Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Episode 1

Leo and Judy are living together happily at Peggy's house even if there's not a lot of privacy to be had with Jackie in residence too. However, when Leo receives an enticing job offer - at the same time that Peggy starts experiencing some worrying health issues - their relationship faces a major challenge and there are big questions to be resolved.


Episode 2 - Episode 2

Tony prepares for his cafe's 'soft opening' but experiences serious teething problems, all of which are exacerbated by his unpredictable sous-chef, James. Leo and Judy have resolved to keep their engagement a secret but once Pam gets wind of it, how long will it be before it is public news? Peggy and Jackie decide to give Dean a tutorial in transgender.


Episode 3 - Episode 3

Leo gets a job as a dispatch rider and more than meets his match in a new prankster-loving boss, Kat. Pam invites Peggy over for dinner now that they're "virtually in-laws", with the catering to be provided by Tony's café. James, however, is distracted when Anji present him with some life-changing news and Tony finds himself having to improvise a rather more modest repast.


Episode 4 - Episode 4

The search is on for the perfect wedding venue. Leo and Judy are still mulling over ideas but barely find time to discuss them as their families are far too keen to help. Pam goes to tremendous lengths to convince them to hold the reception at a very smart hotel but is made to see sense before she bankrupts the family for life. Tony and James are put through their paces in the gym by Charlie.


Episode 5 - Episode 5

Tony and Pam fear that the Stag and Hen parties, organized by James and Jackie respectively, may not be very classy affairs. James' Polish trip doesn't go entirely according to plan - while Judy's hen night gets hijacked by a petty row between Pam and Anji. It's a night full of surprises, especially when James can't resist blabbing about a recent sexual encounter.


Episode 6 - Episode 6

On the night before the wedding Peggy's boiler bursts. It's a disaster! But Pam comes to the rescue, insisting that the Arkleys move in with the Macdonalds for the night. Pam soon regrets her generous offer though when Jackie and Peggy make themselves a little too much at home. The following morning all seems well until a freak accident results in a seething Pam stuck in A&E.



Season 1 , Season 2

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