Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman

Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Ruff Ruffman Breaks the Mold

It’s the premiere of FETCH, Season 2! Ruff learns he has a new intern: Princess Blossom Pepper Doodle Von Yum Yum. One little detail… she’s a CAT! If that isn’t bad enough, he then accidentally sends a message to the press about his horrible mold problem, and now the health department is shutting down his show until further notice! Ruff immediately sends two FETCHers out to learn about germs (so he can sanitize his doghouse), and he sends two other kids to a chocolate factory to make candy (as a bribe for the health inspector). Will the new season be more than one episode long?


Episode 2 - Ruff's Case of Blues On the Brain

When Ruff tries to fix a leaky faucet, it ends in disaster—flooding the doghouse and ruining the artwork on his walls. Now he’s got the blues, but the FETCHers wouldn’t understand because they’re humans, and humans only use 10% of their brains. The kids disagree with this urban myth, so Ruff sends Bridget and Mike to a neurologist to prove (or disprove) it. He then sends Madi and Willie to meet some blues musicians to play the blues… or are they actually Blue Man Group?


Episode 3 - You Lucky Dog

Ruff bets his prized squeaky toy collection on a soapbox derby race with his childhood nemesis, Spot Spotnik. He enters Rosario, Nina and Mike into the soapbox derby race, hoping they can build a winning racecar - out of junk! Realizing that his luck might be in question, Ruff enters Bridget in a Chinese Dragon Boat race to turn his luck around.


Episode 4 - Ruff's Big Break

Ruff's new "Action to the Max-ion" action figure wears dark sunglasses, high platform shoes, and it can dance. Trying to prove that the toy is really based on him, Ruff spins and dances on a fence, and hurts his leg. Wearing a cone around his neck for the rest of the show, Ruff sends two FETCHers to ease his fears about going to the hospital, and sends two more kids to learn about the balance system. In all the chaos, Ruff forgets about John, the puppeteer expert for today's show. Thinking on his (four) feet, Ruff decides to make the best of everything and have his kids put on a puppet show at the hospital!


Episode 5 - The Mystery of Dogtopia and Catlantis

Ruff recalls the folktale his Uncle McRuffmantosh used to tell him about the ancient civilization, Dogtopia, where cats and dogs lived in harmony - that is, until the cats messed everything up. Strangely enough, Blossom grew up hearing the same story, but in her version it was the dogs that brought on the society's downfall. Uncle McRuffmantosh has just pinpointed the location of the lost civilization, and Ruff sends the FETCHers out to solve the mystery once and for all…


Episode 6 - Reducing the Calories and Cats In Your Life

Ruff maintains that pizza is as healthy as tofu salad, while Blossom, his cat intern, insists that it’s not. While looking in the phone book for a pizza caterer to prove his hypothesis, he runs across a cat adoption service. Hmmm… Can he put Blossom up for adoption? Wheels turning, Ruff sends Mike and Nina to a school to make healthy pizzas, and Bridget and Madi head out to an animal shelter. Can the kids make a healthy pizza? And is Ruff secretly trying to find Blossom a new home?


Episode 7 - I'm OK, You're Okra

Ruff is about to enter his "famous" gumbo in a celebrity chef cook-off. He also wants to become a therapy dog because of his soothing personality. (Meanwhile, his kitchen is in chaos and his gumbo explodes.) He sends Madi and Mike to prove that dogs do indeed soothe people, and he sends Rosario and Nina to New Orleans, Louisiana, to make more gumbo.


Episode 9 - Ruff's Bowling Is Going Downhill

After Ruff and Blossom return from a night of bowling, Ruff realizes that his giant saltshakers have arrived. Yes!! He decides to store the salt on the top shelf of his cabinet, right by the ceiling fan! Of course, this is a bad idea. The salt goes flying and ends up on the floor. However, the bowling and the mound of snowy salt inspire Ruff for today's challenges: Rosario goes to the mountains to learn to snowboard, and Willie and Bridget go to Michigan to build a bowling machine.


Episode 10 - Roughing It With Ruff

Ruff is thrilled that his owner is putting in a pool, until he realizes that his doghouse will be demolished in the process. Certain that he'll be forced to live out in the wild, Ruff sends the kids into the wilderness to meet with a survival expert to learn the ways of the woods.


Episode 11 - Mush If By Land, Mush, Mush If By Sea

Ruff sat on his favorite Hawaiian hat and needs a new one! He can't afford to fly Rosario and Madi all the way to Hawaii - he can only get them as far as Colorado. They'll need to find the Continental Divide and place a bottle containing his head measurements into a western-flowing river. While searching for his straw hat, Ruff discovers the hat he wore at his last job as a Colonial reenactor, inspiring him to send Willie and Nina on a race against time, following Paul Revere's famous ride through the streets of Boston.


Episode 12 - Still More Mush If By Land, Mush, Mush If By Sea

Ruff is still reeling from last episode. Two of his FETCHers are stuck in the Colorado woods, and another two are somewhere in Massachusetts dressed like 18th century colonists, AND the cameras aren't working. Can Nina and Willie venture farther into the countryside and warn everyone that the Redcoats are coming? And will Rosario and Madi successfully find the Continental Divide by riding dogsleds and using snowshoes?


Episode 13 - Yippie Tie Yie Yay, Get Along Little Doggies

Ruff is inspired by a dream about ranch dressing in a ten-gallon hat and sends his FETCHers out west to a ranch. They learn to ride horses, pan for gold, line-dance, compete in a rodeo, and even drive cattle!


Episode 15 - A Lobster Bake? Oh, Bouy!

Ruff's boss Henry has put him in charge of organizing the TV station lobster bake beach party. Unfortunately, Ruff's party items get washed out to sea, and he can't afford to pay for the lobsters because they're expensive. He sends out Nina and Willie to learn to scuba dive and retrieve his party items, and Bridget and Rosario go on a lobster boat to catch the lobsters for the party.


Episode 16 - How to Get Dogs and Doggerel In Better Shape

After learning that Spot Spotnik, a longtime nemesis, is vying for Charlene the poodle's affection, Ruff decides to get in shape and learn to write love poetry. He sends Madi, Mike, and Willie to learn about exercise, and he sends Nina to learn poetry writing and compete in a "poetry slam."


Episode 17 - Scruff Ruffman At Large

Ruff receives an e-mail intended for his evil identical twin brother, Scruff Ruffman! It seems to be written in code, having something to do with an art heist in a cave. Ruff puts Rosario, Nina and Willie on the case. It turns out that Scruff was on his way to becoming a world-class trapeze artist, but instead used his trapeze talents for evil. To shine a positive light into the trapeze world, Ruff sends Madi out to learn the art of trapeze.


Episode 18 - Take Me Out to the Fashion Show

Ruff is invited to throw out the first pitch at a baseball game, but he’s scheduled that same day to be at a fancy party in Germany with his fashion-designer cousin Helga. What to do? He decides to have a walkabout character of himself designed, who will throw the pitch in his stead. When he shows up in Germany horribly dressed, Helga kicks him out of Europe. And to top everything off, the walkabout can't pitch! So, he decides to send Michael out to learn the science of throwing strikes, and Bridget, Madi and Rosario to design fancy outfits for dogs.


Episode 19 - CSI Ruff

Ruff sends the FETCHers to pick up the FETCH! Grand Prize from Dogwarts, his alma mater. But when the FETCHers go to the school, they discover that the prize has been STOLEN! The kids work with the Boston Police Department and forensics lab to solve the crime. But what's that note from Ruff doing at the crime scene? And where's Blossom?


Episode 20 - The Grand Prizeless Grand Finale

Ruff is horrified at the prospect that he may GO TO JAIL for stealing the FETCH! Grand Prize. Has Ruff been framed? There's a lot of evidence implicating Ruff - there's a note, there's DNA evidence…but the show must go on, and Ruff needs to plan for the show's future, since he might be doing some hard time. Ruff devises some games to determine the ideal replacement host while he's in the joint. The kids compete in a series of elimination games to become the FETCH grand champion, and maybe even the new FETCH! host!



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