Hawaii Five-O (Classic)

Hawaii Five-O (Classic) Season 12 Episodes

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Season 12 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - A Lion in the Streets

McGarrett finds himself caught in the crossfire as a faction of embattled Hawaiian natives take on the Island's underworld. The prism - control of a labor union and the 50th state's rich tourist business.


Episode 2 - Who Says Cops Don't Cry?

Honolulu policewoman Lori Wilson is on the scene when her husband, Honolulu cop and Five-O recruit, Kevin Wilson, is gunned down by bandits.


Episode 3 - Though the Heavens Fall

McGarrett goes after a unique secret ring of high-society vigilantes who are determined to see that justice is done, even if they have to do it themselves.


Episode 4 - Sign of the Ram

Jayne Meadows guest stars as an astrologer whose ominous warnings tempt the skeptical Steve McGarrett to follow her clues in his investigation of a murder.


Episode 5 - Good Help Is Hard to Find

Is the Five-O crew as foolish and inept as they are beginning to appear to the public?


Episode 6 - Image of Fear

Someone apparently is trying to convince Joan Carter and everyone she knows that she is mentally ill and only imagining the frightening attacks on her life, but one of those people - Five-O boss Steve McGarrett - isn't buying it."


Episode 7 - Use a Gun, Go to Hell

In a powerful episode playing upon the easy availability of handguns, McGarrett and his Five-O unit follow the trail of pain and death left by one of the weapons, hoping to recover it before it can wreak yet more havoc.


Episode 8 - Voice of Terror

Steve McGarrett confronts a pair of political terrorists who are threatening to kill their policewoman hostage unless their demands are met.


Episode 9 - The Shallow Grave

Steve McGarrett finds himself dealing with apparent psychic phenomena as he tries to trace the whereabouts of a jewel cache worth $2-million.


Episode 10 - The Kahuna

When the inhabitants of a privately owned Hawaiian island dig up the remains of two young people and bury them at sea to insure that autopsies will not be performed, Steve McGarrett launches an investigation into the reputedly "accidental" deaths.


Episode 11 - Labyrinth

Steve McGarrett and his Five-O crew try to solve the kidnapping of a wealthy socialite, Mrs. Christine Ames, and at the same time, accommodate her husband, who declares that if the police are involved, the criminals will kill his wife.


Episode 12 - School for Assasins

McGarrett and Kimo must stop a gang of trained assassins from disrupting a meeting of energy ministers.


Episode 13 - For Old Times Sake

A aging crook decides to use dollar-bill printing plates he made to raise cash for a charity, but he fails to realize the trouble that this will cause.


Episode 14 - The Golden Noose

Steve McGarrett senses evil in the air when Lon Tho, the Premire of Baradak arrives in Hawaii to retrieve $150-million in gold.


Episode 15 - The Flight of the Jewels

Three bright young graduate students use radio-controlled airplanes and some homemade scientific creations to pull off the " impossible": the theft of the priceless royal jewels of Liliuokalani, the last reigning queen of Hawaii.


Episode 16 - Clash of Shadows

The murder of a Nazi-hunter and discovery of a World War II medal set McGarrett and the team on the trail of a Nazi war criminal living in Honolulu.


Episode 17 - A Bird in the Hand

Someone is waging a bloody vendetta against a band of innocuous birdwatchers. Although Steve McGarrett feels certain that slaughter will continue, he can't comprehend the "who" and "why" of the killer.


Episode 18 - Morroville Covenant

Paul Burke guest stars as attorney David Lawrence, a political candidate whose promising bid for the U.S. Senate is endangered by the murder of a man who tried to blackmail him.


Episode 19 - Woe to Wo Fat

In a desperate move to locate three world-famous scientists who have vanished, Steve McGarrett sets himself up to be kidnapped by assuming the identity of a fourth eminent scientist and is shocked to find himself once again locked in mortal combat with his eternal adversary, Wo Fat.


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