The Secret Saturdays

The Secret Saturdays Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Underworld Bride

As part of Zak's training in his cryptid-influencing power, the Saturdays travel to New Guinea with Ulraj (the young king of Kumari Kandam) to investigate a dinosaur/bat creature called the Duah. Training gets complicated when Zon develops a crush on the majestic creature, and even more so when the Saturdays learn that the Duah intends to drag its new "bride" down to the underworld it came from and eat her alive. VILLAIN: The Duah CRYPTIDS: Duah, Rhinoceros Dolphins


Episode 2 - Ghost In the Machine

When Doc receives a troubling "visit" from what appears to be the ghost of his old mentor, the Saturdays travel to Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp to let Doc finish the work he and his mentor started over 25 years ago. But a group of mysterious cryptids from deep in the swamp seem determined to make sure the project stays abandoned. VILLAINS: Honey Island Project scientists CRYPTIDS: Honey Island Swamp Monster, Bishopville Lizardman, Booger, Devil Monkey, Fouke Monster, Georgia Pigman, Green Goon, Hawley Him, Kinchafoonie Creep, Lake Worth Monster, Man Cat, Mississippi Swamp Ape, Momo


Episode 3 - Something In the Water

The Saturdays stumble across a hidden city built in the middle of an African lake, but this paradise in being threatened by repeated attacks from the giant, catfish-like Lau. The city leaders offer to pay the Saturdays to get rid of the fish, but Doc declines - that's not really what they do. But Zak knows someone who does, and soon Doyle is on the job (against Doc's advice), not realizing the Lau have a very good reason to be attacking "paradise." VILLAINS: Lau, city leaders CRYPTIDS: Groot Slang, Lau


Episode 4 - Target: Fiskerton

Argost recruits Van Rook and Piecemeal to kidnap Fiskerton, whom Argost suspects may be Kur. A running battle between the Saturdays and Van Rook/Piecemeal rages through a Swiss town, onto a train, and into the world's longest tunnel (under construction), but Doc and Drew are so worried about protecting Zak, no one realizes who the real target is. VILLAINS: Van Rook, Piecemeal, Argost and Munya CRYPTIDS: Buratsche-al-Ilgs


Episode 5 - Once More the Nightmare Factory

To rescue their kidnapped family member, the Saturdays and Doyle are forced to assault Weirdworld itself. While Munya works the mansion's assortment of hidden traps to pick the Saturdays off one by one, the mysterious serpent woman Naga tells Argost something surprising about Fiskerton's heritage and destiny. VILLAINS: Argost and Munya CRYPTIDS: Naga, Peluda, Nicaraguan Blood-Sucking Vines, Shamirs, Flashlight Frogs, Mississauga Blob, Jinshin-Mushi, Migas


Episode 6 - Curse of the Stolen Tiger

The Saturdays, Doyle and the Bedouin girl Wadi (from "Eterno," currently being babysat by the Saturdays) come across a small Chinese mountain village that's been blighted since the theft of its protector, a Blue Tiger. The team ventures to a cliff-top fortress to retrieve the Tiger from a "new warlord" to the area (actually an old nemesis), but the supposedly luck-granting Tiger seems to bring Zak nothing but bad luck every time he's near it. VILLAIN: Shoji Fuzen (with new high-tech combat suit) and Shock Troopers CRYPTID: Blue Tiger


Episode 7 - The Kur Guardian

Zak and Doyle, the only Saturdays who know about Fisk's newfound heritage, try to help the big gorilla-cat uncover the secrets of his Lemurian ancestry. Together with ancient civilizations expert Abbey Grey (Zak's ex-babysitter, and still the object of his crushing), the boys pick up clues from Sherwood Forest to Cairo to Shangri-La... with Naga trying to sabotage them from the shadows the whole time. VILLAIN: Naga CRYPTIDS: Naga


Episode 8 - Food of the Giants

A logging camp in the Allegheny Mountains has been ravaged by what seems to be a man-eating giant Allegewi, and two of the loggers are still missing. The Saturdays are joined by Doyle and his new girlfriend Abbey Grey in the search for the loggers, but at a critical moment, Abbey leads the Saturdays into a trap and is revealed as Van Rook's new apprentice. Their equipment sabotaged, the Saturdays and Doyle find themselves on the run in a survivalist game of "hunt or be hunted" with the Allegewi. VILLAINS: Allegewi, Abbey Grey CRYPTID: Allegewi


Episode 9 - The Atlas Pin

Argost has stolen from Naga a relic that can ID the real Kur. Rather than get it back herself, Naga delivers an ultimatum to the Saturdays. Her people control the "Atlas Pin," an undersea rock that serves as the linchpin of the earth's mantle - pull it, and the whole planet gets ripped apart. She's going to do exactly that unless the Saturdays bring her back the relic. With two different threats to deal with, the family splits up, one group chasing down Argost, and the other (with the help of Ulraj and the Kumaris) trying to stop Naga and the threat of the Atlas Pin. VILLAINS: Naga, Argost CRYPTIDS: multiple Nagas, Kumari city serpent


Episode 10 - Paris Is Melting

When Fiskerton is framed for a series of nighttime attacks on fellow Secret Scientists, the Saturdays are placed under house arrest by Dr. Beeman, Dr. Grey, and Agent Epsilon's "people." Zak escapes with the family cryptids to go clear Fisk's name, a quest that leads to the Louvre Museum and a return encounter with the reality-bending doppelgangers Zak and Komodo Monday. VILLAINS: Zak and Komodo Monday CRYPTIDS: none


Episode 11 - Where Lies the Engulfer

Zak and Doyle, the only Saturdays who know about Fisk's newfound heritage, try to help the big gorilla-cat uncover the secrets of his Lemurian ancestry. Together with ancient civilizations expert Abbey Grey (Zak's ex-babysitter, and still the object of his crushing), the boys pick up clues from Sherwood Forest to Cairo to Shangri-La... with Naga trying to sabotage them from the shadows the whole time. VILLAIN: Naga CRYPTIDS: Naga


Episode 12 - Shadows of Lemuria

Fiskerton's inherited Lemurian instincts are supposed to lead the Saturdays to where Kur will be revealed, but all they seem to be doing is driving Fisk nuts. He's become obsessed with a three-pronged shape, and he has no idea what it means. The family brings in a paraneurologist colleague, Dr. Bara, who hooks Fisk up to a brainwave scanner while he sleeps. But when one of Argost's mind-controlling neural parasites infiltrates the HQ and attaches to Fisk's brain as well, the mental overload causes Fisk's subconscious to lash out physically. VILLAINS: Argost, Mecha-Lemurians CRYPTIDS: Neural Parasite


Episode 13 - Kur Rising

Zak and Doyle, the only Saturdays who know about Fisk's newfound heritage, try to help the big gorilla-cat uncover the secrets of his Lemurian ancestry. Together with ancient civilizations expert Abbey Grey (Zak's ex-babysitter, and still the object of his crushing), the boys pick up clues from Sherwood Forest to Cairo to Shangri-La... with Naga trying to sabotage them from the shadows the whole time. VILLAIN: Naga CRYPTIDS: Naga



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