Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Amok Time

Spock undergoes the Vulcan mating ceremony.


Episode 2 - Who Mourns for Adonais?

The Enterprise is held captive by the Greek god, Apollo.


Episode 3 - The Changeling

The Enterprise encounters a probe named Nomad.


Episode 4 - Mirror, Mirror

Kirk, Scott, McCoy and Uhura enter a parallel universe.


Episode 5 - The Apple

The crew discovers a paradise controlled by computer.


Episode 6 - The Doomsday Machine

A machine that destroys planets threatens the Enterprise.


Episode 7 - Cat's Paw

Aliens on a mission of conquest hold the crew captive.


Episode 8 - I, Mudd

A takeover leads Kirk to his old nemesis, Harry Mudd.


Episode 9 - Metamorphosis

The shuttlecraft Galileo makes a forced landing on a world with a single human inhabitant.


Episode 10 - Journey to Babel

Tensions run high when the Enterprise transports ambassadors to the Babel Conferences.


Episode 11 - Friday's Child

The Enterprise crew becomes embroiled in a local power struggle on a tribal planet.


Episode 12 - The Deadly Years

Accelerated aging affects the senior officers and threatens Kirk's ability to lead.


Episode 13 - Obsession

Kirk is determined to hunt down a vampiric entity he failed to destroy in his past.


Episode 14 - Wolf In the Fold

Scotty is implicated in a Jack the Ripper-style murder.


Episode 15 - The Trouble With Tribbles

The Enterprise is overrun by furry creatures while tangling with Klingons and bureaucrats.


Episode 16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion

Three disembodied beings wager on fights staged by prisoners abducted from around the galaxy.


Episode 17 - A Piece of the Action

Kirk investigates a planet with an Earth-like 1920s gangster culture.


Episode 18 - The Immunity Syndrome

A giant space amoeba threatens the entire galaxy.


Episode 19 - A Private Little War

The Klingons provide arms to a peaceful planet and disrupt the balance of power.


Episode 20 - Return to Tomorrow

Telepathic aliens take over Kirk and Spock's bodies.


Episode 21 - Patterns of Force

Enterprise is sent to planet Ekos to investigate a disappearance of Federation historian John Gill.


Episode 22 - By Any Other Name

Extra-galactic beings commandeer the Enterprise in an attempt to return home.


Episode 23 - The Omega Glory

The Enterprise finds a planet devastated by disease that appears to treat the American flag with great reverence.


Episode 24 - The Ultimate Computer

Enterprise is used to test the new M-5 computer.


Episode 25 - Bread and Circuses

Spock and McCoy are forced to fight in Roman-like games.


Episode 26 - Assignment: Earth

The Enterprise goes back in time and discovers a mysterious stranger trying to interfere with 20th-century events.



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