The Locator

The Locator Season 4 Episodes

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Season 4 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - A Mother's Secret & A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Throughout Dawn Ha's childhood she has always wondered what became of her father, whom she lovingly called "Apple Daddy." Now, she is reaching out to Troy in the hopes that he can finally bring Dawn some closure. With so many questions and very few leads, will Troy be able unlock the mystery of "Apple Daddy's" disappearance? Maren owes a great deal of her happiness to her mother's unconditional love, which is why she will stop at nothing to find her mother's first born child - the big sister she never had. Even if Troy can find this adoptee, will she be willing to welcome her birth family into her life?


Episode 2 - Righting a Wrong

Nikki discovers that her Dad is not, in fact, her biological father, and contacts Troy in the hopes that he can find her birth father.


Episode 3 - A Life Comes Full Circle

When Tiffanie Canada lost both of her parents, Debra Russ was the first to step in to give her a home. Now, Tiffanie wants to repay Debra for all the love and support she has given her over the past few years. At the age of 16, Debra became pregnant by her 19 year old boyfriend and was given no choice by her mother but to give up her daughter. Will Troy be able to help Tiffanie in her quest to re-unite Debra with her biological daughter?


Episode 4 - My Two Dads

18 years ago, Elaine Romero suffered a tragic loss when her father took his own life in their family home, leaving behind no explanation. While still reeling in the shock and pain of his death, she made a heartbreaking phone call to inform her father’s best friend, Otis Turner, of the tragic news. It would be the last conversation she would have with a man who had been like a second father to her. Elaine is reaching out to Troy in hopes that he can help find Otis and bring him back to a family who has felt his absence.


Episode 5 - A Daughter's Gift

When sisters Whitney and Brittany learned about the child their mother gave up for adoption as a teenager, they made it their mission to find the brother that could heal their mother’s heart. Whitney and Brittany want to make their family complete. Will Troy be able to help these daughters give their mother the gift of a lifetime?


Episode 6 - Separated But Not Forgotten

At 16 years of age, Timothy Graefe learned that he was adopted and had a twin sister. Tim is on a mission to be reunited with his twin. After exhausting all of his resources, Tim hopes that Troy could be the helping hand that finally brings him together with the missing part of his family.


Episode 7 - A Daughter’s Last Hope

After 27 years, Leticia Schaub has yet to give up the hope of finding her father, Gilbert. She was only 2 years old when her parents divorced, and when her father’s presence in her life began to diminish. Leticia has always rationalized her father’s reasons for leaving, but even after a 30 year absence, Leticia is ready to forgive, if it means the chance to have her father back in her life.


Episode 8 - A Soldier’s Fight for Truth

In July of 2008, Aaron Loudenburg and his wife Kristen experienced a profound event that would not only change their life, but intensify Aaron's need to find his biological father. Now, Kristen and Aaron are contacting Troy in hopes that he can give Aaron the chance to find out why his father left and never looked back.


Episode 9 - Desperate Mothers

Two women seek their mothers who left them when they were children. Jennifer's mother fled an abusive marriage leaving her and her sisters behind to suffer at the hands of her father. She never returned for them and Jennifer wants to know why. Shelly grew up knowing she was adopted, but could never understand why she was given away. Both women have enlisted the Locator to help them find their mothers and hopefully answers to the questions that have been plaguing them for most of their lives.


Episode 10 - Quest for Redemption

Three teens search for their mother after she abandoned them to their father six years before. When their parents divorced, the children initially stayed with their mother, who soon succumbed to drug and alcohol abuse. Social services placed them with their father in another state. Sporadic phone calls from their mother eventually stopped. Heartbroken the children never gave up hope she would return. Now years later, the now teenagers have enlisted the Locator's help to find their mother. They don't know if she is dead or alive.


Episode 11 - A Father's Daughter

A father's death spurs the search for a mysterious half-sister given up for adoption when she was an infant. Fueled by grief, Erin enlists the Locator to find her long lost sister. The sister was the product of an affair her father had with another woman. At the age of 13, Erin finds papers detailing her half-sister's existence while snooping in her mother's things. It was a secret her father would take to his grave, but one that Erin is now desperate to unearth because she feels her half-sister is the only living connection to her dead father. By reuniting with her half-sister, Erin hopes she can fill the emptiness in her life and heart created by her father's death.


Episode 12 - A Daughter's Disappearance

Carina Javier was told her mother left when she was two years old, but given the circumstances of her childhood she is no longer certain that was the case. Born in the United States, her father suddenly uprooted her and brought her to the Philippines where she lived until she was seven years old. Conflicting stories from family members also lent to her suspicions that perhaps her mother didn't leave at all. Twenty six years later, Carina has enlisted The Locator to help her find her mother once and for all.


Episode 13 - A Son's Promise

At the age of nine, Steven Dye promised his dying mother he would find the sister he had never met. Her name was Pamela and she had been taken by her father before Steven was born. With only her name and a baby picture, Steven set out to find his sister. But over 30 years later, countless hours of searching has turned up nothing but disappointment and dead ends. Steven reaches out to The Locator in hopes he will be able to accomplish what he could not. Little does Steven know, time is running out to fulfill his promise.


Episode 14 - Childhood Pursuit

39-year old Kelly McBridge Piechota has lost two mothers in her life. Her birth mother gave her up for adoption at birth and her adoptive mother died when she was 15-years old. Kelly was told she was adopted at six years old. It ignited her desire to find out who she was. When her adoptive mother lost her battle with ovarian cancer it fueled Kelly's search for her biological mother. However, her search has hit a roadblock because hers was a closed adoption. Attorneys have told her to drop her inquiry, so Kelly has turned to The Locator for help. But in a twist of fate, Troy doesn't have to look too far before he finds her.


Episode 15 - Big Sister's Homecoming

A young woman searches for her older half sister. After their father died, Sara disappeared. The only connection to her older sister now long gone, Bridget enlists The Locator to help find her missing sibling.


Episode 16 - Bittersweet Reunion

A woman searches for her biological mother and brother nearly 30 years after being given up for adoption. Kim enlists The Locator to help her find the family she has yearned to know all her life. While Kim has always known she had an older brother, her existence comes as a surprise to him. But the reunion is bittersweet as it comes too late for one family member.


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