Warrior Women

Warrior Women Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Joan Of Arc

France, April 1429: For six months English forces had besieged Orleans, the final city to resist their advance. After 90 years of war, all of France was at last within their grasp. Then out of nowhere, a figure emerged from the French side. It was a young woman in full armor, a peasant girl who would turn the tide of war and lead her troops to victory.


Episode 2 - The Real Mulan

200 years ago, a young woman brought the greatest empire in Asia to its knees. She was a master of kung fu, and the leader of 60,000 warriors who followed her unquestioningly into battle. Their enemy was the brutal and corrupt Qing Dynasty, a dynasty they were determined to overthrow.


Episode 3 - Boudica

60 A.D: Rome is at it's height, but in this most remote outpost, the Empire is about to be hit by the full fury of a woman's wrath. Her anger will kill 70,000 and defy Roman power in Britain.


Episode 4 - Grace O'Malley

Along the formidable west coast of Ireland, the legend of Grace O'Malley stands out like a freak wave. Born into a warring land of clan rivalries and the lawlessness of the high seas, Grace blew away the notion of a woman's place in the 16th century and taught the boys a lesson of their own.


Episode 5 - Lozen

In the late 1800s, the last of the Apache were being hunted down, in their own lands. A few small bands chose to fight, rather than give in. Fighting side by side, with the male warriors, was a powerful medicine woman. She was deadly, with a bow, or rifle.The wildest horses obeyed her commands.



Season 1

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