Young Dracula

Young Dracula Season 3 Episodes

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Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Hide and Seek

The family are re-united when Erin saves a sick Ingrid from the slayers and Vlad comes to their aid. Vlad invites Erin to stay with them, not realising that she is an impostor.


Episode 2 - The Enemy Within

Erin has her newly bitten brother in the boot of her car and plans to slay the Draculas. She fails when she gets her chance with Ingrid. Vlad has to cope with the forced arrival of several tutors – he manages to get rid of the first two, but can not outwit menacing Bertrand, who brings with him a book, the Praedictum Impaver, which only the Chosen One can open. A book Vlad learns, he can’t ignore. Ingrid is cured, after several hideous concoctions produce hairy results.


Episode 3 - Faustian Slip

Magda arrives as a penniless bag lady, (utterly attractive to Renfield), and is taken into the home. Yet, it is a ploy for Magda to emotionally manipulate Vlad into giving her the Regency. She plans to get famous on the back of the Chosen One and sets up media interviews. Vlad is determined to prevent this, as it would reveal their location, leaving them open for attack. She is eventually ousted but leaves a little something of herself behind.


Episode 4 - Fangs for the Memories

Vlad comforts an obviously upset Erin, unknown to Vlad she has been having nightmares about failing to save her brother Ryan. Vlad and Erin talk; we see hilarious flash backs of his past and how he tried not to become a vampire. Erin is interested in this, as she wants to find a cure for her brother. Vlad confides his plans for humans and breathers to live side by side, Erin agrees to help him. Unknown to them, Bertrand over-hears and disapproves.


Episode 5 - Carpathian Feast

Vlad and the Count are clashing. Ingrid is nearly 100% better and stirring things up between Vlad and his dad. The Count demands Vlad shows him some respect by throwing a Carpathian feast, which involves a vampire being thrown to the flames and Erin is the intended victim. Vlad tries to save Erin by kissing her – according to Ingrid’s deliberate mis-information - a kiss from the Chosen One will save any vampire from the flames, but Erin’s lips are warm… her secret that she is a breather is revealed. Now he knows she’s been lying, will he save her from the flames.


Episode 6 - Blood Thief

Vlad is distracted by thoughts of Erin when he should be training to open the book. The Count furious that the book is no nearer to being opened, plots with Bertrand to get rid of Erin and they frame Ingrid in the process. Vlad puts himself in danger to rescue Erin.


Episode 7 - Bad to the Bones

The unopened book emits signals to the leader of the clans, Ramanga, who arrives demanding answers. Vlad has been hearing strange voices which lure him to the blood mirror and suck him in, Vlad is trapped inside. Insulted by Vlad’s absence, Ramanga threatens the family, who try to buy time by creating a life-size puppet, which they claim to be Vlad. It all goes horribly wrong; but when Vlad, who now has the power of 1000 bad vampires bursts out of the mirror, he opens the Praedictum Impaver for the first time and proves himself to be the Chosen One, silencing Ramanga.


Episode 8 - Bad Vlad

Vlad is on the rampage and creates destruction throughout the school and today is the day the school inspector is in! At Miss McCauley’s request the Count tries to persuade Vlad to hold back for a day, but when Vlad puts a garlic ring around the Count’s neck, the Count starts to sizzle… and is forced to realise there is no room for negotiation. Ingrid is shocked by the extent of Vlad’s powers and knows that it is now or never for her to take over. She sets out to stake Bad Vlad, who retaliates by pushing her out into the sunlight. This is Vlad as we’ve never seen him before. He seems to have no conscience and is trying to bite Erin - she eventually appeals to his good side to overcome his bad. Now Vlad has to come to terms with what’s in him, and disappears from the school.


Episode 9 - Therapy

Ingrid has hit rock bottom since her near death experience. On the advice of Miss McCauley she is having a therapy session. The therapist asks Ingrid to look into her past to find herself. We see flashbacks of the old Ingrid. The session works and Ingrid is back, but is pretending to a caring, loving sister and daughter! Vlad is missing and the Count and Bertrand bicker over whose fault it is. Erin leaves because Vlad her protector is no longer there. She is persuaded by a desperate Ryan to return to have one last go at finding a cure. As she is sneaking a look in the Praedictum Impaver she gets scratched and the blood produces text in the book…


Episode 10 - The Return

Vlad returns to the school and is changed – he has matured and grown into a leader. The slayers Jonno and Mina Van Helsing arrive at the school, but it appears they are unaware of the existence of vampires and that their mind wipes from, four years ago, are still in place. Vlad sets out to test them. Ingrid has to go along with Jonno’s delusional “new memory”, that they used to go out. Vlad and Bertrand set up the Count in a potentially fatal situation, to test if Mina is telling the truth. The Count is furious and feels ousted from Vlad’s affections. He has his own plan – he manipulates Bertrand into slaying Ingrid, so Vlad will believe it was the Van Helsings. Luckily Vlad stops this scheme just in time. Erin confronts the slayers for who they really are and they tell her she has two weeks to deal with the Draculas, or they are coming back to get them with their super weapon.


Episode 11 - Hit Chicks

Post therapy Ingrid is pretending she is sweetness and light, when really she plans to take charge. She converts a visiting team of netball players to vampires and tells them their mission is to wipe out Vlad. Erin now trusts Vlad and shows him the text in the Praedictum Impaver. It is a foreign language which Vlad can’t read – Bertrand or his dad may understand it. Erin shows Vlad how the text appeared – but bagged blood doesn’t work. She goes to use her own fresh blood, but Vlad stops her – he doesn’t want blood spilt to reveal his destiny. Erin is desperate to help Ryan and later creeps down to put more text in the book. Bertrand finds her there and discovers she is a breather – Vlad defends her but when it comes out she is a slayer, he is heart broken and tells her to leave.


Episode 12 - Blood Loyalties

Banished Erin arrives at the Van Helsings wanting to find about out the weapon they have to destroy the Draculas - she wants to warn Vlad. After passing a lie detector test she has to dust a vampire to prove herself, and that vampire is her brother, Ryan! Vlad receives a letter from Erin, detailing that the slayers have a super weapon to use against him. He consults his family and they tell him not to trust her; but he manages to persuade the Count to go with him to the slayer base. Using cunning Erin frees Ryan, only to find he is fully changed and loyal to Ingrid. Erin lets Vlad and the Count into the slayer base and they disable the weapon. Jonno finds out Erin has betrayed him. Vlad persuades Erin to run, but as she is leaving she is kidnapped by a rebellious Bertrand.


Episode 13 - All for One

Bertrand believes if he reads the last words of the Praedictum Impaver, all the power within the book goes to him. Ryan sees Bertrand stealing the book and follows him. He discovers a kidnapped Erin and learns that breather blood creates text in the book. Ryan steals the book for Ingrid. Vlad senses Erin is in danger and when he gets to her she tells him about Bertrand, Ryan and the book. Renfield is kidnapped by Ingrid’s posse but his blood does not open the book. It must be because Erin has slayer blood. Renfield gives Ingrid a bottle of slayer blood, but there isn’t enough to fill the book. They need Erin! Erin and Vlad arrive, swiftly followed by the slayers! Vlad commands the book to him and Erin offers her blood – the last page is filled. Shockingly the book transforms into an ancient vampire, Sethius. His ultimate plan is for vampires to destroy all humans and then each other. Sethius has to be stopped. Vlad gets everyone to work together. Can they beat Sethius? Only time will tell…


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