The Locator

The Locator Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - A Daughter's Dream & The Last Sister

Wendy Radcliff and her brother have not seen or heard from their mother since she put them on a plane to go visit their grandparents twenty years ago. Wendy's mother had endured a rough divorce and won an even rockier custody battle, only to abandon her children two years later. Now, twenty years since their mother left, Wendy seeks Troy's help in locating her, in the hopes that her mother is ready to see Wendy and her brother again. Nycole and her five sisters were separated early on, when child protective services removed them from the custody of their drug-addled mother. Nycole and her sister, Desiree, were adopted into the same loving home, but they never forgot about their other sisters. Over the course of many years of hard work and diligent research, Nycole was able to re-unite four of the five siblings, but the youngest sister, Sara, remains at large. The sisters have done everything in their power, but remain unable to find her. Now, they hope and pray that Troy can find the missing piece of their sorority of sisterhood.


Episode 2 - The Dad Who Didn’t Know…

In 1982, Patti had a brief relationship with a young man named Dean that resulted in the birth of her son, Chad. Because they were young, Patti decided that she wouldn’t tell Dean she was pregnant, and that she would raise Chad on her own. Twenty-five years later, Chad has returned from his second tour in Iraq where, prompted by the loss of his best friend in combat, he has discovered the need to know his father. Patti not only wants to locate Dean for her son, but would also like to apologize for denying Dean the opportunity to be a father to an amazing young man. Even if Troy is able to locate Dean, how will Dean react to the news that he has a 25-year-old son he never even knew about?


Episode 3 - A Daughter's Mission

As soon as Alexia turned 18, she began her mission to find her father. Alexia was raised in a loving home in Pennsylvania with her mother and stepfather, but when she was old enough, she began asking questions about her biological Dad. Alexia’s mother refused to talk about him or even answer any questions. It wasn’t until Alexia was 16 and needed her birth certificate for a job, that she discovered her father’s name. Because their relationship is now strained, she is searching for her father without her mother’s knowledge. Alexia’s desperation led her to Troy. Will Troy be able to find John without Alexia’s mother’s help?


Episode 4 - A Son's Search

Amy Zerbe wants to help her husband, Chris, find his biological father. Chris' mother, Dana, committed suicide when he was only 3 years old. Though Chris remained in the loving care of Dana's family, nobody was ever able to learn much about his father. Now, armed with nothing but his father's name, Chris and Amy are hoping that Troy can help them find a lifetime's worth of answers. Will Troy's efforts enable Chris to put a face to the name, David Leonard?


Episode 5 - A Daughter's Promise

Holly desperately wants to find her half brother Warren, not just for herself, but for her mother, Carol. A week before Warren's second birthday, his father picked him up for a visitation and Carol never saw him again. Holly has watched her mother struggle through a difficult life, and now at 51, sees her in a fragile state. Carol has searched for years for any trace of Warren, but 28 years later, her mother is losing hope. Holly is determined to keep the promise she made to reunite her mother with Warren. Will Troy be able to help Holly make good on that promise?


Episode 6 - A Brother Reaches Out

Scott Bass was raised in a middle class Texas family and had a very happy and normal upbringing, so he was shocked to discover that he had a brother he had never met. His mother had kept quiet about the son she placed up for adoption before she was married, but was forced to reveal his existence when the son, Donald, contacted her for his medical history. Scott's mother wants no communication with Donald, and his father and younger brother don't even care to discuss the situation. Scott feels terrible that their family has rejected Donald; Scott wants to reach out and welcome his brother into his life with open arms. Even though Scott has little information about his brother, he has high hopes that Troy can bring them together.


Episode 7 - A Father's Amends

For as long as Nicole can remember, her father has been searching for his first-born son. When Michael Sr. was young, a rocky relationship with his first wife led to a divorce and separation from his son Michael Jr. He never saw or heard from them again. Michael later married Linda and had Nicole and Angelica; the family has spent years trying to locate Michael Jr. Their need to find him has recently intensified because Michael Sr. has developed lung cancer. Nicole knows that nothing would bring more joy to her father than the opportunity to make amends with his son. They're hoping that Troy can help them find Michael Jr., before it's too late.


Episode 8 - A Dying Wish

Warren Withrow has been living with the guilt of failing to honor the dying wish of his best friend, Tracy. In the early 90's, Tracy was diagnosed with HIV and wanted to find a loving home for her daughter, Sara, before she grew too ill to care for her. Warren helped Tracy every step of the way, and once Tracy found the perfect family for Sara, her one wish was that Warren stay in her life to make sure that Sara was alright. Once Tracy passed away, Sara drifted out of Warren's life. Years later, upon finding a sign from the late Tracy, Warren set out to find Sara. Warren has put his heart and soul into the search, determined to fulfill Tracy's wish and to share his abundance of wonderful memories of Tracy with her daughter.


Episode 9 - The Truth About Dad

Jeremy grew up an only child in a household headed by his grandmother, where he was told conflicting stories by his grandmother, aunt and mother about his father's identity. Now, years later, Jeremy wants to meet his dad, and seeks Troy's help in locating him. Along the way, Troy must wade through the various rumors and stories that have been told about Jeremy's father to find out whether they are true, or whether there is another reason for his estrangement.


Episode 10 - A Mother's Peace of Mind

Cindy Ruff knows what it's like to be on both sides of adoption. As a child, she was given up by her young mother and placed into an adoptive family's loving home. At 18, Cindy herself became pregnant, and made the tough choice to give up her first-born son. Heartbroken as she was, Cindy wanted to give him the same gift of a two-parent home that she had received. Though some called her selfish, she felt that wanting the best for her child was the most unselfish thing she could have done. Now, 22 years later, not a day goes by that Cindy doesn't wonder what has become of her son. She asks herself the same question as many women who give up a child: "Did I make the right choice?" Only Cindy's son can answer this haunting question. Will Troy be able to reunite them?


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