Lost Worlds

Lost Worlds Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Athens-Ancient Supercity

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. In the 5th century BC, one man leads his city to greatness and paves the way for western civilization. The city is Athens and Pericles is not a King or prince, but an elected man. He will mastermind the most costly and ambitious construction campaign undertaken in the western world -- creating a model city of temples, houses, market places, civic buildings and a highly innovative sanitation system. But Pericles' decision to raid the Greek treasury and take the money set aside to defend all the city states will lead to the downfall of Athens and Pericles himself. It took thirty years to build, but it was brought down in one generation by war and disease. Now, two and half thousand years later we restore Athens to its former glory, we experience impregnable fortifications; the first senate house; the terrifying power of the Greek Navy; and one of the most advanced water systems in the world. We also reveal as it looked two and a half thousand years ago, the unrivalled magnificence of the Parthenon -- a building often hailed as the most perfect building ever completed.


Episode 2 - Atlantis

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. In the heart of the Mediterranean a peaceful island explodes with devastating force - it will be the biggest volcanic eruption in three and a half thousand years of recorded history. At a stroke, an entire civilization is wiped from the face of the earth and lost. All that remains are stories. Then, at the dawn of the twentieth century, the remains of a spectacular palace are discovered on the island of Crete, preserved beneath thousands of tons of volcanic ash. And out of the physical clues lifted from the ash, a radical theory emerges. These ruins could be the home of an ancient civilization: Atlantis. As they uncover a lost world, our investigators find that a palace on Crete and a town on Santorini are linked by the unique engineering of their buildings. Rebuilding incredible towns, temples, and the palace of Atlantis as described by Plato and uncovered by 21st century archaeologists, we reveal the majesty and the mystery of this lost world. The builders of this palace achieved a level of engineering excellence that would not be seen anywhere else in the world for centuries. With its massive scale, its complex water management systems, and its sparkling gypsum walls, the engineering of this extraordinary palace connects it to Plato's descriptions of Atlantis.


Episode 3 - Braveheart's Scotland

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. At the end of the 13th century, Scotland is a country under attack. Defeat seems inevitable. But from nowhere emerges a man who will become Scotland's greatest hero -- William Wallace, more commonly known as Braveheart. Rising from obscurity he becomes a national symbol of patriotism and survival. He is an inspirational leader living in a violent age when kings are building heavily fortified towns, and magnificent castles are constructed to withstand a new generation of weapons. Now, new research allows us to journey back to the Lost World that Braveheart fought for. Traveling down secret pathways that still lie beneath modern Scotland, we rediscover a surprisingly sophisticated culture that has not been seen for 700 years -- a world Braveheart died to protect. Uncovering the mysteries beneath the Eldersie we reveal the town that gave rise to the Guardian of Scotland. Restoring the Castle of Lanark to its former glory we visit the place where Braveheart sought out his revenge for the murder of his wife. And rebuilding Stirling Bridge we relive Wallace's famous battle against the English army -- a turning point in the history of Scotland and in the life of its champion.


Episode 4 - Churchill's Secret Bunkers

During World War Two a vast complex of secret bunkers was constructed under the streets of London. Lost to time, this world was an important refuge from the nightly onslaught of Nazi air raids, but only now can we reveal the full extent of the scheme. The existence of Churchill's bunker is no secret, but that there was an entire subterranean city, built to keep the British government running, is only now being revealed. Very little of this covert network, which also sheltered American General Dwight Eisenhower, has ever been revealed to the public. Now this lost world is brought back to life with cutting edge computer graphic technology. The tunnels beneath the heart of London's great buildings; the underground command center from where the Battle of Britain was co-ordinated; the deep level, ultra-secure chambers that could withstand the most deadly weapons in the Nazi arsenal. Beneath the sidewalk, this program exposes wartime secrets we were never meant to know.


Episode 5 - Hitler's Supercity

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. Adolf Hitler caused more death and destruction than any other individual in history. But he also had plans to build on a massive scale: to construct a new Germany, based on his Nazi ideology, and place his people's achievements on a par with the great civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Our investigators piece together a picture of how Hitler wanted Germany to look from the ruins of what was built, and from the never-implemented plans of his architect, Albert Speer. In the Nazi heartland of Nuremberg, we recreate the spectacle of the Zeppelin Tribune: where 60,000 people could overlook a parade ground begin enough to accommodate one million. We reveal the real purpose of the giant stadia Speer planned to hold the Olympic games -- including, with seating for 405,000 people, the largest sports venue in the world. And we rebuild, with computer-generated images based on Speers own plans, the enormous monuments that Hitler planned for himself: the Triumphal Arch -- twice the height, and four times the width of Paris' Arc de Triomphe, and the People's Hall -- a domed structure, so big that the Eiffel tower could fit inside it. Monstrous, intimidating, built on slave labor: this is a Lost World, that if World War II had gone differently, we would now inhabit.


Episode 6 - Jesus' Jerusalem

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. Tens of thousands of people travel every year to the city of Jerusalem, hoping to visit the places where Jesus walked, preached, suffered, was crucified and was buried. But in the two thousand years since his death, the city has been destroyed and rebuilt more than twenty times. Our experts will follow the evidence to try to reveal the city that Jesus would have visited throughout his life. We will rebuild Herod's temple mount, -- in its time the largest man-made structure on earth, uncovering how the peak of a mountain was re-shaped into a high-walled plateau. They will explain the extraordinary manipulation of light and stone which created the Holy Sanctuary -- said to "sparkle like a snow-capped mountain in the sun." They will explore the network of aqueducts, pipes, tunnels and pools which kept this desert city from thirst and enabled it to handle a regular influx of pilgrims which would routinely swell its population from 30,000 people to 300,000. They will seek out some of the places where Jesus is said to have performed miracles, and find out what they looked like at that time. Finally, they will attempt to map the key locations of Jesus' final hours: including the real route of the "Via Dolorosa" -- the path which led to His place of execution. With new research and CGI, we will glimpse a world that's been hidden for more than twenty centuries.


Episode 7 - Knights Templar

The Knights Templar defended the Holy Land through bloodshed and prayer. Founded in the 12th century these Christian warrior monks reigned supreme for nearly 200 years before suffering a spectacular fall from grace. Tried for heresy they were accused of practicing strange rituals such as spitting on the cross and worshipping a severed human head as well as perverse sexual acts. They were disbanded...and their Grand Master burned at the stake. Today books like the Da Vinci Code embellish the myth of the Templars...and claims persist that they were guardians of the most sacred object in Christendom - the Holy Grail. Behind the legend we search for the Lost World of the Templars. The program will recreate the city the Knights knew as Tortosa -- now hidden among modern homes in the Syrian city of Tartus. We will reveal the secrets of their headquarters at Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with their magnificent underground vaults that could stable 1000 horses. And we reveal the extraordinary circular church in London, England, built to resemble the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the site of the Templars' mysterious initiation rites. We bring to life the hilltop fortress that Lawrence of Arabia called "the finest castle in the world": Krak des Chevaliers. We will also return to the walled Mediterranean island where the Templars made their last stand against Moslem enemies. Using cutting edge graphics, our team of experts will reveal for the first time in 800 years the Lost World of the Knights Templar.


Episode 8 - Ramses's Egyptian Empire

The mighty Egyptian civilization is in its golden age. Its ruler is Ramses II, a man who intends to be the greatest of the Pharaohs. He will make his mark by building: vast statues; towering obelisks; temples carved from the living rock. Ramses is a giant of a man: he dominates his kingdom for sixty-seven years, pushing it on to ever greater glory. The ruins of what he built still stand, but thirty-three centuries on; with the aid of new research and cutting edge graphics technology, the true scale of his ambition can now be fully revealed. We reconstruct the grand hypostyle hall at Karnak; explore the technical innovation and engineering skill that produced the temple at Abu Simbel; we rebuild the Ramesseum as he would have seen it, and uncover how the extraordinary tomb that Ramses built for himself would have looked when his body was finally laid there.


Episode 9 - Secret Cities of the A-Bomb

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. In 1939 a group of scientists -- Albert Einstein among them - warned President Roosevelt, of the possibility that Hitler's Germany might be close to producing an atomic bomb. Roosevelt issued an order -- whatever it takes, the US has to be the first to develop an atomic bomb. And within three years they were well on their way to creating a hidden world of secret cities and classified nuclear facilities, built inside America. 400,000 people were part of it -- though only a handful really knew the truth. Six decades later, a team of experts return to the once-classified sites where the course of history was decided. In top secret cities and nuclear facilities, they uncover and rebuild this lost world. Requiring half a million acres of land, billions of dollars and the construction of the largest building in the world, three top secret cities were built in isolated parts of Tennessee, New Mexico and Washington State. This was to be the most costly and most labor intensive engineering program ever undertaken. Using eyewitness testimony and cutting edge graphic technology, we recreate the secret world of the Manhattan Project today.


Episode 10 - The First Christians

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. The 1st century AD. In the aftermath of Jesus' crucifixion barely a hundred of his followers survive. Persecuted by the authorities, they are a cult on the verge of extinction. Yet within a few decades the new religion of Christianity will have thousands of believers spread around the Mediterranean and across the Roman Empire. The man responsible is St Paul. Once a fanatical persecutor of Jesus' followers, he undergoes a miraculous conversion, and gives his life to spreading the gospel. We revisit the places that were first to hear Paul's message and were altered forever. From his birthplace - the port of Tarsus whose mixture of Roman and Jewish culture helped to form him, we follow the sophisticated systems of trade and transport which helped Paul travel 20,000 miles in his lifetime. We enter the highly sophisticated city of Ephesus where, at the site of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, he confronted a powerful cult. We rebuild the temple of Artemis, the pagan idol who had stood for 500 years until Paul's world triggered its decline and destruction. In Cappadocia, in the Turkish desert, we find evidence of how the new religion reached a mysterious community of cave-dwellers. We reveal some of the earliest Christian churches. Carved out of volcanic ash, they have survived for centuries. These Christian communities are so persecuted that they seek refuge by literally heading underground. Our investigators enter the vast subterranean cities they built to accommodate up to 30,000 people. St. Paul laid the foundations for what will become the world's largest religion. He shaped our world. Now, using the latest research and computer animations, we recreate the Lost World that shaped him.


Episode 11 - The Pagans

A team of field investigators uncovers the clues that will recreate vanished or hidden worlds. They use the latest research, expert analysis and cutting edge graphic technology to take us back. Five thousand years ago in the late Stone Age, before the pyramids of Egypt were built, the pagan people of the British Isles constructed some of the greatest monuments of the ancient world. Across the country fabulous constructions of wood, earth and stone were rising. We enter the world of their builders. We travel from the ancient stone villages of the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland, to Stonehenge, in Southern England. Lost Worlds reveals a startling new theory about the role that this extraordinary structure played in the lives of the people who erected it. Using computer animation we reconstruct the monument as it appeared to those people. We then trace a forgotten ancient pathway to Stonehenge's lost twin -- Woodhenge. We explore the secrets of Silbury Hill, the world's largest man-made mound, erected by people equipped only with tools made from antler and bone. Over the centuries, people have dug here in vain in search of tombs and treasure, but our investigators track down the real reason behind this extraordinary engineering achievement. On the South coast of England the enormous earthworks of Maiden Castle witnessed the end of the Pagan world. Built to defend against enemies who fought hand to hand, its walls proved little defense against the artillery of the Roman legions. Our experts rebuild the fortress whose capture all but destroyed Britain's pagan way of life. Using the latest archaeological research and a new understanding of pagan beliefs, Lost Worlds will piece together the evidence in the stones and use cutting edge computer animation to reconstruct the lost world of the pagans.


Episode 12 - The Real Dracula

In a country torn by bloody civil war, a young man seizes power. In his native tongue, he is called Dracula.This is not the vampire, Count Dracula, but a real historical figure: a Romanian prince. Dracula was a warlord who became known all across Europe for both his breath-taking courage and his terrifying cruelty. But he also left an enduring legacy. Not just in blood...in brick, mortar and stone. He constructed palaces. He founded the city that was to become his country's capital. He also built one of Eastern Europe's most breath-taking mountaintop castles. Now, with state of the art computer animation, Dracula's lost world will be brought back to life: his birthplace in the fortified town of Sighisoara; the gothic splenour of Transylvania's Bran Castle; the sumptuous palace of Targoviste; and the real castle Dracula: Poenari.



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