns that being called “my best friend in the whole world” can be just as rewarding as being called a “hero.” When Mrs. Z presents the kids with candy canes, they decide to make cookies to thank her. But as their cookie list grows and their standards rise, they become fed up with frosting and each other. With Clifford’s help, they remember that Christmas is about celebrating being together.


Episode 12 - Lights, Camera, Action / Basketball Babysitter

Inspired by a classroom visit by Ken Burns, Emily Elizabeth, Nina and Shun try to make a documentary highlighting people in their neighborhood. But they’re so busy trying to do their jobs that they don’t realize how they’re messing up their interviews. After they learn a lesson from Clifford about having respect for others, they make a successful documentary. Evan get tickets to see his hero, Allan Houston, play basketball, and he’s really excited. Emily Elizabeth and Clifford come along, and they strike up a friendship with Allan Houston’s daughter, Remie, and her beagle puppy, Hoops. Evan winds up babysitting for Remie and Hoops during the game. He’s happy to do it, but he winds up missing most of the game. But he’s a good sport about it, and when Allan Houston makes it up to him by playing some one-on-one basketball with him – it’s his dream come true!


Episode 13 - Lost and Found / Basketball Blunders

Daffodil’s stuffed bunny, Bubbles, is missing and Daffodil blames Clifford. After totaling Emily Elizabeth’s bedroom, Bubbles turns up in the toy basket, and Daffodil must admit that she’s been as careless as Clifford. Emily Elizabeth and her friends think they have to take it easy when they play the kids on Mr. Solomon’s wheelchair basketball team. But by the end of the game, they realize they’ve misjudged their abilities.


Episode 13 - The Halloween Bandit / An Honest Spin

When the dessert buffet is raided at the apartment building’s annual Halloween party and havoc is wreaked by a small puppy, all the evidence points to Clifford. But the small red puppy is supported by his loyal animal friends and, of course, Emily Elizabeth. Using a bit of detective work, the animals unmask the real culprit – a stray little puppy that sneaked into the party. Ultimately, this hungry little puppy is adopted by a neighborhood family and given a home. When Clifford accidentally breaks Daffodil’s spinning top, he thinks the right thing to do is to tell her, but instead, he follows Norville’s advice and goes to great lengths to keep Daffodil from finding out.


Episode 14 - Valentine Schmalentines / Sweethearts Dance

Clifford and Daffodil get very competitive over who can make Emily Elizabeth the best Valentine’s Day gift of all. In the end, they realize she would have loved whatever they gave her, because she loves them. Emily Elizabeth’s excitement over the Father/Daughter-Mother/Son dance at the Community Center turns to anxiety when she realizes she and her dad have to dance in front of a crowd.



Season 1

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