
Wissper Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Pingwing Penguin

A mummy penguin appears in Wissper’s fridge with a small problem: she keeps losing her baby. Wissper travels to the penguins’ icy home and discovers lots of baby penguins who all look the same. With the help of Gertie and Otis, Wissper works out a solution, she discovers none of the babies have names. And once they have names, they answer to them. And Wissper meets Peggy.


Episode 2 - Clumsy Elephant

Wissper meets an elephant who wants to be an acrobat but doesn’t quite have the talent for it; in fact he is quite a clumsy elephant. Wissper asks meerkat Monty to help, but inspired by a troupe of acrobatic monkeys, it’s Wissper who finally solves Ellington the elephant’s problem. He may not be a performer but his broad back makes a perfect stage.


Episode 3 - Polar Brrrrr!

Wissper meets a polar bear whose best friend won’t swim. Wissper enrols the help of baby penguin Peggy and between them they work out first that the bear thinks the icy water is too cold and secondly a clever ruse to tempt him into the water. And of course once he’s in, he loves the water and turns out to be a rather good swimmer.


Episode 4 - Meerkat Muddle

Monty the meerkat pops up at Wissper’s house complaining that his colony is overcrowded – there’s no space for a meerkat to think! Wissper takes a look and summons Peggy the baby penguin to help! They summon ALL the baby penguins to show the meerkats what a real crowd looks like. Once they’ve gone the colony seems big enough for all the meerkats.


Episode 5 - Mice View

Wissper has a mouse in the house, and Mum does not like mice, so it’s a quick transition to Hayley harvest mouse’s lovely new nest. But Hayley isn’t happy –another harvest mouse has built a nest next door blocking her view. Both mice stubbornly refuse to move so Wissper summons wise old Dan the panda to offer advice. He soon helps Wissper persuade the mice to take a different view.


Episode 6 - Calm Down Croc

Kev the croc is a would-be surfer but he never manages to catch the wave. It’s a problem the cool croc brings to Wissper. She enlists the help of Dan the panda, whose unique blend of calm and wisdom help Wissper teach Kev that catching the wave is a waiting game.


Episode 7 - Orangutangle

Wissper meets a long armed orang-utan who doesn’t like his elongated limbs. She calls upon long necked Gertie the giraffe to help. Gertie does her best to share the secret of living with length, but in the end Oscar the orang-utan solves his own embarrassment when his long arms prove vital in a heroic rescue.


Episode 8 - Step On It Seal

Who else but Wissper would ask a tiger to teach a seal to dance? Sam the seal asks Wissper to help him dance, a tricky task for a girl! She summons natural mover Stripes the tiger to help but Sam hasn’t got dancer’s legs. A series of lucky accidents prompts Wissper to suggest Sam goes underwater to pirouette! Stripes shows off her swimming talents, but underwater Sam is the star.


Episode 9 - Jumping Joey

When a mummy kangaroo can’t persuade her “Joey” to leave the pouch, she turns to Wissper for help. It seems all the other kangaroos are happily playing together in the sand so Wissper summons Peggy the baby penguin to help her tempt the reluctant Joey out of mummy’s pouch! It takes some imaginative game playing to do the trick but Wissper is very imaginative and when she leaves, Joey is joining in with the kangaroo games.


Episode 10 - Monkey Mischief

Baby monkeys love fun and mischief, and it’s enough to send a mummy monkey to seek help from Wissper. It’s off to the forest where Wissper discovers the baby monkeys are running and playing in the branches of the trees and taking no notice of mummy at all. Wissper calls on Stripes the tiger to help. At first she doesn’t have much success, but then Wissper has an idea. Stripes soon has the monkeys in order, and Wissper can celebrate another job done.


Episode 11 - Strong As A Horse

Herbert the Shire horse thinks he has lost his strength. He goes to Wissper hoping she will bring it back. They travel to the river where Herbert has been trying to haul logs for the beavers. He can’t seem to shift them at all. It’s another job for Dan the panda who takes an unusual view of what’s going on. He and Wissper work out that Herbert has got his vine stuck in a tree. Free the vine and Herbert gets his “strength” back.


Episode 12 - Panda Pal

Dan the panda usually likes to be alone, but one day he asks Wissper to help him find a friend. She joins Dan in the bamboo forest and summons Monty the meerkat to help. Chatterbox Monty is only too happy to extend the paw of friendship! Dan enjoys his chatter for a while but then disappears off into the jungle. He confides in Wissper that whilst he likes having a friend, he’s also remembered why he likes being alone!


Episode 13 - Up With The Birds

Otis the oxpecker bird has a problem with his best friend Gertie the giraffe. It seems giraffes hardly ever sleep, but oxpecker birds do. And Gertie is keeping Otis awake. It’s a problem Wissper solves with help from Monty the meerkat: Otis and Gertie learn about taking turns and that one oxpecker bird isn’t as useful as a whole flock.


Episode 14 - Tiger Teeth Trouble

A distraught Stripes the tiger bursts in on Wissper – her teeth have turned purple. Wissper summons the toothiest creature she knows –Kev the crocodile. Kev thinks purple teeth are supercool, but does his best to help Stripes regain her gleaming white grin. Wissper discovers the purple has come from eating berries, and the stain can be removed with vigorous brushing. Kev still thinks purple teeth are rad!


Episode 15 - Pig In A Puddle

Wissper meets a mummy pig with a muddy problem: the waterhole has dried up and her piglets can’t cover themselves with protective mud. Wissper and Peggy travel to help but struggle to find a solution until they are joined by Ellington the elephant. Ellington uses his trunk to take water from one place to another and help the piglets wallow in mud.


Episode 16 - Thirsty Giraffe

Gertie the Giraffe is good at stretching up but not so good at reaching down and that’s the key to the problem she brings to Wissper. Her waterhole has shrunk so low she can’t bend down far enough to take a drink. Wissper enlists the help of Peggy the penguin and her pingwing friends to raise the water level with an ingenious pebble plan!


Episode 17 - Bear Cub Bedtime

Wissper has to help a baby bear cub sleep soundly! The little cub wakes up at the slightest sound and just won’t go back to sleep. Wissper asks Dan the wise panda for advice and between them they devise a choral lullaby so that the sounds that had been keeping the cub awake now send him off into a long deep sleep.


Episode 18 - Roar, Lion, Roar

Wissper and Stripes the tiger join forces to help a little lion cub roar. When Wissper first meets Samson he can only squeak and even the mice laugh at him. Stripes tries to teach him to roar and this gives Wissper an idea! She soon has Samson sounding like a real king of the grassy plains and the mice are no longer laughing!


Episode 19 - Pitch Perfect Panda

Dan the panda surprises Wissper with a problem she just wasn’t expecting: Dan wants to sing! For a big bear, Dan has a bit of a high squeaky voice. When he sings it does not sound very tuneful! Wissper needs help, so she summons Otis the oxpecker bird and Gertie the giraffe. They can’t change Dan’s voice so they teach him to harmonise and make the best use of his panda voice.


Episode 20 - Ostrich Away!

Wissper is playing with pingwing Peggy but their game is interrupted by the arrival of an ostrich with a problem! He’s the biggest bird around, but he can’t fly! Wissper and Peggy are joined by Otis the oxpecker bird and Gertie the giraffe in the ostrich’s grass world home. They do their best to help Ritchie the ostrich fly but his wings are just too small! But when a gust of wind blows Otis away, Ritchie runs to the rescue. When Wissper sees how fast he can run she persuades Ritchie that he has no need to fly because he is so quick on the ground.


Episode 21 - Whale Song Sing-A-Long

Gale the whale returns from a long trip across the ocean to discover that her pod has learnt a new whale song and water routine, and she doesn’t fit in. Wissper summons Peggy the penguin to help the lonely whale. Peggy helps Gale learn the routine and Wissper soon has her singing the same song!


Episode 22 - The Slow Slow Loris

Sonia the slow loris asks Wissper to help her speed up – the chattering monkeys keep taking all the best fruit because they are so much quicker. Wissper calls on Monty the meerkat for help and the speedy chap sets to work trying to teach Sonia to sprint. Try as she might Sonia can’t move fast enough, so Wissper shows her how to use her natural ability to pick fruit that’s beyond the reach of the monkeys! Sonia can stay slow and still enjoy a mango!


Episode 23 - Hipp-no!

A Hippo emerges from Wissper’s bath with an unusual eating problem. Some of her bloat has trouble remembering their manners and that makes meal times a jostling uncomfortable mess! Wissper summons Herbert the Shire horse to help make the bloat harmonious. When Wissper sees Herbert in action she has a bright idea and soon the hippos are eating in peace.


Episode 24 - Lostrich

Ritchie the ostrich pops up at Wissper’s house in a panic –he’s lost his sister! So she can see over the long grass Wissper takes a ride on Herbert the Shire horse’s back. But Herbert has to watch where he is putting his big hooves because it turns out Ritchie’s sister is still in her egg! Wissper finds the egg and Ritchie watches as his new little sister hatches. He vows never to lose her again!


Episode 25 - Meerkat Patrol

Wissper’s friend Monty the meerkat wants to be a look out for his colony. A look out has to stand very still watching for danger. Monty’s problem is that he simply can’t keep still and that could end his chances of being a look out. Wissper summons Dan the panda to help. Dan is excellent at keeping still and tries to pass his secret onto to Monty. Monty tries his best but it takes something special from Wissper to keep Monty motionless and to make him a top notch look out!


Episode 26 - Oh No Polar Bear!

Bert and Barry the polar bears have fallen out. It seems someone has forgotten someone else’s birthday! Wissper travels to the Ice World to see what she can do. Polar bear Bert hasn’t forgotten Barry’s birthday but he has lost his present – a brand new waterhole. Wissper summons Otis the oxpecker bird and Gertie the giraffe to take a long necked and birds eye view of the Ice World. It proves difficult to spot anything in the snow, but eventually Wissper and friends succeed and she is able to leave the two polar bears bathing and bickering happily.


Episode 27 - Arctic Foxed

Fern the very white arctic fox can’t find the rest of her pack in the snow. Wissper summons Gertie the giraffe and Otis the oxpecker bird to give the search some extra height! They discover polar bears Barry and Bert before Otis gives Wissper a clever idea that puts her hot on the trail of the elusive pack.


Episode 28 - Handsome Horse

When a monkey troupe wants to practice their grooming skills, they need a lot of fur to work with. Wissper summons Herbert the hairy shire-horse to be their model. Herbert not only has a makeover, he discovers he really rather likes to be tickled. A giggling success for Wissper!


Episode 29 - Eager Beavers

Ed and Ted the beavers can’t agree on the final part of their new dam! They ask Wissper to help them find a solution. Wissper calls that cool dude Kev the crocodile to help. The beavers kindly gnaw down a tree to create a thinking log for Kev to sit and ponder on, but accidentally this fills the hole in the dam and gets Kev river surfing to boot. A very satisfying adventure for Wissper.


Episode 30 - Penguin Playtime

Otis the oxpecker bird is grounded by an injured wing, and he is grumpy and bored! Gertie the giraffe asks Wissper to help cheer him up. Wissper summons penguin Peggy to show Otis how to have fun without flying. He’s soon sliding, slipping and even singing. Wissper always knew pingwings were great playmates!


Episode 31 - Mini Mice Mystery

Hayley the harvest mouse has vanished and her neighbor Marcus is so worried he asks Wissper to help him find her. Wissper summons Stripes the tiger to help her find the missing mouse and Stripes soon first finds one trail, then another, but they don’t lead to Haley. Eventually Wissper uses her magnifying glass to find Hayley’s tiny tracks! And when they find Hayley there is a surprise in store!


Episode 32 - Camel Hump

Colin the camel is glum! He doesn’t seem to have a sense of humour! He asks Wissper to help him find the funny in life. Wissper recruits Monty the Meerkat with his quick-fire chat to help her. Monty can’t make Colin crack a smile, but he does make him pull a face! A very funny face - it’s a talent Wissper spots and as a result Colin becomes quite the camel comedian.


Episode 33 - Sshh Penguin Sshh

Poor penguin Peggy loses her voice. Mummy penguin calls on Wissper to help find it. Wissper recruits Stripes to help look, but she can’t find Peggy’s missing voice anywhere! Wissper has a bright idea; she remembers what her mum gave her brother Ralph when he was croaky! She pops back home and returns with a warm honey and lemon drink – and Peggy is soon a pitch perfect penguin again.


Episode 34 - Flamingo Flamenco

Wissper is surprised by a Flamingo with a problem, or more accurately a friend with a problem. Wissper travels with her and meets Francois, the one flamingo who won’t join in the Flamingo Flamenco. Wissper calls on Monty the Meerkat who tries to teach the reluctant flamingo his coolest moves. It takes a lot of work and some Wissper inspiration but eventually Francois finds his dancing feathers.


Episode 35 - Polar Bear Scare

When a white polar bear turns green Wissper turns to a very green Kev the crocodile for help! Kev thinks green is cool and in truth isn’t a great deal of help! Luckily Wissper remembers how her dad cleaned up some overgrown green garden decking and that gives her the clue for turning a green bear white! Now clean and white again, Bert and Barry can happily return to the Ice World.


Episode 36 - Paddling Pigs

Mrs. Turnip is a Mummy pig with a piglet problem! Her little ones are swimming and playing in the river and won’t come when they are called! Wissper summons speedy Kev the Croc to help round them up, but Mrs. Turnip turns out to have hidden talents and with some Wissper inspiration she soon has her piglets on their best behavior.


Episode 37 - Koala Tag

Koalas aren’t the speediest animals in the bush, and certainly can’t keep up with a kangaroo! And that’s the root of the problem a young koala brings to Wissper: he just can’t keep up with the young Joey when they play tag. Wissper calls on Dan the panda to think this one through! Wise Dan persuades Kaspar and Wissper that the game is not just about speed, and the young Koala learns there is more than one way to tag a joey.


Episode 38 - Sing Elephant Sing

Ellington the elephant loves to sing but he is very loud! His operatic airs disturb the other forest animals. Wissper visits to solve the problem and enlists the help of Dan the panda. Dan in his cool calm way teaches Ellington a softer way to sing and soon instead of keeping everyone awake Ellington is lulling them to sleep – even himself!


Episode 39 - Meerkat Mystery

Wissper is puzzled when Monty the meerkat asks her for help. He doesn’t seem very sure exactly what his problem is. Wissper looks around the desert searching for a problem and even calls on all of her friends to help. But what she discovers is actually a big surprise!


Episode 40 - Jump Horse Jump

A monkey mom summons Wissper to help when one of the youngsters is stuck on a log floating downstream in the river. Wissper calls on Herbert the Shire horse, who shows he can be very speedy when the occasion demands! A hair rising ride on Herbert brings Wissper alongside the floating monkey, and a moment of Wissper inspiration enables a dramatic rescue just before the log tumbles over a waterfall.


Episode 41 - A Penguin Party

Peggy the penguin is feeling sad and left out. All the other baby penguins have had their own special day and she hasn’t. Wissper summons all her friends and between them they cheer up Peggy with a very special penguin party.


Episode 42 - Croc Up A Tree

The monkeys are looking for new games to play and ask Wissper to help. She summons Kev the croc, a party animal if ever there was one. Kev arrives but inexplicably high up in a tree. It takes a while for Kev to work out how to get down to the ground but when he finally manages it he also invents a totally new kind of surfing and a cracking new game for the monkeys.


Episode 43 - Gourmet Hippo

Hattie the hippo wants something different to eat but the leaves she would like are too high for her to reach! Wissper summons tree climbing panda Dan to help, but the solution comes from a different and unlikely source: an extraordinary cooperation between a hippo and some oxpecker birds.


Episode 44 - Horse In A Hole

At Monty the meerkat’s request, Wissper calls on Herbert the Shire horse to come to the colony and give the other meerkats a ride. Somehow Herbert manages to get his head stuck fast in a tunnel entrance and the combined efforts of Wissper and the meerkats can’t pull him free until one of the meerkats finds a ticklish twist that does the trick.


Episode 45 - Bear In The Middle

Fern, the arctic fox, is in a pickle, she’s made friends with Bert the polar bear and Barry feels left out. It seems two’s company and three is a crowd. Wissper calls on Monty the meerkat who is friends with everybody to help make amends. Barry is very hard to please until Wissper, inspired by Monty, invents a perfect game for three.


Episode 46 - Meerkat Itch!

A posse of meerkats visit Wissper. When a baby meerkat escapes into Wissper’s home her mum’s animal allergy is ignited and she starts to itch! Wissper manages to take the meerkat back to the garden where she discovers mum is not the only one with a tickly itch! Wissper summons Dan the wise old panda for advice. He helps her find a natural remedy that relieves an itchy meerkat and then Wissper’s mum as well!


Episode 47 - Pushy Penguins

Poor Peggy the penguin has discovered that being small can leave you at the back of the queue! And there is a new ice slide ride to play on! Wissper decides that the way to help tiny Peggy is to summon huge Herbert the Shire horse and noisy Monty the meerkat! One way or another, the other penguins learn to take turns and Peggy has a thrilling slide!


Episode 48 - Orangutidy

Oscar the orang-utan asks Wissper to help him find his favourite umbrella leaf. Wissper discovers Oscar’s den is choc a block with stuff-stuff that he won’t part with. Wissper calls on Peggy the penguin to help her persuade Oscar to tidy clear out and recycle. He is very reluctant until he gets started, then there is a cascade of unwanted paraphernalia, and underneath it all Oscar finds his umbrella leaf.


Episode 49 - Polar Bears On Ice

Bert and Barry the polar bears come to Wissper with a penguin problem: There are so many penguins on the slidey patch of ice that they can’t enjoy a sedate skate! Wissper puts on her own skates, summons Stripes and sets about making space on the ice. With a slip, a slide and a Stripes roar plus a touch of inspiration, she soon has bears and penguins formation ice dancing!


Episode 50 - Pretty As A Pig

Mavis the pig doesn’t think she looks good enough to dance at the summer party! Wissper summons super smart Stripes the tiger to help! The result is a double makeover: Mavis becomes tigerishly confident, and a splash of mud has Stripes looking pretty as a pig!


Episode 51 - A Penguin Pal Problem

Even best friends have differences, and when Wissper is too busy to play with Peggy, the little penguin is very upset and goes off in a huff! Wissper enrols the help of Gertie the giraffe and Otis the oxpecker bird, who are always falling out and then making up, to help her cheer up Peggy! It takes a touch of ingenuity to solve Wissper’s penguin pal problem and convince Peggy that they are forever friends!


Episode 52 - Orang-utan’s Bad Hair Day!

Oscar the orang-utan has a secret! He’s a good looking ape and puts it all down to regular brushing with his special fir cone on a stick! He says it’s the only one in the forest but now it’s broken! Wissper and Peggy help Oscar try and find another grooming tool and they discover that others in the forest have the same “secret” tool. The monkeys have several cones on sticks and of course when Wissper asks they are happy to swap one with Oscar.



Season 1

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