Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - S1 EP1 Greb-Nefual E-Neg!

The kids watch a scary horror movie where a character curses their victims with an ancient phrase. Unfazed, Girl speaks the phrase, but soon the siblings start to disappear.


Episode 2 - S1 EP2 Pen Pals

Boy's siblings get jealous when Boy bakes tasty cookies that he only shares with his new penfriend, Gretchen. So they pose as Gretchen, penning letters to Boy to get more cookies.


Episode 3 - S1 EP3 The Cheesy Diary

Cheese accidentally begins writing her new fantasy novel inside Boy's diary, inspiring Boy to live out the life of the novel's great hero.


Episode 4 - S1 EP4 Game of Throne

When the boys and girls get sick of sharing the bathroom, they split it into two, with each group getting a side.


Episode 5 - S1 EP5 Boy's Friend

The family go on a canoe trip, and Boy and Girl are each allowed to bring a friend. Girl invites her bff, but Boy realises he doesn't have any friends outside his own family.


Episode 6 - S1 EP6 Mama'd Boy

When mum and dad take a vacation, they leave Boy in charge of the house, but his siblings are a little too eager to have fun, and they totally ignore Boy's rules.


Episode 7 - S1 EP7 Scoot or Be Scooted

While riding their scooters at the park, the bickering kids meet the Smiths, a brother and sister who don't seem to argue like them.


Episode 8 - S1 EP8 Cat Walkers

With Boy's new help-for-hire business booming, he overworks his employee, Dog, without realising it. Dog is too loyal to say no, but he's upset when he has to walk some cruel cats.


Episode 9 - S1 EP9 World Record Records

Mouse wants the other kids to aspire to reach goals in the form of winning world records. With Mouse's relentless coaching, the family soon get obsessed and refuse to stop trying.


Episode 10 - S1 EP10 Cat Beard

When one of Mouse's inventions accidentally sticks Cat's fur to Boy's face, his new beard soon makes him the most popular kid at school. Girl gets Boy to run for class president.


Episode 11 - S1 EP11 Camp Champs

The Girls and the Boys compete to get to the top of Bear Mountain, each group using very different styles of camping. But when the legendary bear appears, they have to team up to survive.


Episode 12 - S1 EP12 Happy Game

Mouse buys a video game that is supposed to teach the family teamwork. When they end up bickering as they play, Mouse creates a robot that turns off the game if they argue.


Episode 13 - S1 EP13 Crimes Against the Family

When their parents take the TV away because of their behaviour, the siblings police themselves. Mouse acts as judge and decides which family member wins any argument they have.


Episode 14 - S1 EP14 We Could Be Heroes

When Mouse accidentally saves Cheese's life from a toppling tree, a grateful Cheese becomes determined to thank him by doing whatever she can for him.


Episode 15 - S1 EP15 The Dog Who Cried Wolf

Dog decides to show the family he can be as tough as the wolves they're watching on TV. He joins a gang of street dogs and soon becomes leader of the pack.


Episode 16 - S1 EP16 Confession Cat

The family have been telling their deepest, darkest secrets to Cat for years, but when Cat finds one an invention that allows her talk, she threatens to reveal everyone's secrets.


Episode 17 - S1 EP17 Imitation Game

Dog thinks Cheese is soft and pampered, while Cheese thinks Dog is an overeager exerciser and people pleaser. When each tries out the other's interests, however, they begin to enjoy how the other lives.


Episode 18 - S1 EP18 Smoothie Operators

When the kids get hold of an old ice cream truck, they start their own smoothie business, but the town's lovable ice cream man isn't happy to have competition.


Episode 19 - S1 EP19 Don't Have a Cow

When the family visit a farm, Cheese bonds with a dairy cow and brings it home to live with them, which makes her siblings' lives miserable.


Episode 20 - S1 EP20 The Fantastical World of Bobbly Wobbly

Boy is given a special gift by his siblings: a ticket to tour the factory where his prized bobble heads are made.


Episode 21 - S1 EP21 It's Raining Ben

On a rainy day, the kids tell a scary story about local legend Big Bad Ben. Mouse doubts he exists, but when a dark figure arrives at the house, they all believe it's Big Bad Ben.


Episode 22 - S1 EP22 The Cheese Ball

Since she doesn't have a birthday, Cheese throws herself a Cheese Ball every year. The kids usually help put it together, but this year they slacked off and it's no fun at all.


Episode 23 - S1 EP23 Voice Swap

When the kids won't stop being loud, Mouse uses an invention that causes the others to swap voices. The kids freak out, each now talking in a voice that isn't their own.


Episode 24 - S1 EP24 Safety Dance

The gang realise they need some sort of house safety plan in case of a disaster. They put Boy in charge, but he overdoes it, and the others refuse to take part in any more drills.


Episode 25 - S1 EP25 Neighborhood Watchdog

When the family signs up for the neighbourhood watch, Dog is excited to relive his police dog days. However, when a stinky cheese is taken, Dog's investigations lead him back home.


Episode 26 - S1 EP26 Breaking Bad Habits

When the siblings try to kick their annoying habits for the sake of family unity, they offer each other mutual support, only to crack one by one.


Episode 27 - S1 EP27 Dog's Show

At an upcoming dog show, there are cool prizes for the winning dog and its trainer. Cheese, Girl, and Mouse each have great ideas on how to train Dog for the grand finale.


Episode 28 - S1 EP28 Sparkcheeza

After her siblings insult her dreams, Cheese is bonked on the head and believes she's a celebrity. Mouse says they all must play along, so Cheese doesn't go bonkers.


Episode 29 - S1 EP29 Curling Tail

When Boy, Girl, and Cheese learn that their animal siblings have a tough time with their tails, Mouse builds them mechanical tails to wear so they can sympathise with them.


Episode 30 - S1 EP30 Boy Quits Bobbleheads

Suddenly feeling too old to be collecting toys, Boy gives up his bobbleheads and replaces this activity by doing a bunch of things he imagines true grown-ups do.


Episode 31 - S1 EP31 Perfectly Dysfunctional

When a professor is due to review Mouse's experiment to create the perfect family, his siblings convince him to hire actors to play perfect versions of themselves.


Episode 32 - S1 EP32 First Cheese on Mars

Mouse has built a rocket ship with enough power to take people to Mars. Fame-seeker Cheese and excitable Dog decide they want to be the first ones to land on the red planet.


Episode 33 - S1 EP33 The Cat Crusader

Cat decides that she wants to become a superhero. Outfitted with a cool costume from Girl and some wacky gadgets from Mouse, Cat sets out to fight crime.


Episode 34 - S1 EP34 Family Photo-No!

The kids accidentally destroy a beloved family photo and decide to make it up to Mum and Dad by hiring a photographer to take a new one.


Episode 35 - S1 EP35 Putt Putt Pals

Stevie Smith challenges Boy in the minigolf tournament, but they become friends and stop training. When the contest arrives, Stevie reveals he was pretending to be Boy's friend.


Episode 36 - S1 EP36 Mouse Big as House

Sick of being overlooked because of his small size, Mouse builds an invention to make him grow. However, the bigger he gets, the more unintentionally destructive he becomes.


Episode 37 - S1 EP37 Suit Yourself

After a bad haircut, Dog tries wearing a fancy tuxedo until his fur grows back. Unfortunately, his initial reaction to wearing clothes causes him to destroy the neighbour's fence.


Episode 38 - S1 EP38 Family Bubble

With the rest of the gang sick with colds, Mouse builds himself his own personal transparent protective bubble. But soon the others get also their bubbles to enjoy their own space.


Episode 39 - S1 EP39 Whistle to the Beat

It turns out that when Boy's asleep, his nose makes this weird whistling sound. When it's captured on video, it goes viral.


Episode 40 - S1 EP40 Clickbait and Switch

Lila has a brand new vlog that goes viral in school. Girl doesn't like seeing her nasty rival have such success and so begins filming her own vlog about her family's real life.


Episode 41 - S1 EP41 Dog Unleashed

When Wanda enforces a dogs-on-leashes law, Dog faces being forever on the leash or being sent to the dog pound by this anti-dog vigilante.


Episode 42 - S1 EP42 Colour Me Dog

When Dog admits he's colour blind, the kids help him see the world like they do. Wearing Mouse's colour-correction glasses, Dog is blown away by colour and soon becomes a painter.


Episode 43 - S1 EP43 Living Outside the Box

Mouse is bored of always doing the same things the same way. Girl suggests he start thinking outside the box and living his life differently.


Episode 44 - S1 EP44 Cat's Secret Life

Girl decides to do a class assignment on Cat and everyone helps out. They follow Cat and discover that she has a secret life.


Episode 45 - S1 EP45 Magic Hairball

When Cat coughs up a magic hair ball, the siblings use it to make all their decisions for them, but after they give away all of their possessions, they have second thoughts.


Episode 46 - S1 EP46 Wedgie

Wedgie, Cheese's missing piece from the lab experiment that brought them both to life, returns to the family.


Episode 47 - S1 EP47 Gleeb Glob

Girl borrows Mouse's latest invention to entertain her siblings. It's all fun and games until the innocuous blob threatens to engulf the whole family.


Episode 48 - S1 EP48 Cat Burglar

When Lady Burlington's precious jewels are stolen, the kids quickly discover that Cat is to blame. They realise that Cat was an unwitting burglar who didn't know she was stealing.


Episode 49 - S1 EP49 Hampered Hamster

When the kids are asked to watch their neighbour's pet hamster, they're given strict instructions not to let it out of its cage. However, Mouse secretly frees the hamster.


Episode 50 - S1 EP50 Family on Ice

The siblings unite to prepare a Christmas present for their parents, but things go wrong at every step.



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