DuckTales (1987)

DuckTales (1987) Season 6 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 6 of DuckTales (1987) tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 6 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Big Flub

Scrooge sees potential of making a fast profit with new inventions and has Gyro invent a helium-based chewing gum, but it hasn't been tested for side effects.


Episode 2 - A Case of Mistaken Secret Identity

Fenton becomes jealous when the Nephews conclude that Launchpad must be Gizmoduck. Every time Fenton tries to disprove their theory, his efforts backfire, causing more people to think that Launchpad is Gizmo.


Episode 3 - Blue Collar Scrooge

Scrooge is inadvertently hit on the head by a skateboard and develops amnesia. He wanders around town trying to find out who he is and is taken in by Mrs. Crackshell while Fenton hires him at the Skateboard Factory.


Episode 4 - Beaglemania

Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys win a million dollars in a radio contest with their bona-fide hit, "Boogie Beagle Blues."


Episode 5 - Yuppy Ducks

Scrooge takes a dip into his money bin and comes down with a bad case of loot lice. Now that Scrooge is quarantined this opens the door for Ma Beagle to steal Scrooge's money bin.


Episode 6 - Bride Wore Stripes

Through a series of clever deceptions, Ma Beagle convinces the court that she is Scrooge's wife, and moves into the mansion, where she and her boys make life miserable for Scrooge's household.


Episode 7 - The Unbreakable Bin

When Gyro invents an unbreakable glass, Scrooge has his money bin sheathed in the stuff. Confident that his bin is completely impervious, Scrooge fires Gizmoduck, whom he no longer needs, and heads off on a long-overdue vacation.


Episode 8 - Attack of the Fifty-Foot Webby

Webby, who has been feeling neglected and overlooked, accidentally turns into a fifty-foot giant after falling into a magical spring. Suddenly she's the center of everyone's attention, much to her dismay.


Episode 9 - The Masked Mallard

In an effort to change his poor public image, Scrooge becomes the Masked Mallard, a costumed do-gooder who goes about the city fighting crime. All goes well for Scrooge, until a second Masked Mallard appears on the scene, becoming a one-man crime wave. In order to clear his name, Scrooge must track down the importer and bring him to justice.


Episode 10 - Ducky Mountain High

When Scrooge and Glomgold discover that there is gold on Glittering Goldie's property, they vie for her affections in order to purchase her land.


Episode 11 - A Ducktales Valentine

Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby's Valentine's Day plans are dashed when Scrooge's acquisition of Cupid's arrows attracts the attention of the Love Goddess herself, Aphroducky.


Episode 12 - Attack of the Metal Mites

Glomgold's Metal-eating bugs are heading straight for Scrooge's Money Bin, stopping first to eat GizmoDuck's Gizmo-suit. As the bugs eat their way across Duckburg, Scrooge, Gyro, Webby and the nephews, all try to stop them from reaching the bin.


Episode 13 - The Duck Who Knew Too Much

In order to get time off to go on a ski trip to Swizzleland, Fenton pretends to be bedridden at home with beak pox. As fate would have it, however, Scrooge arrives in Swizzleland on business at the same time and ends up checking into Fenton's hotel!


Episode 14 - New Gizmo Kids on the Block

Mrs. Crackshell and Ma Beagle are both trying to win "Mother of the Year". Ma Beagle breaks her Boys out of jail. Mrs. Crackshell does the yearly laundry and accidentally shrinks Fenton's Gizmo-suit.


Episode 15 - Scrooge's Last Adventure

When Dr. Glockenspel, a clock maker, informs Scrooge that his "ticker" is beyond repair, Scrooge mistakenly believes that the "doctor" is referring to his heart. Deciding to put his affairs in order, Scrooge has Fenton place his money in a computer.


Episode 16 - Golden Goose, The Pt. 1

Scrooge and Glomgold compete for the Ultimate Treasure, a Golden Goose with the Midas Touch. But is the prize worth the terrible cost: Huey, Dewey and Louie are transformed by the Goose into Golden Statues!


Episode 17 - Golden Goose, The Pt. 2

Scrooge must retrieve the Golden Goose from Glomgold and the Beagle Boys in order to save his nephews from spending eternity as golden statues.


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