Ricky Zoom

Ricky Zoom Season 3 Episodes

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Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Ricky's New Vroomboard

Ricky gets a new vroomboard. Loop is jealous because Ricky's vroomboard is better than his. It's a Vroomboard Mega! When Ricky takes Loop's vroomboard by mistake Loop seizes the opportunity to try out Ricky's Vroomboard Mega without asking him. Loop flies all over Wheelford but soon can't control the Mega Vroomboard. When Ricky discovers that Loop is in trouble he races to the rescue. Loop learns that he doesn't need to be jealous and can borrow the Vroomboard Mega anytime.


Episode 2 - Buster Zoom

Buster is invited to train with Ricky and it soon become clear that Buster just wants to do everything exactly like Ricky. Buster thinks that being like Ricky will help him to be a better police bike too. Ricky and the buddies feel sorry for Buster though and Ricky encourages Buster to do things 'like Buster' when they are rescuing Maxwell. Buster helps two little bikes move out of the way so they avoid a collision with Maxwell's trailer. Buster is proud of doing things his way and realises that he's a great police bike. He doesn't need to be just like Ricky. Being himself is great too.


Episode 3 - DJ's Speedy Day

DJ wants to be as fast as Ricky. He goes to Maxwell’s garage and Maxwell helps him attach a motor booster to help him go much faster. Don asks Ricky to deliver a package and DJ is delighted when Ricky says that DJ is fast enough to do it. DJ delivers the package in super fast time but he revs even faster and soon spins out of control and Ricky needs to rescue him before he has an accident. DJ realises that his usual DJ trike speed is just fine. He'll leave the super speed to Ricky.


Episode 4 - The Scootbop Bop

The buddies play with the Scootbops while Scootio is busy helping her parents. Scootio asks the buddies to be extra careful with them but Ricky, Loop and DJ aren't careful enough, and the Scootbops short circuit and run loose around Wheelford. Ricky decides not to tell Scootio what has happened but Scootio arrives back to discover some of her Scootbops are missing. Ricky rescues them and realises he should have told Scootio the truth from the beginning.


Episode 5 - Coach Ricky

Ricky and the buddies coach Toot to compete in a school race. Toot gives up because the practice is too hard. She sneaks away and Ricky needs to rescue her when she gets into trouble. Toot learns to try and try again.


Episode 6 - Zoom Cop

Scootio turns Zoomcam into a 'Zoomcop' to help Bunker in his police duties. At first Zoomcop is super helpful around Wheelford and helps Officer Bunker with traffic jams and road blocks. Soon though the Zoomcop malfunctions and causes troubles in town because Scootio sent it out before it was ready. Blip's pizzas end up spilling over the road, there are traffic problems and Zoomcop wants everyone to make silly faces! Ricky manages to catch Zoomcop and Scootio reprogramnmes it. Scootio realises that in future she'll always makes sure she tests Zoomcop properly.


Episode 7 - The Big Awesome Rescue, Pt. 1

Ricky and the buddies are given the honour of assisting Steel Awesome in his stunt show. Steel shows them how to use the Stunt Rider but the buddies feel overwhelmed by their important roles. Loop is nervous to be the show's host, Scootio is having problems working the laser lights and DJ is blasting the music instead of controlling it for the stunt sequences. Ricky is given the task of shooting Steel from the stunt cannon. He hits the button and Steel is catapulted out of the adventure park and into the unknown. Steel is now lost and Ricky needs to lead the buddies in the stunt rider to find him.


Episode 8 - The Big Awesome Rescue, Pt. 2

Ricky and the buddies find Steel Awesome in the Rocky Forest. He's stuck in a hole and can't move. The buddies try to rescue him. At first they don't succeed but Steel reminds each one of them how great and special they are. Soon the buddies work as a team and using the power of the stunt rider pull Steel out of the hole. Ricky rides the Awesome Stunt Rider back to Wheelford and they make it back just in time to take part in the stunt show with Steel Awesome. Ricky become Steel's special stunt side kick and the stunt show is awesome!


Episode 9 - Helizoomer Pizza

Hank and Helen give Ricky 'Helizoomers' (helicopter wings) as part of his new rescue kit, but Ricky doesn't work out how to use them properly with Maxwell because he wants to show them to the buddies. Ricky realises he can only go backwards in them which ruins Mrs Bikely's pizza picnic when Ricky reverses into Blip's pizza delivery. Ricky puts everything right when he rescues pizzas from Troy and Ashley who didn't realise the pizzas they had were for the pizza picnic. The pizzas hang from a cliff edge and Ricky uses his Helizoomers to flight high and sweep the pizzas up just before they fall to the ground. In the end Mrs Bikely's pizza picnic is a great success and Ricky learns how to use his 'Helizoomers' perfectly.


Episode 10 - DJ's the Boss

The Buddies put DJ in charge when they need to rebuild a play structure they've accidentally broken that was built by Troy and Ashley. At first DJ doesn't have enough confidence to instruct the buddies on how to build. DJ's parents give him the confidence he needs when they see he looks a little sad. Jake and Della tell him he has all the qualities to be a great leader. DJ learns to become a good boss just like his parents. Soon he is leading the buddies a streamlined building team. Troy and Ashley are delighted when they see their rebuilt play zone.


Episode 11 - The Best Steel

Ricky and Troy compete to see who can be the best Steel Awesome for the school play. Troy only wants to play Steel because he's popular and not because he's a real Steel fan like Ricky. Ricky's audition goes brilliantly until he spins out of control. Troy is delighted and Mrs Bikely confirms that he will play Steel Awesome. Ricky is unhappy with his part as a Ninja bike. As the performance begins Troy forgets his line and clumsily hits a stage prop. Then Troy gets stuck on the stage and Ricky races to his rescue. Troy realises that Ricky is the best Steel and they swap roles.


Episode 12 - Loop Plays Tricks

Loop enjoy playing pranks with Troy and Ashley around Wheelford. They play with the bikewash and cover bikes in bubbles, they put a horn in Officer Bunker's exhaust pipe and put a trick toy in Blip's pizza delivery. Loop realises the jokes are starting to go too far and leaves Troy and Ashley to play without him. Ricky, Scootio and DJ catch up with Loop who tells them that Troy and Ashley have headed to the Adventure Park. Troy and Ashley take a slime slide too far and Ricky rescues them when they flight high in the air.


Episode 13 - Ricky Races Away

Ricky takes part in a bikeathon race with the buddies as his pit crew. Troy and Ashley take part in the race too and want to win so much they decide not to take any pit stops. Ricky thinks he can't stop either if he wants to win the race. Ricky's tyre starts to spin out and he realises he needs to take a much needed pit stop. Soon Troy spins into trouble too and Ricky's races to his rescue. Ashley stays in the lead and just as she is about to finish first her exhaust explodes and she can't move. Troy, thankful for Ricky's help, let's him cross the finish line first. Everyone agrees that it's important to make pit stops.


Episode 14 - Zoom Climber

Ricky is given a Zoom climber, a wheel device which helps Ricky stick onto walls and climb up them, but Helen warns against anyone else using it as it could be dangerous. The Zoom climber only fits Ricky. Troy can't resist and takes the Zoom Climber without asking. He uses it around town and has a great time hanging under bridges and scaring other bikes, but he gets into trouble when he climbs a wall and gets stuck on top of a building. Ricky rescues Troy and Troy says he'd rather stay on the ground from now on.


Episode 15 - Steel's Wonky Honk

The buddies find Steel Awesome hiding behind a bush when he should be meeting his fans. Steel explains that he's embarrassed by his wonky horn. The buddies create a plan to keep Steel hidden from everyone in Wheelford until they can get his horn fixed by Maxwell. They have a few close shaves when Steel is spotted by Jake Rumbler and Blip. Mrs Bikely helps Steel dress up with clothes from the school dress up box but Officer Bunker realises Steel is in disguise. Steel races away still ashamed of his wonky horn. Ricky is able to show Steel that he shouldn't be embarrassed. Everyone goes wonky from time to time. Steel decides that the stunt show will go on and shows off his wonky honk.


Episode 16 - Amazing Helpers

Ricky and the buddies try to do good deeds for the day and call themselves the Super Helpers. Troy and Ashley join in too but don't listen properly to instructions. When Fred Whizzbang needs help to launch his hot air balloon it goes up in the air too soon with Fred in it because Troy and Ashley rushed their part of the balloon launch. Ricky and the buddies bring Fred back down to the ground. Troy and Ashley realise they need to listen better next time. Ricky is chosen to be the first to fly in the balloon with Fred.


Episode 17 - Talent Show

Ricky and the buddies decide to have a Talent Show. They're going to do bike stunts and dance. When Ricky hears DJ sing his family 'Working Song' they tell DJ he's the a perfect singer for the show. DJ though feels too shy to perform in front of a crowd. The buddies ride around town telling everyone about their show. They plan to use the old ramp at Ricky's house as a stage but discover it's been recycled accidentally by Hank. With the help of Maxwell and DJ they build their own stage. DJ sings again while he builds the stage but still feels too shy to sing. DJ continues to sing as the buddies move the stage along the roads to Ricky's house. Bikes start to follow behind the stage to listen to DJ's beautiful voice. By nightfall a crowd has gathered and DJ overcomes his shyness about singing in public with the help of Ricky, DJ and Scootio who become his backing group.


Episode 18 - Big Steel Search

It’s the day of Steel’s new movie and the buddies are really excited to see it. Steel is about to reveal a huge stunt balloon of himself outside the cinema when the balloon flies suddenly into the air. Steel needs it back and tells the bikes that whoever finds it will get to sit beside him in the movie screening. Ricky wants to sit beside his hero more that anything so goes to find the Steel balloon on his own. Scootio, DJ and Loop discover Ricky is trying to get the balloon without them. Ricky soon realises he needs his friends help when the huge balloon gets stuck in a tunnel. The buddies help each other and return the balloon to Steel. Ricky realises the importance of friendship no matter what! Steel is impressed.


Episode 19 - The Zoom Party

Officer Bunker, Ricky and the buddies prepare a surprise party for Hank and Helen to celebrate what great rescue bikes they are. The party is at the Zoom's house and Ricky and Loop are in charge of the vacuum cleaner as Toot wants everything to be perfect and clean. The vacuum cleaner goes out of control, trails mud throughout the house, and speeds down the rescue ramp and speeds around Wheelford. DJ tries to distract Hank and Helen so they won't head back to their house before the party is ready. Soon Ricky has brought the vacuum cleaner back under control and the party finally starts. Toot realises that not all parties have to be perfect to be fun.


Episode 20 - The Biggest Jump Ever

After watching a Steel Awesome stunt movie Troy thinks he can make huge jumps from ramps in Wheelford. He encourages Ricky to join him. They start with small jumps but soon the jumps get higher and higher. Ashley is confident that Troy will be able to jump higher that Ricky and creates the highest jump any of the buddies have ever seen. Ricky realises the jump is too hard but Troy still decides to do the jump. Ricky rescues Troy. Everyone agrees that next time they'll only jump when it's completely safe.


Episode 21 - Blip Buddies

Blip wants to be on Dasher's relay team but thinks he isn't good enough. The buddies disguise themselves as Blip and use their skills to show Dasher that Blip is good enough to be on his team. Dasher asks Blip to be on his team but doesn't realise that Blip didn't do any of the cool stunts he saw. Blip asks Loop to pretend to be him one last time when the bikes move onto the sky paths to race. Loop agrees but slips on the sky path and crashes into Dasher. Dasher hangs over the edge of the sky path and Blip finds and inner courage and races over to hold Dasher, making sure that he doesn't slip over the edge of the sky path. Ricky arrives and helps to rescue Dasher. Blip tells Dasher the truth and admits he didn't do anything to prove he should be on Dasher's relay team. Dasher disagrees and asks Blip to stay on his team. Without Blip Dasher would've fallen off the sky path. Blip is delighted.


Episode 22 - Scoot Jets

Mrs Bikely is arranging an upcycling day for Wheelford. The buddies are helping her collect items for it. Loop and Scootio are teamed up and start to fill their trailer. DJ and Ricky team together too and their trailer starts to fill up quickly. Scootio and Loop can't agree on the best way to collect items as Loop is spontaneous while Scootio wants to stick a firm plan. Scootio soon sees that it's good to also try Loop's way too. Loop spots two booster parts which DJ makes into a new booster for Scootio. Scootio's new booster 'Scoot jets' help them collect everything they need for Mrs Bikely. Scootio realises the joy of compromise.


Episode 23 - The Woodland Bike

Ricky and the buddies are playing in Rocky Forest, and DJ is choosing a plant, 'Mrs Greeny', for his parents worksite, when Ricky thinks he spots something moving. He looks and can't find anything! When he gets home he hears a noise 'Ziiip' and soon meet Zeke, a Woodland Bike who is looking for something green. Ricky introduces the other buddies to Zeke and they all help him find something green. The take him to a green traffic light but that's not the green that Zeke is looking for. Soon Zeke spots the green plant 'Mrs Greeny' and takes it back to Rocky Forest. The buddies realise that plants shouldn't be pulled out of the forest.


Episode 24 - After the Storm

There’s been a storm in Wheelford. Hank and Helen are busy responding to all the rescue calls and ask Ricky and the buddies to check and then clear any storm damage at Rocky Forest. The buddies soon discover their favourite tree from childhood has been blown over and uprooted. The Rumblers arrive and think the safe thing to do is to cut the tree down, but the buddies see new growth on the tree and prove the tree is still alive. They use all their strength to pull the tree from the ground and replant it. The Rumblers are proud of the buddies for saving the tree.


Episode 25 - Toot Awesome

Toot wins a competition to spend the day with Steel Awesome but asks Buster to go with her instead of Ricky because she thinks she doesn't need her big brother to go everywhere with her. Toot, Buster and Mrs Bikely set off with Steel awesome in the Awesome Stunt Rider. Toot gets over excited and starts to press lots of buttons in the stunt rider activating all sorts of ramps, lasers and music. The stunt rider soon runs out of energy and gets a flat battery. Steel gets locked in his cockpit because there's no battery power to open the door. Ricky and the buddies think that Toot has been away a long time and go to find her. Ricky realises the stunt rider is in trouble. The buddies do everything they can to recharge the battery to the stunt rider. They ride around in the huge stunt wheels and soon power starts to come back into the stunt rider. They push so hard that Ricky needs to do one final rescue as the stunt rider careens down a steep slope and heads into trouble. It's Ricky to the rescue and Toot realises that sometimes she does need her big brother after all.


Episode 26 - Birthday Cake

It's Scootio's birthday and as Loop is helping his Dad deliver the mail he is given the responsibility of delivering the cake. Loop is so excited to be delivering that he jumps too high and spins too fast and destroys the top layer of the cake. It's Ricky to the rescue! He uses his Helizoomers to fly to Maxwell, the cake chef, to get a new top layer for the cake. Loop and DJ bring the bottom layer and soon they arrive to Scootio's birthday with two complete layers for the special birthday cake. Scootio is delighted with the cake and even happier when Loop jumps out of the top of it for a special birthday surprise.



Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3

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