The Amazing Spiez!

The Amazing Spiez! Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Operation Fun And Games

We begin with the spies mid-mission -- hot on the trail of a mystery baddie who is terrorizing a city in Japan. Only when they pinpoint the location of the disturbance, they're shocked to find... nothing! Nothing they can see, that is - because who (or what)ever is causing the chaos is invisible!


Episode 2 - Operation Dino-Might

For once all of the siblings are excited about going to school because today is the big school-wide field trip to the impressive Museum of Natural History! Marc is particularly excited to see the dinosaur skeleton exhibit, which is supposed to be one of the most realistic exhibits in the world. But as he rushes over to it, something incredible happens - a T. Rex skeleton seemingly comes to life!


Episode 3 - Operation Spy Sitter

Cal and Karen decide to go away for a night... leaving the kids at home with a babysitter! Though Tony, Marc and Megan are psyched, Lee is less-than-thrilled. After all, he's thirteen - he's no baby and definitely doesn't need to be "sitted"! Regardless, the kids' parents depart - leaving them in the care of Melinda, an 18-year-old girl new to the neighborhood.


Episode 4 - Operation Wheels Of Thunder

When the gang gets news of a skateboarding tournament coming to their area, Megan, after being teased by her brothers for being too "girlie," grows to determined to prove that she's just as athletic as the boys so she enters the competition. Meanwhile, Jerry WOOHPs the spies, informing them of bizarre earthquake activity detected in their area - an area with no known seismic activity.


Episode 5 - Operation Brat pack

When Jerry calls on the spies for a very special, very covert mission, the kids are very intrigued. It seems that an extremely popular child TV star from a spy series has been the target of numerous attacks. Not sure who could be behind such a thing, he sends the kids, undercover as actors, to work on the show.


Episode 6 - Operation Terrible Thirteen

When Tami announces that she's having a "Totally Tricked-Out Thirteen" - an over-the-top party to celebrate her thirteenth birthday, the school is whipped into a frenzy. Everyone is dying to be invited - including Megan who, despite not liking Tami, sees it as a first-class ticket to join the "in crowd." So when the invitations go out and Megan isn't on the list, she's offended.


Episode 7 - Operation Gus Jr

When WOOHP discovers strange crimes being committed around the world, Jerry and the spies are at a loss as to why this is happening. After testing some genetic material left behind at the scene of one of the crimes, there seems to be a direct link to a past WOOHP villain : Boogie Gus.


Episode 8 - Operation Cruisin' For A Bruisin'

When the team is sent on a treacherous mountain-climbing expedition to find a cure to Jerry's cold, they're less-than-psyched. And even less psyched than that when they suddenly find themselves running from a surprise avalanche. After averting serious danger, the kids return home... just in time for their parents to tell them that they're going on their first ever family cruise!


Episode 9 - Operation Break-Out

The WOOHP has learned that a chip that contains the codes to the holding facility has been stolen by a mysterious thief who was strangely not caught by any surveillance camera. But when the spies find a white speck of make up left behind, they realize this has to be the work of The Jugguler!


Episode 10 - Operation Pet Peeved

Jerry summons the spies and assigns them the task of checking out sightings of strange creatures that have been appearing all around the world creatures that can't be classified as animal or human.


Episode 11 - Operation Rival Schools

It's nearing that time of year again when all of the middle schools in the entire city compete in the All City Middle School Olympiad! Not only do the students from their respective schools compete in academic games, but also in sporting events!


Episode 12 - Operation Sunrise Tan

When Tami shows up at school with a Sunrise Tan - an atomic orange glow created by a brand new, cutting edge spray-tan machine - she becomes the object of every guy in school's affection, including Tony, Marc and Lee! Though Megan is completely shocked and thinks the look is totally bizarro, her brothers disagree - and begin to vie for Tami's attention!


Episode 13 - Operation Dare Devil

The entertainment world and public alike is rapt as a mysterious figure known only as "The Human Projectile" starts popping up on the news, on file sharing sights and in papers. THP's exploits consist of mind-bendingly amazing Fear Factor-style stunts, the likes of which have never been seen before!


Episode 14 - Operation Dude Ranch Disaster

When Jerry summons Lee, Marc, Megan and Tony for a "very important assignment," they're totally bummed. After all, they've been doing nothing but busting bad guys left and right for weeks and it's got them at each other's throats! They decide they no longer want to work together... and are prepared to ask Jerry to reassign them to different spy teams!


Episode 15 - Operation Chameleon Leon

Jerry calls the spies to WOOHP to discuss a most disturbing case, a bank robbery with apparently no criminal. The spies watch the surveillance video of the previous night's crime and can't believe their eyes - a bank vault is being cleaned out but there's no visible villain in sight! How are the spies supposed to catch a bad guy if he's nonexistent?


Episode 16 - Operation WOOCSI

After completing a mission where Marc gets on Lee, Megan and Tony's nerves for being such a smarty-pants, Jerry brings the spies in to WOOHP. And when he gives them the results of a series of tests they recently took, it's no surprise when he announces that Marc has scored off the charts - making him the smartest spy in WOOHP history.


Episode 17 - Operation Grow Up

When the spies are sent to investigate a series of destructive crimes that seem to indicate someone is trying to demolish cultural and educational sites to turn them into large playgrounds, Jerry puts them on the case. Picking up clues from the crime scene, the gang is able to trace the crimes back to the villain.


Episode 18 - Operation Buzz Off

WOOHP is at a loss to explain why various people around the world are suddenly turning up frozen in place with horrified looks on their faces. And so, Jerry summons Lee, Marc, Megan and Tony and puts them on the case. After some investigating, they quickly discover that the victims have all been put into some kind of catatonic state due to the strange layer of beeswax that surrounds them!


Episode 19 - Operation Crabby Boy

When cargo ships begin mysteriously disappearing from the ocean, Jerry puts Lee, Megan, Marc and Tony on the case. After a bit of investigating, the spies discover the missing ships on the ocean floor completely devoid of their contents and their passengers! What's more, they find some strange clues including bizarre claw marks on the ship's bottoms.


Episode 20 - Operation Old School

When environmentally harmful events begin to break out all over the planet, Jerry sends the spies to check it out. And what they quickly uncover is that each of the events are man-made... and each contributing to the rapid global warming of the Earth!


Episode 21 - Operation Desert Rescue

When Karen goes out to show a house to a potential buyer, she disappears without a trace. Not showing up at home that night, the spies decide this is something they better look into. When they discover that there's definitely foul play involved, not only do they try to keep it a secret from their father, they also get hot on the trail of the villain!


Episode 22 - Operation 50ft Hacker

When there's a break-in at the WOOHP Experimental Lab, Jerry swiftly summons Lee, Marc, Megan and Tony to check it out. After a bit of investigation -- and a bit of fun playing with the various gadgets at the way-cool, Willy Wonka-like laboratory, what the spies discover is that a new gadget is missing - a gadget with the ability to super-size things!


Episode 23 - Operation Twins Of Trouble : Part I

In a teaser, we see a small, orbiting space pod knocked down to Earth by an asteroid. Meanwhile, in two scenes, Lee, Marc, Megan and Tony are hanging out with their parents when they're suddenly attacked. To the kids' shock, Cal and Karen are able to fend off their attackers with surprise ability/agility. Next, Jerry summons the spies to investigate the fallen pod from the teaser.


Episode 24 - Operation Twins Of Trouble: Part II

Back at WOOHP, Larry confesses that the second pod was inhabited by Alpha's twin brother Omega. He also reveals that OOPSIE created the twins in a lab in hopes of making the next generation of spies. But the experiment went bad and so did the brothers -- earning them the nickname The Chaos Twins.


Episode 25 - Operation Twins Of Trouble: Part III

Realizing that they have to escape their predicament fast if they want to a) survive and b) save their parents, the spy kids find a clever way to reroute their pod back to Earth. But, by the time they get there, they're too late - because the Chaos Twins have already taken Cal and Karen to a new location.


Episode 26 - Operation Yo-Yo Ninja Master

As the spies are wrapping up a mission, having captured a bad guy, and saved the world, Slick Mick accidentally gets out of their custody and tries to escape by commandeering a bike cart full of people. Luckily, Tony springs into action and uses a gadgetm to stop the villain and save the civilians - much to their delight.



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