Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series Season 3 Episodes

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Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Spock's Brain

Kirk pursues aliens who have taken Spock's brain.


Episode 2 - The Enterprise Incident

Disguised as a Romulan, Kirk steals a cloaking device.


Episode 3 - The Paradise Syndrome

Kirk loses his memory and begins a life in a native village.


Episode 4 - And the Children Shall Lead

A group of children are being controlled by an evil force.


Episode 5 - Is There In Truth No Beauty?

The sight of a Medusan ambassador causes insanity.


Episode 6 - Spectre of the Gun

As punishment for trespassing, Kirk and crew are forced to re-enact the shootout at the OK Corral.


Episode 7 - Day of the Dove

A malevolent entity pits Klingons against the Enterprise crew.


Episode 8 - For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

An inhabited asteroid is on a collision course with a Federation planet.


Episode 9 - The Tholian Web

Kirk is trapped in interphase, while the Enterprise is trapped by a powerful energy web.


Episode 10 - Plato's Stepchildren

Platonians use psychokinetic power to toy with the crew.


Episode 11 - Wink of an Eye

Hyperaccelerated aliens, invisible to the naked eye, take over the Enterprise.


Episode 12 - The Empath

The landing party is used to test an empathic race.


Episode 13 - Elaan of Troyius

Kirk is distracted while the Enterprise is threatened.


Episode 14 - Whom Gods Destroy

Kirk is confronted by one of his heroes, now criminally insane.


Episode 15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

Two survivors of a devasted planet remain committed to destroying one another.


Episode 16 - The Mark of Gideon

KKirk is abducted by aliens who wish to use him to help solve their overpopulation problem.


Episode 17 - That Which Survives

A deadly computer image protects a long dead outpost.


Episode 18 - The Lights of Zetar

Zetarians threaten Lieutenant Mira Romaine.


Episode 19 - Requiem for Methuselah

Kirk and crew meet an immortal human named Flint.


Episode 20 - The Way to Eden

A charismatic leader and his followers hijack the Enterprise in their search for "Eden."


Episode 21 - The Cloud Minders

Kirk is forced into negotiating peace on a planet with severe class inequities.


Episode 22 - The Savage Curtain

Kirk and Spock are forced into a battle of good and evil.


Episode 23 - All Our Yesterdays

Kirk, Spock and McCoy enter a time portal and get stuck in the past on a planet about to be consumed by a nova.


Episode 24 - Turnabout Intruder

The Enterprise is in danger when Janice Lester, one of Kirk's former lovers, steals his body.



Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3

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