Hawaii Five-O (Classic)

Hawaii Five-O (Classic) Season 3 Episodes

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Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - And a Time to Die

Five-O is confronted with the problem of corralling foreign agents responsible for critically wounding a U.S. government undercover agent upon his return from a 10-year mission in Red China. McGarrett and his aides must then move swiftly to prevent a threat against the kidnapped daughter of the surgeon who is to operate on the wounded U.S. agent. Khigh Dhiegh is again seen as Wo Fat, the Red agent leader in Hawaii.


Episode 2 - Trouble In Mind

Contaminated heroin shatters a failing singer's desperate attempt at a comeback.


Episode 3 - The Second Shot

McGarrett must thwart an elaborate assassination attempt on the life of a self-exiled Greek doctor. The plot thickens when Klaus Marburg, an influential foreign correspondent who comes to Hawaii to interview the doctor, finds himself the target of an assassin.


Episode 4 - Time and Memories

A tender memory in McGarrett's past is suddenly shaken when his former fiancée, Cathy Wallis, finds her husband slain. McGarrett becomes personally involved in the case and jeopardizes his job when Cathy becomes the prime suspect.


Episode 5 - The Guarnerius Caper

The theft of a priceless violin belonging to a Russian musician touring in Honolulu threatens to explode into an international incident. With the danger that the Soviet government will make propaganda out of the loss, Washington asks McGarrett to drop the case, in the hope that the thieves will return the violin for a ransom.


Episode 6 - The Ransom

The efforts of McGarrett's Five-O police unit to rescue a wealthy young boy from his ransom-hungry abductors backfire when McGarrett's own man, Kono, also becomes a prisoner of the thugs. Kono helps Timmy escape, but is unable to make a getaway himself. The hoods,determined to win their ransom demand of a quarter-million dollars, notify McGarrett that Kono's life is now worth that sum.


Episode 7 - Force of Waves

The investigation of a boat explosion in which a wealthy businessman dies and McGarrett is seriously injured leads the Five-O team to believe that the widow's former husband is responsible for the sabotage. The case becomes clouded, however, when aseries of coincidences and similarities seem to tie that death to those of several other wealthy men who had left their wives for women many years their junior.


Episode 8 - Reunion

A millionaire businessman is accused of being a former Japanese officer responsible for extreme physical and mental cruelty to U.S. World War II prisoners of war. McGarrett and Five-O attempt to exonerate him from accusations made by former members of a U.S. Air Force squadron who are in Hawaii for a reunion, and to protect him from threatened physical harm.


Episode 9 - The Late John Louisiana

McGarrett leads an all-out search for the witness to a two-year-old murder in order to protect her from Harry Quon, one of Hawaii's most-wanted criminals and the crime's prime suspect. McGarrett must find the girl, who previously was presumed to be dead, and persuade her to testify before Quon and his men take more drastic steps to stop her from talking.


Episode 10 - The Last Eden

McGarrett's unit searches for the conspirators who framed nightclub star Jimmy Nuanu, a crusader for ecological balance in Hawaii, to make him appear to be the saboteur of an inadequate sewage treatment plant. The discovery of a body in the ruins of the plant intensifies the seriousness of the charge against Nuanu, who doesn't know why he was framed, but is determined to uncover and deal with his unknown enemies in his own way.


Episode 11 - Over Fifty? Steal

Distinguished actor Hume Cronyn guest stars as Avery Filer, a master burglar of such brazen daring that he ignites a political inferno. Filer glories in such taunting, publicity-grabbing stunts as reporting his thefts to the Five-O crew and defying McGarrett to produce sufficient evidence against him.


Episode 12 - Beautiful Screamer

A strangler who writes the poetry of Byron in lipstick on the legs of two victims, one of them Danny's fiance', must be stopped in time to prevent a third murder.


Episode 13 - The Payoff

Steve McGarrett must apprehend a hoodlum and his girl friend in order to save their lives. The two are being sought by two men from whom they stole a large cash ransom which they acquired by carrying out an abduction.


Episode 14 - The Double Wall

Monte Markham plays convicted murderer Harry Kellem, whom Five-O must try to prove innocent in order to save the life of a prison doctor who Kellem is holding hostage. In a twist of the bizarre, a fellow prisoner being held behind bars for another crime confesses to the murder, then dies before he can repeat the confession to anyone else.


Episode 15 - Paniolo

McGarrett's investigation into the death of a real estate agent leads to the island of Maui.


Episode 16 - Ten Thousand Diamonds and a Heart

A prisoner is broken out of prison by a wealthy gangster so he can mastermind a $10 million robbery of the Honolulu Diamond Exchange. Meanwhile, McGarrett, aware that something is in the works, selects 18 large collections of cash, gems and other valuables throughout Honolulu as being likely targets for the thieves, and improvises a complex telephone alarm system to alert him should any of the targets be struck.


Episode 17 - To Kill or Be Killed

A combat hero, returning from Vietnam, is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and McGarrett and his Five-O unit find their investigation is obstructed for some unknown reason by Army Intelligence.


Episode 18 - F.O.B. Honolulu, Pt. 1

Almost-perfect counterfeit plates for U.S. twenty dollar bills are desperately sought, not only by American but by various international agents as the ultimately successful trail leads to Hawaii where Five-O must deal with murder, treason and doublecross. The drama is in two parts.


Episode 19 - F.O.B. Honolulu, Pt. 2

Almost-perfect counterfeit plates for U.S. twenty dollar bills are desperately sought, not only by American but by various international agents as the ultimately successful trail leads to Hawaii where Five-O must deal with murder, treason and doublecross. The drama is in two parts.


Episode 20 - The Gunrunner

McGarrett must thwart an elaborate assassination attempt on the life of a self-exiled Greek doctor.


Episode 21 - Dear Enemy

Vera Miles guest stars as a wife who fakes evidence appearing to link two murders, in an attempt to trick McGarrett into reinvestigating the homicide charge for which her husband was convicted.


Episode 22 - The Bomber and Mrs. Moroney

An armed lunatic who blames Danny Williams for his brother's death invades Five-O headquarters seeking revenge, takes four people hostage, booby-traps the door with dynamite, and reveals that he himself, is a walking time bomb.


Episode 23 - The Grandstand Play, Pt. 1

Lon Phillips leaves his baseball career behind to bring his developmentally challenged son to Hawaii in order to provide a better life for him.


Episode 24 - The Grandstand Play, Pt. 2

The son of a professional baseball player is witness to a murder that takes place in a ballpark, but he's too frightened to tell his father or the authorities.


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